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Sunday, October 12, 2014, marked the first day of National Veterinary Technician Week. Veterinary Technicians are dedicated animal hospital professionals, who provide the ultimate care for your four-legged friends, your pets. They perform a multitude of tasks around any animal hospital to enhance the health and welfare of your special family member.
Pet Adoption: Important Questions to Ask Before Adopting a Pet
Family pets can be procured from several sources including purchasing a pet from a pet store or a private breeder. One can also adopt a pet from an animal shelter, pet adoption center or rescue organization. Families who choose to add a pet are well advised to first seek out a perfect match from a local animal shelter or pet adoption center. Historically, animal shelters have been given a bad reputation in the discussion of where to find the perfect pet. Those myths are dated and have been largely dispelled at most municipal government animal shelters, foundation supported shelters and adoption centers. Many shelters today have full time veterinary services, so pets are examined and receive the necessary treatments as soon as they are admitted to the shelters and before the adoption process begins. There is usually a 3 to 4 day waiting period to check the health, disposition and adoptability of a specific animal before it is placed up for adoption. This is a standard procedure unless a pet is brought in by his or her owner to be put up for adoption. Typically, animals must be given vaccinations, be cleaned, groomed and spayed or neutered before they are allowed to be taken from the shelter for adoption. Additionally, most shelters require an identification microchip be inserted under the skin as a form of permanent identification. It’s possible to place a “hold” on a specific pet, while he or she undergoes the necessary preparations for adoption. Of course, payment for adoption fees must be settled before the animal is taken from the adoption center.
Whether you’re moving to a different street, different state or different country – your pets will likely travel along with you. Aside from the hassles that come with moving, you’ll need to consider how you move your pet safely and as stress-free as possible. Here are a few handy things you need to know for when it comes time to move with your pets.
How to Keep Different Types of Pet Spiders
Although not for everyone, many children and adults enjoy raising spiders, also known as arachnids, as pets. Pet tarantulas and wolf spider pets are interesting to observe and are the two most popular types of spiders kept as pets.
One of the world’s most popular dogs, the Poodle enjoys the limelight. Experts describe the Poodle as clever, elegant, and proud. Tucked behind the impressive hairdos, fancy ribbons, and regal attitude is an affectionate friend and winner among dogs.
Brief History
The Poodle has a rich history that dates back to the first century. No one is certain of its origin. Its earliest ancestors were curly-coated dogs from central Asia. The curly-coated type extended into Hungary, France, and Russia, and was known as the Barbet. In France, the Poodle is believed to be a crossbreed of the Barbet and a Hungarian water dog. It is referred to as the “chien canard” or “caniche”, for its duck hunting prowess. But the dog is so versatile that it found work as a guide dog, military dog, and a circus performer. So adored was the poodle that it became enshrined as the national breed of France.
But the German strain is the type that most influenced the dog we see today. In Germany, it is known as “Pudelhund”. The name is a combination phrase, “Pudel” meaning, “to splash about”, and “hunt”, or “hound”.
European history has seen Poodle depictions in painting and drawings dating back to the 15th century. In Spain, this breed became extremely popular during the 18th century through artists such as Francisco Goya.
The Poodle comes in 3 sizes: Toy, Miniature and Standard. The Standard poodle holds the claim to being the original version, with the other two varieties bred down for the ease of household companionship. In the late 19th century, fanciers began exhibiting the poodle in the show ring. Its iconic haircut was thought to have started as a hunting clip, with hair left longer to protect its joints from the cold. But the accentuated height and fluff were probably further exaggerated for the circus performers.
Physical Features
The Poodle is square, standing as tall as his body is long. He has a long nose, a full muzzle, dark eyes, and long, pendulous ears. The tail is usually cropped. A true sporting dog, his body is muscular and athletic. His coat is his glory; it comes in many colors including bi-color. The hair is thick and notoriously curly, although groomers will blow it straight and hand-scissor it for the legendary haircut.
The registry recognizes three sizes.
Average Height:
Toy: Under 10 inches
Miniature: 10-15 inches
Standard: Over 15 inches
Average Weight:
Toy: 5-7 pounds
Miniature: 10-20 pounds
Standard: 45-70 pounds
Life Expectancy:
10-15 years
The Poodle is among the smartest of all dogs. This breed is a brilliant student and adept at nearly any kind of task. His personality is one of fun and happy energy, filled with humor and bounce.
Special Needs
Being a curly-coated dog, the Poodle will need regular grooming. The dog can be prone to ear infections unless the hair is pulled from the inner ear.
Possible Health Concerns
Poodles can be fragile, especially the toy variety. Some of the ailments that plague the breed are:
Heart disease
Cushing’s disease
Addison’s disease
Gastric dilation-volvulus/bloat
Hip dysplasia
Eye disorders
Sebaceous adenitis
Depending on the size of the dog, exercise needs will vary. But all poodles need a fair amount of aerobic workout on a regular basis.
