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5 Reasons Your Pet Needs Insurance
You insure your home, your house, yourself and your family. But did you know that there’s another family member you need to look out for? Just like you find yourself suddenly sick and in need of a doctor, your pets will too. Don’t let the health of your furry friend to come down to what you can afford.
The Scottish Fold is a domestic cat that originated from Scotland. This cat breed has a natural gene mutation which causes its ears to fold back. The very first Scottish Fold cat was a barn cat named Susie and was born in Scotland, in 1961.
Brief History
The Scottish Fold domestic cat came about when Susie, a barn cat, had kittens and two of them had folded ears like Susie. William Ross, a farmer became a cat parent to one of them and registered the breed with the Governing Council of the Cat Fancy (GCCF) in 1966. Ross started a breeding program with the help of a geneticist, Pat Turner. This resulted in 76 kittens, 42 of which were born with folded ears. To this day, all Scottish Fold cats share a common ancestry with Susie.
Physical Features
The Scottish Fold kitten is born with straight ears which will fold at around 21 day. This gives them an “owl-like” look. Those that do not develop an ear fold are named “Straights.” Fun fact: the first Scottish Folds originally only had one ear fold! Today they have a double or triple crease due to selective breeding. This causes the ear to lie close to the head. This breed has a large round head, with large, round eyes. Their whisker pads are round, and their cheeks are full. This adds to the notorious facial roundness of the Scottish Fold. While their ears are folded, they’re still able to swivel, lie back, and perk up to listen.
The Fold’s nose is short, and has a slight curve. They typically have a medium-sized, round build body with medium-to-short sized legs. Their heads are dome-shaped and they typically have short necks. Folds’ eyes are broadly spaced which adds to their sweet expression. The Scottish Fold has many different short-haired and long-haired coloring options. Short-haired Folds have dense and fluffy fur, with long-haired Folds have thinner, more majestic fur. Long-haired Folds are also called the Highland Fold.
Average Height:
10 to 12 inches
Average Weight:
8 to 13 pounds
Life Expectancy:
10 to 15 years
The Scottish Fold is a sweet and calm cat breed. This cat breed does well with people, gentle dogs, other cats, and animals. This cat breed enjoys standing on their hind legs to peer at the world. The Scottish Fold is a relaxed and gentle cat breed that enjoys human companionship. The Scottish Fold tends to prefer a quiet environment that is environmentally stimulating — so make sure you provide plenty of cat toys.
The Scottish Fold cat
Special Needs
Scottish Folds are a wonderfully easy cat breed to live with, but they do need mental stimulation and will get bored when alone for long periods of time. This cat breed gets bored when alone for long periods of time. Consider getting them a friend if you’re out at work all day! Exercising your Scottish Fold may be more challenging, yet cat parents can do so by purchasing certain cats toys to promote exercise.
Possible Health Concerns
The Scottish Fold is a healthy and moderately active cat breed that may be susceptible to the following health conditions:
Polycystic Kidney Disease. This occurs when the polycystic kidney has numerous cysts within the functioning part of the kidney resulting in enlarged kidneys. Consult with your veterinarian if your cat vomits frequently, has a decreased appetite, and increased thirst or urination.
Osteochondrodysplasia: (OCD) This is a developmental abnormality that affects bone and cartilage in the Scottish Fold cat breeds. All folded breeds are affected by OCD. OCD is the reason the ear folds in this cat breed. It can also affect the limbs, and cause distortion with extreme pain and arthritis. OCD has been seen as early as 8 weeks in kittens, and continues throughout a cat’s life. Symptoms are chronic pain and lameness. Consult with your veterinarian.
The Scottish Fold cat breed needs daily exercise combined with plenty of mental stimulation through active play and interaction with people.
Wet food is often recommended by veterinarians because cats don’t drink a lot of water and tend to get dehydrated without realizing it. Consult with your veterinarian for the best dietary advice for your Scottish Fold!
