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Horse Resources
Horses are amazing animals that delight people of all ages, races, and demographics. Since the first time horses became domesticated around 3,000 BC, these animals have carried out and continue to perform a myriad of functions including serving as stable hands, racing companions as well as carriages for royalty and other dignitaries. If you want to deepen your knowledge about this magnificent species, to owning one, learning to ride and competing in horse riding competitions, do well to visit these online resources:
The Dachshund originated during the sixteenth century and is believed to be related to the Basset Hound and a terrier breed. The word “Dachshund” is German and means “badger dog,” since they were bred to dig into badger dens to force the animals out. Their bodies are low and bred especially for underground work.
Brief History
Dachshunds of different sizes were bred to hunt different a wide spectrum of animals ranging from badgers to wild boar — especially when the pursuit took place in burrows. The breed’s loud bark allowed for his pet parent to locate him underground easily. Today the Dachshund is still used for hunting, as well as companionship.
Physical Features
This breed is compact with a long, muscular body. With a wedge-shaped head, super soft long drop ears, a deep chest and long tail, this breed can be either miniature or standard in size. They have very short legs with three types of coats: long and silky, short and smooth, or long and wiry. The color can either be red or cream, black, chocolate, blue, or fawn with tan. The Dachshund has a long back with elastic-like skin and is extremely well-balanced despite their short legs.
Average Height:
11-13 inches
Average Weight:
16-32 pounds (Standard Dachshund)
Under 11 pounds (Miniature Dachshund)
Life Expectancy:
12-16 years
These dogs are incredibly intelligent, active, playful, and love affection. They are outgoing, friendly, and fun to have around. This pup does well with apartment living and plenty of socialization.
Special Needs
This breed is prone to weight problems, so pet parents should always monitor closely. Unhealthy weight gain will quickly lead to strain on the back and legs. It’s hard to resist affectionate Dachshunds begging at the dinner table, but be sure to feed only healthy foods.
Possible Health Concerns
This is an active dog breed that may be susceptible to the following:
Bloat. This pup is deep-chested and thus more prone to this life threatening condition. Bloat is caused by the twisting of the stomach combined with the accumulation of gas with or without fluid. Stress is also a major factor in causing bloat. Never feed your pup a large meal followed by exercise. At the first signs of dry vomiting, restlessness and discomfort, contact your emergency veterinarian immediately.
Epilepsy. Epilepsy is an inherited disease that causes seizures.
Hyperthyroidism. This is a deficiency of the thyroid hormone and can cause weight gain, as well as constipation and cold sensitivity.
Intervertebral Disc Disease. 25% of Dachshunds will suffer from damage to the discs of their spines at some stage of their lives. This causes severe pain and can lead to spine damage and paralysis.
The Dachshund needs regular exercise every day to maintain strong back muscles and keep a healthy weight. They should never be allowed to run up and down steps or to jump off furniture. This breed enjoys being indoors with their pet parent.
Higher-quality dog food is recommended for Dachshunds. Don’t underestimate the importance of a well-balanced diet for this small and short breed. Consult with your veterinarian for the very best nutritional advice.
Dachshunds don’t shed much. They also don’t have much body odor. Grooming varies depending on their coat type. Longhaired Dachshunds may need daily grooming. Wirehaired Dachshunds will need to be plucked or stripped throughout the year. Eyebrow, beard and nail trimming is needed regularly, along with good dental hygiene.
The Dachshund is an easy breed to adopt. They are sensitive, affectionate and independent, but don’t like harshness or loud noises. That said, the Dachshund does need regular socialization and positive dog training during puppyhood.
The Dachshund is an easy breed to adopt. They are sensitive, affectionate and independent, but don’t like harshness or loud noises. That said, the Dachshund does need regular socialization and positive dog training during puppyhood.
Thinking About Adopting a Bird? 5 Things to Know
Interested in adding a bird to your home? Great! Birds are intelligent, social creatures, that don’t require much grooming or maintenance. However, most birds are anything but quiet, and they do require a lot more interaction than you may realize. It’s a good idea to do your research before adding a bird to your life.
For our canine friends, paw licking can be a grooming habit. This is often seen when dogs have been out for a long walk in rugged conditions, or it might be part of their daily groom.
All cat owners know cats are independent creatures and do not require a lot of your time. Cats love to sleep and hide in safe places; however, they also want and need attention. They need scratching posts, climbing towers, feeding, grooming and other loving care. Because of their independent nature and desire to be separated from human activity part of the time, many cat owners believe they do not have to interact with their cats on a daily basis. In reality, cats need daily attention from their human family to be at their best.
welsh terrier
The Welsh Terrier, also known as the Old English Terrier, comes from Wales. It is part of the AKC/UKC, Terrier Group. This breed came into existence during the 1700’s and was used in fox hunts and to catch badgers.
