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The Norwegian Forest cat — nickname Wegie — originated from Norway. This magnificent cat breed is known as the Norsk Skogkatt, and was considered a stray cat breed for many years. It is almost lynx-like in appearance — similar to the Maine Coon. The Norwegian
Brief History
It is thought that the Norwegian Forest cat breed may be descendants of cats that the Vikings brought to Norway from the U.K and the long haired cats brought in by the Crusaders. These are forest cats that had to survive the harsh, cold winters of Norway on their own. In 1938, the Norwegian Forest Cat Club was formed. The breed was growing extinct after WWII, and the club’s aim was to prevent this from happening. In 1975, the Norsky Skogkattrino Association was formed, which estabished a breed standard for the Norwegian Forest cat. In 1993, the CFA board accepted the breed for complete championship status. The Norwegian Forest Cat was registered with the American Cat Fanciers Association in 1994.
Physical Features
The Norwegian Forest is an active breed, much larger than most cats. The head is triangular and long. They’re known for their ears, which are large and triangular with hair tufts. Their eyes are almond-shaped and a wide-range of colors. They typically have a strong stature with heavy bones — especially with their long legs and fluffy tail. Their coats are waterproof, thick and long with an wooly undercoat. Their voice tends to be very quiet, but very vocal around dogs.
Average Height:
9 to 11 inches
Average Weight:
9 to 16 pounds
Life Expectancy:
14 to 16 years
The Norwegian Forest cat is a playful, sweet and intelligent breed. They do very well with people, gentle dogs, other cats and animals. They greatly enjoy climbing and being both indoors and outdoors. The Norwegian Forest cat does require a lot of attention, and will follow you around the house just to be close.. The Norwegian Forest needs an environmentally stimulating home with plenty of cat climbers, scratching posts and feline toys. This breed does well going for long walks with his pet parent. Consult with your veterinarian as to the best cat leashes and harnesses for your Norwegian Forest cat breed.
The Norwegian Forest Cat
Special Needs
This breed matures late, and will be playful for many years.
Possible Health Concerns
The Norwegian Forest cat is a healthy and moderately active cat breed that may be susceptible to the following health conditions:
Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy (HCM): This is a heart muscle disorder where the heart walls of the left ventricle thicken. This results in the walls becoming stiffer. This is a common primary heart disease in cats. It tends to noticed at around 3 months to 17 years of age. Most cats will be middle aged when this disorder occurs. This disorder tends to affect males more than females, and it is an inherited genetic defect. Symptoms may include difficulty breathing, weakness or paralysis of the hind limbs. Fluid may also accumulate in the lungs, and in the space between the lungs and chest wall. Veterinary treatment will aim at improving cardiac function, and reducing blood clots. There is a good longterm outlook for mildly affected cats. Consult with your veterinarian for advice.
Hip Dysplasia: This is rare in domestic cats, and is common in purebred cats. This occurs when the hip joint is loose, and leads to degenerative joint disease. (osteoarthritis) Symptoms include lameness that can be mild to severe. Cats generally need no surgery for hip dysplasia. Weight reduction can help reduce discomfort.
Glycogen Storage Disease Type IV: The body converts glycogen to glucose for energy. Cats with this disease may weaken progressively, until they cannot get up. Kittens can die from this. This disease usually can be noticed by 4-5 months, and is deadly. Consult with your veterinarian for advice.
Polycystic Kidney Disease. This occurs when the polycystic kidney has numerous cysts within the functioning part of the kidney resulting in enlarged kidneys. Consult with your veterinarian if your cat vomits frequently, has a decreased appetite, and increased thirst or urination.
The Wegie needs daily exercise combined with plenty of active play and interaction with people. Finding a variety of mentally stimulating cat toys will allow for your cat to lead a well-balanced life with the right amount of exercise. Cat harnesses also allow for daily walks.
All cat breeds need high- quality fat and protein in their diets. They also need amino acids, including taurine. There are numerous specialty diets for your cat that are formulated specifically for certain medical problems like urinary tract disorder, obesity, or kidney disease.