The Scottish Fold cat
The Scottish Fold needs daily grooming to remove shedding hair. This coat is easy to groom, because it is short and dense. Curry brushes help with grooming, and will remove dead hair and debris from your cat’s coat. Ears should be checked weekly for cleanliness and sensitivity. If there is a buildup of wax and dirt, bacteria can lead to an ear infection. Consult with your veterinarian about safe and gentle ear cleaning techniques. Nail trimming is necessary every few weeks. Eyes should also be cleaned gently every morning with cotton wool or a soft wipe. Each eye should be cleaned with different wipes or cotton balls to avoid eye infection contamination in both eyes.
Scottish Folds are affectionate cats and make wonderful, loving companions. These cats are docile, and adapt easily to new environments. It’s the Scottish Fold’s easygoing temperament that makes them so popular with cat owners.
The Labrador Retriever is one of the most popular dog breeds. Dogs in this breed are high-energy, intelligent, and social. This breed is a sporting dog, and originated in Newfoundland, first dubbed St. John’s Water dog.
Brief History
The first record of this breed was in Newfoundland in the 1700’s. They were brought to England in the early 1800’s. Some think they were bred from the Greater Newfoundland dog or the French St. Hubert’s dog.
This breed of dog was known for enjoying retrieving, originally with English fisherman in Newfoundland. The fisherman would use them to retrieve fish that had fallen off their hooks, or bring fishing lines in through the water. This made them good hunting dogs. The name Labrador was introduced in 1887 by the Earl of Malmesbury.
Physical Features
Labs come in three colors: black, yellow, or chocolate, with black being the most popular. They have large, stocky bodies. Their coats are dense and short, and repel water and dirt.
Average Height:
22-24 inches
Average Weight:
55-79 lbs
Life Expectancy:
10-15 years
Labrador Retrievers are extremely social, and will want to play quite frequently. They’re fast learners and bond quickly when given attention. They have gentle dispositions, are easy to get along with, and are known to be loyal.
Labs are ideal family dogs, sporting dogs, and therapy dogs. They are obedient with proper training, and their favorite activities are swimming and retrieving (naturally).
Special Needs
Regular exercise is incredibly important for Labrador Retrievers in your family, not only because they are high energy dogs and love to play, but also because they are susceptible to weight gain if they’re sedentary. Labs also have a tendency to push themselves to the limit of their physical abilities, and can overheat in warm weather.
While they are good outdoor dogs, this breed prefers to live inside with their human companions.
Possible Health Concerns
A common health concern for Labrador Retrievers is obesity. Healthy dogs will have an hourglass shape. Other conditions they are susceptible to include:
Patellar Luxation. This happens when the dog’s patella is dislocated. Treatment involves surgery.
Canine Hip Dysplasia (CHD). When the ball and socket of the hip joint are malformed and grind against each other instead of moving smoothly. Treatment could be outpatient but it could also involve surgery.
Osteochondritis Dissecans (OCD). When cartillege in a joint is damaged. Treatment could involve surgery.
Labrador Retrievers are highly active, and you’ll need enough space in your home and yard for them to run around. They’ll go on runs or play fetch. You won’t want them to get bored, because they can become temperamental and even be destructive.
Labs need a lot of exercise, and especially love swimming, in any type of water. While young, you’ll need to watch them in the water, but over time they’ll gain confidence.
Each Labrador Retriever is different, and may need different nutritional needs. It’s best to consult with your veterinarian. Since this breed is prone to obesity, monitor their food consumption.
Due to their dense coats, Labs will need to be combed weekly if not daily. They also shed, so watch out for your carpets! Their coats are resistant to water and also dirt, so brushing is mostly for shedding maintenance and to keep them looking healthy. They’ll need regular nail trimming and ear cleaning as well.
Labrador Retrievers are high-energy, loyal, family dogs who love attention and being involved in family activities. Know that when you adopt, you’ll have to put the time in to train them, but your efforts will be rewarded!