Brief History
The Welsh Terrier has fierce jaws and good digging skills. They were most commonly used to dig up badger lairs, but also as companion dogs. The Welsh Terrier first arrived in the U.S during the 19th century. Two older dog breeds — the Old English Black and the Tan Terrier, are believed to be related to the Welsh Terrier.
Physical Features
The Welsh Terrier is a compact and sturdy dog breed. They’re typically medium in size with a slightly rugged look. They also have a rectangular head with a square muzzle and a coarse, wiry coat. Don’t let the size fool you: though compact, their muzzles are quite strong. Welsh Terriers have a black square nose and a docked tail. They have V-shaped ears which are always folded forward. Typically, their legs, underbody and head are tan in color, with a jacket in black or grizzle.
Average Height:
18-21 inches
Average Weight:
20-28 pounds
Life Expectancy:
10-14 years
The Welsh Terrier is friendly and outgoing. They tend to be on the feisty side with unique quirks. That being said, the Welsh Terrier is notably easy to train and game for new activities. This dog breed is known for showing intelligence and self-restraint. The Welsh Terrier is a friendly and amiable dog breed that enjoys people — especially children — and other animals. Although the Welsh Terrier has a pronounced prey instinct, when positively trained and socialized, is one of the easiest dogs to live with. They are capable of deep companionship and are immensely loyal.
The Welsh Terrier does best with lots of exercise and a fenced and secure garden or backyard. This is a very sensitive dog breed that needs tons of positive reinforcement and does well with lots of attention and affection. Care must be given to ensure that all fencing in backyards and gardens is secure, as they do have a tendency to dig. The Welsh Terrier does well with lots of off-leash running. They enjoy playing Frisbee and ball.
Special Needs
The Welsh Terrier needs an active home. This breed does well with plenty of regular exercise, positive dog training and socialization. The Welsh Terrier breed needs to be socialized from puppyhood and should never be isolated.This breed bonds closely with all family members, including children.
The Welsh Terrier needs to interact with people so as not to become bored and mischievous. Positive training needs to tailor to the specific temperament of this breed. Because of their high-energy, Welsh Terriers typically do best with an experienced dog parent that can be firm, yet kind. Interactive dog toys are a plus for the Welsh Terrier. If excessive barking is a problem, food dispensing dog toys help with boredom.
All family members need to be on the same page with positive dog training methods. Although it may be difficult to not spoil this pup, it’s for the best. The Welsh Terrier should live indoors, but may have housetraining issues if not trained positively beginning at puppyhood.
Possible Health Concerns
Legg-Perthes Disease. This is the deterioration of the top of the femur. It is characterized by a lack of blood supply and destruction of the blood vessels of the bone. It is a hereditary condition in some terrier breeds.
Dental Problems. The Welsh Terrier needs proper dental care, including preventative methods like daily tooth brushing, which will help prevent gum disease, periodontitis and endodontic disease.
Skin Allergies: This dog may be prone to Atopic Dermatitis. This is caused by an abnormal immune system response. There are many allergies which can affect the skin, and are caused by fleas, dog food and other allergens like pollen in the air. Consult with your veterinarian if your dog suffers from intense itching.
Hip Dysplasia is the abnormal development of the hip joint. It is generally characterized by a loose joint, and then degenerative joint disease.
Epilepsy is an inherited disease that causes seizures.
Primary Lens Luxation (PLL) This is an inherited disease that affects the eye. It is associated with the disintegration of the zonule fibers that hold the lens in place.
welsh terrier dog
The Welsh Terrier is an energetic dog breed that does well with plenty of regular exercise and canine sporting activities like agility, obedience, and dock diving. Herding and Frisbee are also stress-free ways that your dog can have fun. That said, some of the best activities you can have with your dog are unorganized like going out for a jog or a long walk. Plan hikes and vigorous exercise for cool mornings.
Clipping should be done every 8-12 weeks. The Welsh Terrier’s coat should be kept longer or unclipped in colder weather. Opting for a professional dog groomer helps with maintaining coat health.
Routine daily grooming will keep the Welsh Terrier’s coat in good condition. This is one of the easiest breeds to groom. A short bristled brush or mitt should be used to maintain a shiny and healthy coat. Twice yearly visits to the veterinarian for dental hygiene maintenance is a must. Ears need to be regularly wiped out, and nails trimmed regularly.