When looking for a high-quality cat food, here’s what to look out for:
No low-quality fillers
No artificial additives
Low grade ingredients or toxic ingredients
No garlic
Plant-based ingredients should be listed after the protein-based ingredients
Consult with your veterinarian for the best dietary advice for your cat.
The Norwegian Forest Cat
Your Norwegian Forest cat may be susceptible to skin diseases originating from flea bites, mites, yeast and other bacterial infections. Opt for natural cat grooming products to help resolve these skin irritants.
This cat will also need daily grooming to remove shedding hair, and to prevent hair from matting. Because this breed has a long and thick double coat, extra care is required. Stainless steel combs help to remove dead hair. The Wegie sheds the most during the summer, so increased grooming may be necessary during those months.
Daily cleaning with pet wipes beneath the tail is necessary. Ears should be checked weekly for cleanliness and sensitivity. If there is a buildup of wax and dirt, organisms can lead to an ear infection. Consult with your veterinarian about safe and gentle ear cleaning techniques. Nail trimming is necessary every few weeks. Eyes should also be cleaned gently every morning with cotton wool or a soft wipe. Each eye should be cleaned with different wipes or cotton balls to avoid eye infection contamination in both eyes.
With their super sweet personality and upbeat attitude, the Wegie makes for a fun companion.
The Mastiff, also known as the Old English Mastiff is believed to have originated from the Tibetan Mastiff. This is an ancient dog breed that was developed for guarding and fighting. The Tibetan Mastiff and Neapolitan Mastiff are examples of the ancient breeds.
Brief History
The British Mastiff, known as the AKC Mastiff, is also an ancient breed. This breed originated from Mastiff-type dogs called draft animals, known as tinker dogs. Their ancestor, the Molossus, was recognized 5,000 years ago. They were commonly used for pulling heavy tools on their backs for their owners.
The ancient dogs were muscular dogs used to turn wheels to draw well water as well as herd cattle and oxen. The most important task of the ancient day Mastiff was to guard and protect family, a role that remains unchanged today. This breed is dedicated to being the best family guard dog!
Other aggressive breeds were used for hunting and baiting large animals. But these puppies were typically raised amongst cows and cattle in order to train them to protect them from wolves and other prey. They have been used in South African farms for protection against wildlife, and terrorism. Today this breed is a popular choice for families living in rural areas. They are wonderfully sweet family dogs.
Physical Features
This is a large, powerful dog breed in both height and build. This breed combines grandeur with good nature. They are intelligent, not excitable, but affectionate towards their pet parents. This breed requires plenty of human contact and a high–quality diet. They’re best suited to a home where there are opportunities for exercise.
Their heads are rectangular-shaped, with short muzzles and small, V-shaped drop ears. This breed has a broad, dark, nose, and brown eyes with a smooth, short coat. Their coloring is typically fawn-colored, apricot, or brindle, with fawn or apricot as the main color. They have dark facial masks.
Average Height:
27.5 – 30 inches
Average Weight:
Males: 160-230 pounds
Females: 120-170 pounds
Life Expectancy:
8-10 years
This breed is best described as heroic, calm and very loyal. They’re also extremely confident and easy-going. They make great protectors and are kind with children.
Mastiffs seem to assess every situation before acting. They know how powerful they are and don’t act without reason. They make great family dogs and love to feel like part of the brood. This breed should never be left to live outdoors, but instead pet parents should enjoy and involve their dogs in as many family activities possible. By doing so, these dogs become serene and docile, yet still make great family guard dogs.
Mastiffs need to feel that they belong to a family and will only protect and defend those that they respect and have bonded with.
They do well with positive training starting at puppyhood. Owners should start socializing them around 4 weeks old. They do best if they’re introduced to different people, other animals and children from puppyhood. They enjoy dog parks, dog beaches, long hikes and some organized canine sporting activities.
Special Needs
These dogs aren’t satisfied if left at home with nothing to do. This breed will need to have a job like protecting your cattle, children, or home; or going to dog training classes and shows.
The Mastiff is born with a guarding instinct, and a truly sensitive nature. It’s recommended not to use the traditional training methods like Schutzhund, as they will destroy a Mastiff’s mellow temperament, turning them into aggressive dogs that will become impossible to live with.