Bugs As Pets
For some, a bug in your house is no bad thing! In fact, in parts of the world like Japan, it’s just as common to keep an insect as a pet, as it is a cat or dog. What’s more, many in fact make great pets, that are educating for children, easy-to-keep and rewarding in many ways.
Part of the hairless cat breeds, the Sphynx draws human attention everywhere it goes. That’s great news, because Sphynx cats love human company and make great pets for city apartments and additions to homes with children.
Brief History
The Sphynx cat is a product of selective breeding in Canada during the 1960’s and are known for their almost dog-like personalities as well as famous hairlessness.
There are two types of the Sphynx breed: the American Sphynx and the European Sphynx. Both the European and American Sphynx groups are descended from two natural lines of mutation. The first line started in 1975 with the Pearson family’s dermis and epidermis barn cats and the second started in 1978 with two stray cats, Bambi and Punke, which were found in Toronto in Ontario, Canada.
Physical Features
The International Cat Association identifies the Sphynx as a unique cat breed with the following standards. They have a wedge-like head with high cheekbones. Their eyes are large and assume a lemon shape while their ears are also large with a soft down outside base and no inside hair. A Sphynx may or may not have whiskers and if present, these whiskers are either full or broken. Their necks are of medium length, well-muscled and powerful in build. Other unique features are: a barrel chest, torso of medium length, full and round abdomen, tapering tail with a whip like appearance and thick paw pads.
Average Height:
8-10 inches
Average Weight:
6-12 pounds
Life Expectancy:
12-16 years
Sphynx cats love attention and are generally very cheerful. They make great therapy pets being because of their loving disposition and constant smile. When not seeking or receiving attention, Sphynxes spend their time exploring their surroundings. While doing this, they are often very lively, energetic and curious.
sphynx cat
Special Needs
Sphynxes are highly social cats that can make a family out of anything. Because of this, they hate being locked away or put in enclosures that limit their freedom to move about. If you need to be away for long periods of time, consider adopting a friend for your Sphynx to play with.
Possible Health Concerns
The Bombay is a healthy and moderately active cat breed that may be susceptible to the following health conditions:
The Sphynx is a generally healthy cat breed, however they remain vulnerable to various diseases common to both mixed-breed and pedigreed cats. Sphynx owners should be on the lookout for: Urticaria pigmentosa and Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy.
Sphynxs are energetic and love to spend most of their time involved in an activity. They play well with children and fellow pets and also excel in brain teaser games such as puzzle toys. Because of this, an exercise routine schedule isn’t necessary. However you can spare some time to walk with your Sphynx and play a game or two.
Sphynxs should do well with high nutrition cat food both home prepared or commercially manufactured. They love fruit as treats, but make sure to only give those with lots of fiber and vitamins such as apples. Clean water should also be available for them to drink and remain hydrated.
Despite having a hairless body, the Sphynx’s coat and skin needs as much care as hairy cats. Wash your Sphynx on a weekly basis using a mild moisturizing shampoo or baby shampoo and keep the skin moisturized with scent free oil or lotion. Bathing the Sphynx from a tender age will teach it to accept baths and get more used to water. Brushing the Sphynx’s teeth helps prevent it from developing periodontal disease.
sphynx cat breed
The Dachshund originated during the sixteenth century and is believed to be related to the Basset Hound and a terrier breed. The word “Dachshund” is German and means “badger dog,” since they were bred to dig into badger dens to force the animals out. Their bodies are low and bred especially for underground work.
Brief History
Dachshunds of different sizes were bred to hunt different a wide spectrum of animals ranging from badgers to wild boar — especially when the pursuit took place in burrows. The breed’s loud bark allowed for his pet parent to locate him underground easily. Today the Dachshund is still used for hunting, as well as companionship.
Physical Features
This breed is compact with a long, muscular body. With a wedge-shaped head, super soft long drop ears, a deep chest and long tail, this breed can be either miniature or standard in size. They have very short legs with three types of coats: long and silky, short and smooth, or long and wiry. The color can either be red or cream, black, chocolate, blue, or fawn with tan. The Dachshund has a long back with elastic-like skin and is extremely well-balanced despite their short legs.