Poodles thrive on a balanced diet of proteins, carbohydrates, and fat. Carbohydrates provide them with the energy needed to stay active while proteins and fat support their lean muscle health, build and repair their immune system as well as the central nervous system. Proteins should make up a huge part of their diet since they make their coats and skins glow.
The Poodle’s grooming needs are best addressed by a professional, although some owners like to let their dog grow out curly and woolly. To that end, be sure to have a veterinarian inspect the ears, cut the toenails, and drain the anal glands regularly.
Here are some more poodle resources:
Poodle Lovers Post: History of the Poodle
AKC.org: Dog Breeds: Poodle
Pets are loyal buddies. They don’t only provide companionship and friendship, they also provide security and they work as guides for the sick, elderly and the physically-challenged among others. Your pet can only remain healthy and in prime shape when they enjoy a healthy body and a stable mind.
The Whippet originated from the U.K and is part of the UKC, Sighthound Group and the AKC Hound Group. This breed first came about more than 100 years ago and was bred in the late 19th century. Initially used for racing, these dogs are great in track running over short distances and can reach high speeds in seconds. They were named the “poor man’s racehorse,” because they were used for gambling in the U.K. by the working class.
Brief History
This lightning-fast sprinter dog breed is a smaller version of the Greyhound. During Victorian times, miners enjoyed dog racing and rabbit hunting, but found Greyhounds to be expensive in their upkeep. To solve this, they bred a smaller version, resulting in the Whippet.
This is the fastest breed of its size and can run up to 35 miles per hour. It is believed that this breed descended from a cross of various terriers, Greyhounds, Italian Greyhounds and possibly Pharaoh Hounds. The name is thought to have been derived from “Whappet,” an old word that means small dog that makes a lot of noise. This breed was recognized by the AKC in 1888 and by the English Kennel Club in 1891. They enjoys hunting, racing, agility, sighting, and lure coursing.
Physical Features
The Whippet is a medium-sized dog that is elegant and muscular. Their length is typically equal to, or slightly longer than, their height. With a long, narrow head and a powerful, long muzzle, the Whippet has a black nose and small ears. This breed also has a long neck, with a long tapered tail. Their coats are smooth, short, and in a wide range of colors. This breed has a keen and alert expression with a smooth, muscular and strength. Their hindquarters are long and powerful.
Average Height:
18-22 inches
Average Weight:
20-28 pounds
Life Expectancy:
12-15 years
This is a friendly and amiable dog breed that enjoys people and other animals. This breed does well with children. Although the Whippet has a pronounced prey instinct, when positively trained, they can be one of the easiest breeds to live with. This pup is capable of great speeds when running and is totally focused when doing so. They do best with lots of exercise with a fenced and secure garden or backyard. This is a very sensitive dog breed that needs tons of positive reinforcement and does well with lots of attention and affection.
Special Needs
This athletic dog breed does well with plenty of off-leash exercise. Early socialization with other dogs, people and animals is recommended. Puppy training classes help overcome any shyness issues. That said, the Whippet is sensitive, active and playful. This breed does well with an active family and enjoys most canine sporting activities. In fact, this bred excels at many of them. They also enjoy lounging on beds and couches.
Positive dog training for this breed needs to be consistent, yet one needs to take sensitivity and intelligence into consideration, and not break their playful spirit with unnecessary reprimands.
Attentive and experienced pet parents are recommended. These dogs do well with either country or city living, as long as they gets the right amount of exercise. This breed’s skin is very thin, and needs to be protected from cold or from vegetation that may cause skin lacerations. Weight needs to be maintained in this breed. They need to live indoors with their thin body frame. Be sure to have a plush dog bed nearby.
Possible Health Concerns
This is a healthy and active dog breed that may be susceptible to the following:
Cardiac Diseases: Mitral Valve Disease (MVD) is common in Whippets. Soft systolic hear murmurs are common in dogs that perform in athletic training. Consult with your veterinarian for advice.
Cancer: Older dogs may be predisposed to osteosarcoma, lymphosarcoma, mastocytoma, melanoma, histiosarcoma, and hemangiosarcoma. Canine cancer is on the rise. Consult with your veterinarian regarding any changes in your elderly dog. Feed a healthy natural high-quality diet.
Hypothyroidism is a deficiency of the thyroid hormone, and can cause weight gain in this breed, as well as constipation, and cold sensitivity.
This dog breed needs regular exercise and plenty of off-leash runs.
Don’t allow for young Whippets to play with larger dogs. All pups enjoy playing so much that they forget how big other dogs really are. Make sure to protect your puppy from injury when they’re playing with other dogs. This breed also needs protecting from skin lacerations if outside, or with other dogs.
Whippets are usually calm at home, but have explosive energy when at the dog park. This breed needs to have long supervised runs. Be forewarned: puppies can climb and jump over garden fences easily. Lure coursing and agility are favorite canine sports for this breed. They are athletic, fast and have tremendous energy. That said, a well-trained and well-exercised Whippet makes for a well-balanced dog that is a pleasure to have at home. They don’t do well in the cold and must be protected from low temperatures in winter months.