This breed needs plenty of socialization, training, and needs to keep busy. They need to stay fit and healthy, because they have a tendency to become overweight. Apartment living is not recommended.
Possible Health Concerns
The Mastiff is an active dog breed that may be susceptible to:
Hip Dysplasia is a hereditary developmental disease. HD occurs when the hip joint fails to develop properly. In Mastiffs with HD, the head of the thigh bone does not fall into the hip socket. The imperfect fit results in the joint becoming loose and unstable. This leads to osteoarthritis.
Progressive Retinal Atrophy (PRA) is the name for a group of diseases that cause degeneration of the retina. This will include inherited abnormalities of the light-sensitive cells.
Hypothyroidism a deficiency of the thyroid hormone, and can cause weight gain in Mastiffs, as well as constipation, and cold sensitivity.
This dog breed needs regular exercise and plenty of off-leash runs.
When they’re younger they shouldn’t play with larger dogs. As puppies, they enjoy playing so much that they may forget how big the other dog really is. Make sure to protect your Mastiff puppy from injury when he is playing with other dogs.
Because this breed goes through growth spurts, they often become out of balance. Their hindquarters may grow higher than their front, thus shifting their weight load. They may place their front feet down incorrectly trying to compensate for being out of balance, putting them at risk for numerous injuries.
Since this dog is prone to obesity, owners will need to keep portion control in mind. Veterinarians can help determine how many calories this dog needs each day, and will help address any weight issues they may have. It’s important not to elimiate vial nutrition in the process.
This breed needs encouragement to eat slowly, which will also help to reduce digestive problems and bloat. It’s a good idea to use a Slow Feeder, which comes in different sizes.
The Mastiff’s short coat is easy to groom. During heavy shedding that occurs twice yearly, extra grooming will be needed. Daily brushing with a rubber mitt or medium bristle brush will aid in removing loose hair, and in keeping their coats healthy and shiny. Nails need to be trimmed regularly.
Because this is a low energy breed, they make a great addition to any home. Socialization, positive dog training, and maintaining the correct diet with plenty of exercise will keep your Mastiff happy and healthy.
Summer has arrived, although I am aware that some of you in many parts of the United States went directly from winter to summer without the slow transition of spring. Nevertheless, hot weather is upon us and we should all be aware that there are some definite dos and don’ts that should be observed in the summer all across the country regarding our pets.
Ultimate Guide to Golden Retrievers
Golden retrievers are the perfect, joyful, and lovable companions. They fall into a category of dogs that make us ask, “What did we ever do to deserve dogs?”
Abyssinian cats get their name from the term Abyssinia which was a former name for Ethiopia. A breed with fine bone and elaborate pose Abyssinian cats never fail to impress us. They have a tabby yet multi-colored coat that gives them an intricate look and elegant appearance.
Brief History
There are many stories that surround the Abyssinian cat’s origins however many cat fanciers believe that this breed’s first ancestors were from parts of Southeast Asia and the Indian Ocean coast. Traders within these regions were accredited for the cat’s migration into other continental parts such as Arabia and Africa. Some breeds said to be in the Abyss genetic background are Russian Blues, Burnese and Siamese. During the 19th century the breed became famous in Great Britain with belief that British soldiers deployed in various parts of Africa and Asia brought it back home by the end of their expeditions.
Physical Features
The Abyssinian is quite slender but with fine bone and an average body size. They have almond shaped eyes that glare with expression while their ears are large and tend to be pointed with alertness. A kitten Abyssinian is born with a dark coat that lightens with age and as they proceed into adulthood their coats become soft, silky to the touch and ideally fine but close lying and dense.
Average Height:
8-10 inches
Average Weight:
8-12 pounds
Life Expectancy:
9-15 years
Abyssinians are generally friendly in nature showing affection for kids and other pets. They are also playful, dislike being lonely or in boring environments and can make good therapy pets thanks to this appeal. As for the family an Abyssinian’s affection is averagely placed meaning that they neither love nor hate to belong to a particular grouping. Everything they do is done willingly and with enthusiasm making them one cat breed that knows how to live every second of their life to the fullest. Any activity, be it play, climbing, jumping or running is done with energy and passion.