Average Height:
11-13 inches
Average Weight:
16-32 pounds (Standard Dachshund)
Under 11 pounds (Miniature Dachshund)
Life Expectancy:
12-16 years
These dogs are incredibly intelligent, active, playful, and love affection. They are outgoing, friendly, and fun to have around. This pup does well with apartment living and plenty of socialization.
Special Needs
This breed is prone to weight problems, so pet parents should always monitor closely. Unhealthy weight gain will quickly lead to strain on the back and legs. It’s hard to resist affectionate Dachshunds begging at the dinner table, but be sure to feed only healthy foods.
Possible Health Concerns
This is an active dog breed that may be susceptible to the following:
Bloat. This pup is deep-chested and thus more prone to this life threatening condition. Bloat is caused by the twisting of the stomach combined with the accumulation of gas with or without fluid. Stress is also a major factor in causing bloat. Never feed your pup a large meal followed by exercise. At the first signs of dry vomiting, restlessness and discomfort, contact your emergency veterinarian immediately.
Epilepsy. Epilepsy is an inherited disease that causes seizures.
Hyperthyroidism. This is a deficiency of the thyroid hormone and can cause weight gain, as well as constipation and cold sensitivity.
Intervertebral Disc Disease. 25% of Dachshunds will suffer from damage to the discs of their spines at some stage of their lives. This causes severe pain and can lead to spine damage and paralysis.
The Dachshund needs regular exercise every day to maintain strong back muscles and keep a healthy weight. They should never be allowed to run up and down steps or to jump off furniture. This breed enjoys being indoors with their pet parent.
Higher-quality dog food is recommended for Dachshunds. Don’t underestimate the importance of a well-balanced diet for this small and short breed. Consult with your veterinarian for the very best nutritional advice.
Dachshunds don’t shed much. They also don’t have much body odor. Grooming varies depending on their coat type. Longhaired Dachshunds may need daily grooming. Wirehaired Dachshunds will need to be plucked or stripped throughout the year. Eyebrow, beard and nail trimming is needed regularly, along with good dental hygiene.
The Dachshund is an easy breed to adopt. They are sensitive, affectionate and independent, but don’t like harshness or loud noises. That said, the Dachshund does need regular socialization and positive dog training during puppyhood.
The Dachshund is an easy breed to adopt. They are sensitive, affectionate and independent, but don’t like harshness or loud noises. That said, the Dachshund does need regular socialization and positive dog training during puppyhood.
The Birman is a well composed cat with a sweet, tolerant and friendly nature. Also known as the sacred cats of Burma, this breed has very ancient origins which still remain unknown to the world of cat fanciers, standards and federations. Today’s Birman makes an excellent therapy pet suitable for families with children.
Brief History
There are many stories on the history of the Birman’s true origins. One common legend speaks of the Birman’s ancestors as holy cats that were kept at Mount Lugh temple in Burma. By early 20th century in around 1919 Birmans were introduced in France which became the first country in Europe to host this breed. European Cat fanciers visiting France from England and Germany took this breed back home and within no time the Birman grew quite popular amongst European households. Its migration from Europe to Australia was the next forthcoming step and from this country together with France, Germany and England, the Birman made its way into American soil.
Physical Features
The Birman is of medium size and has a round face with full cheeks. The ears are small while the oval shaped eyes are blue in color. Within their medium size is a strongly built body covered in a coat of lush and silky fur which feels soft when touched.
Average Height:
8-10 inches
Average Weight:
8-12 pounds
Life Expectancy:
13-15 years
The Birman is friendly, highly social, self-assured and outgoing. Birmans are confident in familiar environments however their curiosity always leads them to a trail that they must explore. A strange environment is captivating to this cat and they’ll spend more time roaming about. If provoked or afraid a Birman will always glare at the source of provocation or fear before turning back to seek the comfort and reassurance of its owner.