This breed does well on a high-quality dog food. If you’re opting for home-prepared dog food, consult with your veterinarian first. The Whippet has a tendency to metabolize food quickly and lose weight, so make sure you’re attentive to their appetite. At the same time, make sure to watch their weight.
Look for high-quality ingredients such as whole meats, fruits, vegetables, and grains, and take heed of different macronutrients like proteins, fats, and carbs.
The Whippet has almost no odor and is a clean breed. This dog breed needs minimal grooming maintenance, and is easy to groom. Weekly bathing, together with everyday grooming help keep skin free of dirt and healthy. Nails need to be trimmed as needed. This breed needs to be brushed every day, and also needs to have daily dental brushing, and ear cleanings.
The Whippet is a popular breed because of its size and friendly personality. That said, be sure to have your home well prepared. Secure fencing is a must! With their alert and intelligent personalities, Whippets escape easily, so new pet parents must be sure that all back gates are locked and the backyard is super safe.
This breed is sensitive, caring and needs lots of TLC. They are also easy to travel with and to take along on trips. They may be shy with strangers, but are gentle all round. Once Whippets have decided to chase something, there’s no stopping them. Off-leash runs need to take place somewhere safe like the dog park.
The British Shorthair is an ancient cat breed that originated from the U.K. It is thought that this cat breed dates as far back as the first century AD. Historians believed that the Egyptians took domesticated Egyptians cats to the U.K, resulting in the interbreeding of these cats with the European wildcat population.
Brief History
The British Shorthair was the only pedigreed cat breed at cat shows during the Victorian era. During WW1 and WW2, the British Shorthair almost vanished, but thanks to cat breeders in the U.K, this breed was kept alive. By 1967, the British Shorthair was recognized by the American Cat Association. The Cat Fancier Association recognized this breed in 1980. Today, all cat associations recognize the British Shorthair. This cat breed is renowned for its strength and hunting ability. Many are under the assumption that this cat breed is blue in color. The British Shorthair comes in various colors of which blue –grey or “British Blue” is the most popular.
Physical Features
The British Shorthair is a large cat breed with a broad chest. Their legs are strong with large paws. The tail is blunt-tipped, and of medium- length. With a round head, and large round eyes, the British Shorthair has a short muzzle and round cheeks.
The British Shorthair matures slowly, and will reach peak physical development at three years of age. This is a dimorphic cat breed, in which males are larger than the females. The coat is plush and thick with no undercoat. There are noticeable “crisp” hairlines that are raised when the British Shorthair walks or runs. Coat colors can be found in solid colors, colorpoint, tabby, shaded, and bicolor patterns.
Average Height:
12-14 inches
Average Weight:
8-14 pounds
Life Expectancy:
14-20 years
The British Shorthair is an intelligent cat breed that adapts easily to new surroundings, and enjoys being around people, even children. The British Shorthair gets along well with other animals like rabbits, dogs, other cats, and even horses. This breed tends to be clumsy, yet is moderately active. This is a kind and sweet-natured cat breed that is devoted to family. The British Shorthair does well with being an indoor cat.
british shorthair cat
Special Needs
The British Shorthair does best as an indoor cat. This breed thrives on affection, and plenty of cat toys. This breed is proud, and enjoys positive clicker training. It is non-aggressive with other cats. Eye tearing may be a problem with this cat breed. Inactive cats tend to pick up weight, and are prone to more medical conditions, like liver disease. Daily grooming needs to be a priority with this breed.
Exercising cats is more difficult than with dogs, yet cat parents can do so by purchasing certain cats toys to promote exercise.
Possible Health Concerns
Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy: This is a heart muscle disorder where the heart walls of the left ventricle thicken. Symptoms may include difficulty breathing, weakness or paralysis of the hind limbs. Fluid may also accumulate in the lungs, and in the space between the lungs and chest wall.
Gingivitis: This is when the gums become inflamed due to bacterial plaque. Gum color in cats will change from a light pink to red or purple. The gum edge wills well. Symptoms include bleeding and bad breath. This can be reversed with proper teeth cleaning. However it can worsen and result in periodontitis.
Polycystic Kidney Disease. This occurs when there are numerous cysts within the functioning part of the kidney, resulting in enlarged kidneys. Consult with your veterinarian if your cat vomits frequently, has a decreased appetite, and increased thirst or urination.
Playtime for indoor cats is extremely important.
The British Shorthair cat breed needs daily exercise combined with plenty of mental stimulation through active play and interaction with people.
This cat breed is a moderately active cat breed that thrives on being with family members. Cat gyms, cat scratchers, and interactive cat toys within a cat friendly home environment work best for this breed.
The British Shorthair needs daily grooming for skin and coat health. Because this breed is a shorthair cat breed, taking care of this cat breed is super easy. This cat breed has a short and smooth coat. Ears should be checked weekly for cleanliness and sensitivity.