This breed is famously feisty, happy and energetic. They also make for good travel companions because they are so adaptable. They also love adventure. As with all terriers, it’s best to supervise when out and about to make sure that they don’t stray and that all fences are secure. Terriers are well known for digging underneath fences and escaping.
welsh terrier dog breed
Summer has arrived, although I am aware that some of you in many parts of the United States went directly from winter to summer without the slow transition of spring. Nevertheless, hot weather is upon us and we should all be aware that there are some definite dos and don’ts that should be observed in the summer all across the country regarding our pets.
The Weimaraner originated in Germany during the early 1800s. They were bred by German aristocrats, and used for hunting large game.
Brief History
It is believed that the Bloodhound was bred with several German and French hunting dogs resulting in the Weimar Pointer or Weimaraner. By the 1950s, the Weimaraner was extremely popular as a companion and hunting dog. The Weimaraner was first used to hunt bears, wolves and mountain lions. As the wildlife population decreased, this breed then was used as an all-purpose-hunter.
Physical Features
The Weimaraner is a medium-sized dog with a large, lean and muscular body. They have long, broad heads, light-amber; gray, or blue-gray eyes and high-set drop ears with a slight fold. This breed also has a grey nose. Their tails are docked, and the Weimaraner’s plush coat is short and sleek. This breed is elegant, athletically built, and has aristocratic features. The Weimaraner is intelligent and kind.
Average Height:
23-27 inches
Average Weight:
55-85 pounds
Life Expectancy:
12-15 years
The Weimaraner is intelligent, friendly and athletic. This fun-loving dog breed needs a job, and plenty of regular exercise. The Weimaraner is sensitive and enjoys being around people, family, other dogs and animals. Because this breed is so active, they are prone to scrapes and accidents. The Weimaraner does well with positive puppy training classes, and plenty of socialization. This breed also gets on well with children, and enjoys family outings, trips to the beach and playing Frisbee. The Weimaraner always wants to be with its pet parent, and will be your shadow.
Special Needs
This breed needs socialization, and plenty of exercise. This is a high-maintenance dog breed that has to have consistent runs, walks and benefits from partaking in a few canine sport activities. The elegant and sporty Weimaraner does well with plenty of off-leash exercise. This breed loves to chew things, and pet parents need to watch out for gastric torsion.
Possible Health Concerns
The Weimaraner is an active dog breed that may be susceptible to the following:
Gastric Torsion: Also known as bloat, gastric torsion is a life- threatening emergency. The stomach distended with gas and fluid, and then twists, trapping the gas and fluid in the dog’s stomach. Early symptoms are pacing, gagging, excess saliva, and attempts at vomiting. The stomach will appear distended, and the dog will not be able to vomit. You will need to take the dog immediately to the emergency veterinarian. This cannot wait for a few hours since your dog may not survive.
Hip Dysplasia: This is an abnormal development of the hip joint in large dog breeds like the Weimaraner. It is generally characterized by a loose joint, and then degenerative joint disease. Dogs should be fed a high-quality diet that is geared towards their life stage. Puppies should only be fed high-quality puppy dog food. Excessive growth, types of exercise, nutritional factors, and hereditary factors all come in to play with hip dysplasia. Consult with your veterinarian for expert advice.
Cataracts occurs when the lens becomes cloudy, then blocks the light from reaching the retina. This causes mild or partial blindness. These are often inherited in certain dog breeds like the Weimaraner. Dogs with vision loss appear to use more caution when moving, and also tend to stay closer to their pet parents.
Dermoid Cysts are birth defects that may occur in certain dog breeds like the Weimaraner. These are skin pockets into which pollen, dander, oil, hair, and other bits of debris accumulate. These are found on a dog’s backbone. They can be surgically removed.
The Weimaraner is an active breed that benefits from regular exercise and long runs. This is a working dog that needs to have a job. Active pet parents are a must for this wonderfully athletic dog breed.
Good high-quality nutrition is key to a healthy Weimaraner. Always opt for the very best high-quality dog food that you can afford, and add in supplements, steamed veggies and safe fruits. Ask your veterinarian about the veggies and fruits that are safe to feed.
The Weimaraner almost self-cleans, and looks immaculate most of the time. Although this breed has a short coat, daily grooming is always recommended along with regular bathing, brushing teeth, ear cleaning, and nail trimming. Visits to the veterinarian are recommended for teeth cleaning twice yearly. Because this breed has drop ears, it’s very important to keep themclean to prevent ear infections caused from trapped moisture.
If you’re active, and have lots of time to spend with this sensitive and intelligent dog breed, the Weimaraner is a good dog to adopt. This breed is easy to groom, keeps clean, and is friendly with everyone — children included. Because the Weimaraner is fun-loving and energetic, prospective pet parents need to understand that this breed does best with plenty of outdoor activities.