Birman cat breed
Special Needs
The Birman cat is a gentle yet loyal breed that doesn’t like being left alone and always adores human company. If its owners are away, it will go to the nearest possible human company known or not known to them. This is a breed that participates in activities but not in an overly excited manner. Giving your pet Birman the freedom to explore its environment is crucial as they don’t like being put on a leash or behind closed doors for long periods.
Possible Health Concerns
As with all cat breeds both mixed-breed or pedigreed, Birmans are vulnerable to certain genetic disorders as well as health conditions. Breeders are advised to carefully screen their breeding stock for these health issues: Congenital hypotrichosis, Corneal dermoid, Spongiform degeneration, kittens born trembling or shaking and unusually high concentrations of creatinine or urea in the blood.
Being curious cats, Birmans leave this nature for their passionate explorations rather than exercise. They exhibit moderate energy levels that requires little play and activity. Routine exercise doesn’t move this breed and if you want to instill this ideal you need to use positive methods that entice its curiosity. Exercise time should be adhered to strictly so your cat stays in good shape.
Birmans love feeding time more than any other time. During exercise, you can use treats to motivate this cat and make it livelier.
The Birman’s long and lush coat doesn’t matt easily and requires minimal maintenance. They love to be washed and brushed making this grooming routine enjoyable to them and their owners. Its dense coat sheds but lightly so during this time its always ideal to brush the coat regularly and keep any loose dead hairs out.
The Miniature Pinscher has been around for hundreds of years and is even older than the Doberman, though not related. It is believed that the Min-Pin was originally breed to be a ratter, but quickly became one of Europe’s favorite Toy dog breeds. Their quirky natures also make them very popular in the U.S.
Brief History
The Miniature Pinscher was bred around 1895 and is a part of the AKC/UKC, Toy Dog Group. Historians believe that the Min-Pin is a cross of the Dachshund and the Italian Greyhound. The German Pinscher was also crossed in at some point, though WWI slowed its development. Once the war concluded, German dog breeders and dog fanciers continued breeding the Miniature Pinscher. The Min-Pin arrived in the U.S in the 1920’s. Although the Min-Pin is a small dog breed, they make highly capable watch dogs.
Physical Features
The Min-Pin is a well-balanced, sturdy, and small dog breed. This dog breed has a compact and muscular wedge-shaped body. With a narrow, tapering head and a flat skull, the Min-Pin has a strong muzzle. Their heads are well-balanced with a black nose. Chocolate-colored Min-Pins typically have a brown nose to match. This pup’s eyes are alert, oval-shaped and so brown that they’re almost black. Ears may be cropped or natural. The Min-Pin has a short, smooth and straight coat. Coloring is either red, stag red (red with black mixed in), black with rust markings, or chocolate with rust markings.
The Min-Pin always looks well-groomed. This dog breed has a hackney-type movement that is high-reaching, and a free and easy gait. The tail and head are always carried high. The Min-Pin has total self-confidence, and is also a fearless, athletic dog breed.
Average Height:
10-12 inches
Average Weight:
8-10 pounds
Life Expectancy:
12-15 years
miniature pinscher
The vigorous and fearless Miniature Pinscher is a proud, alert, and well-groomed breed. They typically are extremely confident with tremendous spirit and may seem arrogant to other dogs. This breed may be wary of strangers and is sometimes aggressive with other dogs.
The Min-Pin will be combative if provoked. This dog breed does well with positive dog training and socialization starting at puppyhood. That said, dog parents need to protect this super confident little guy from larger dogs.
The Min-Pin does well with apartment living. Additionally, this spirited dog breed enjoys being indulged, and is very popular when visiting bookstores and cafes. The Min-Pin does well with all the attention he gets when out and about. They make spirited, loyal family additions.
Special Needs
The Min-Pin makes a wonderful active and alert companion dog, but definitely needs plenty of socialization starting the first four weeks of puppyhood. They may occasionally have aggressive tendencies towards strangers and other animals, so the sooner this breed starts with socialization and positive training, the better. Although you may think that because this dog breed is small, this is a laid back dog breed, keep in mind that the Min-Pin’s original purpose was for ratting. This dog breed is amenable to city living, but must have daily walks and trips to the local dog park. The Min-Pin often makes for a wonderful travel companion. This breed should always be supervised around children, as they tend to be short-tempered.
Min-Pin pups that have been socialized early tend to be more relaxed later on in life in different environmental situations. They also are more tolerant of children, other animals, and people. The more socialization and positive training your Min-Pin gets, the nicer they’ll be.
Children should also learn not to disturb the Min-Pin when eating, not to carry him around or be aggressive. This dog breed generally prefers adults to children and does well with a relaxed environment. That said, the Min-Pin is prone to separation anxiety when left alone. This breed may also be difficult to housetrain, especially male Min-Pins.
The Min-Pin has a high prey drive and may be possessive over food and dog toys. They love affection and benefit from a lot of TLC.
Possible Health Concerns
Cervical Dry Disk: This is a common neurological problem found in Min-Pins. Cervical disk disease results in the loss of flexibility in the intervertebral disk. The discs no longer act as shock absorbers. Symptoms include stiff head and neck, severe muscle spasms and possible paralysis.
Patellar Luxation: This is typically congenital in Toy breeds like the Min-Pin, and may occur at the same time as other limb abnormalities. It is caused by the abnormal development of the kneecap(patella). X-rays will aid in seeing the severity of the displacement.
Legg-Calve- Perthes Disease: This is the deterioration of the top of the femur (femoral head), and is seen in Toy and smaller dog breeds. It is characterized by a lack of blood supply, and the destruction of blood vessels of the bone. Some symptoms may include hindlimb lameness, loss of muscle in the thighs, and pain when moving the hip joint. Treatment involves surgery.
Epilepsy: This is an inherited disease that causes seizures.
Hypothyroidism a deficiency of the thyroid hormone and can cause weight gain in dogs, as well as constipation and cold sensitivity. Treatment typically involves thyroid hormone supplementation.
Canine Mucopolysaccaridoses: The Min-Pin is especially prone to this. It is a group of metabolic disorders that are caused by an accumulation of glycosaminoglycans or mucopolysaccharides. Symptoms may include severe bone disease, dwarfism, degenerative joint disease, and eye cloudiness.
The Miniature Pinscher is a sturdy and headstrong little fellow and needs to be walked regularly to avoid cabin fever. This breed tends to bark a lot, and will become demanding if he’s left alone too often. That said, this breed learns very fast, so don’t let bad habits set in. The Min-Pin does well with frequent visits to the dog park and running off leash.
If this breed is not exercised properly, it may become aggressive and very rowdy. Long hikes, walks, canine surfing, and obedience classes are great for this loyal and alert pup. The Mini-Pin wants nothing more than to be with their pet parent.
The Min-Pin does well on a high-quality dog food. If you’re opting for home-prepared dog food, consult with your veterinarian first. All dog food diets should have the approval of a veterinarian. Smaller dog breeds tend to pick up weight easily and are prone to being overweight.
The Lagotto Romagnolo
The Min-Pin is a low maintenance dog breed with minimal grooming required. Daily combing with a soft brush is all that’s needed. Consult with your veterinarian as to the healthiest flea and tick products. Your Min-Pin will need to be bathed weekly. With so many natural dog shampoos and conditioners available today, make sure that you use one that is appropriate for your Min-Pin’s skin and coat. Tearless shampoos work well. Some sensitive Min-Pin’s may not do well with scented products and may only be able to tolerate hypoallergenic products.
Min-Pin’s require monthly pedicures. If you’re not comfortable doing this, consult with a professional dog groomer or veterinarian. The Min-Pin’s ears also need to be regularly cleaned. This can be done by wiping a cotton ball or canine wipe, moistened with a canine ear cleaner, inside the ear. To prevent chronic gum disease, brush your Min-Pin’s teeth every morning. Professional dental cleanings are recommended twice a year.