Abyssinian cat
Special Needs
They are not the lazing around type of cats, and with a high level of intelligence they can act according to your mood. If it’s time for play, you’ll definitely have a playmate. If you want to easily get along with your Abyssinian it’s a good idea to ensure that the type of relationship that exists between you is complementary rather than opposing.
Possible Health Concerns
Just like all other pedigreed and mixed-breed cats, Abyssinians are vulnerable to certain diseases that may be hereditary or those caused through certain mutation flaws. The most fatal genetic condition is Pyruvate kinase deficiency. Pyruvate Kinase is an enzyme present in all red blood cell bearing animals. This enzyme is necessary for energy metabolism within the red blood cells. The Pyruvate Kinase deficiency is caused by a recessive gene and it is a known hereditary condition in various cat breeds. This deficiency may show in kittens as young as 6 months or even older cats of 12 years and more. Breeders are advised to have their stock screened for this condition since has no known treatment. Other diseases and health conditions are: Hyperesthesia syndrome, Patellar luxation, Progressive retinal atrophy and Renal amyloidosis.
Exercise to the Abyssinian should be equal to play. Keep in mind that they are very energetic and enthusiastic cats who’d rather be involved in a fun muscle exciting activity rather than a boring one that inspires little or no muscle movement. The country side or a yard with plenty of trees for them to climb is essential. Regular climbing keeps their joints active and to get down, they’d rather jump as heights do not scare them.
Abyssinians have a short coat that doesn’t shed a lot. This coat is easy to maintain and weekly grooming should be enough to remove any dead hairs and keep it shiny and healthy. Trim the nails every fortnight and brush the teeth regularly to prevent it from contracting periodontal disease.
These cats make excellent pets as they are very independent and well-mannered thus needing less supervisory attention from their owners.
The Beagle has enjoyed tremendous popularity for many years, and rightly so. He is the epitome of sweetness and joy. A dog of impeccable temperament and gentle nature, this breed is an excellent choice for a family with kids.
Brief History
The Beagle has a long history that hails all the way back to the fifth century. The ancient Greeks used a small hunting dog remarkably similar to today’s much-loved tricolor hound. Early Beagles, which traveled under other monikers such as St. Hubert’s Hound, Talbot’s Hound, and Southern Hound, were enjoyed by notables such as William the Conqueror. These evolved into the diminutive “Pocket Beagle”, popular with the aristocracy in medieval times, including King Henry VII and Queen Elizabeth. In the 1700s, the North Country Beagle and the Southern Hound were crossed with the Foxhound, which created the version of hound that we know as the Beagle.
Around 1830 and following throughout that century, breeders devoted themselves to establishing the Beagle as a stand-alone breed. By 1884 it had been imported to America and was recognized by the AKC.
Physical Features
According to the AKC standard, the Beagle is, “A miniature Foxhound, solid and big for his inches, with the wear-and-tear look of the hound that can last in the chase and follow his quarry to the death.”
This summarizes the Beagle’s muscle and athleticism, his deep chest, and strong legs, while perhaps overlooking his adorableness. His soft, floppy ears and big brown eyes would melt butter.
The registry recognizes two sizes: Under 13 inches and from 13 to 15 inches, which is the height the dog is measured at his shoulder.
Average Height:
13-15 inches
Average Weight:
26-33 pounds
Life Expectancy:
10-15 years
On their own, Beagles love to thrive in groups and families, they also blend in well with other dog breeds thanks to their calm, cohesive nature, and their need to be “groupies”. Adopting a Beagle may be your best deed ever since it will bond with you effortlessly and always be on your trail with its gentle and happy aura. Beagles are very tender to children and the love shared and shown will always manifest during playtime.
Regarded as the least hostile dog breed, you will never find a Beagle attacking or biting strangers unless it is harshly provoked. Their welcoming nature allows them to deal with strangers in an intelligent manner that gives them some freedom while being protective of their environments, families, and owners. If you are a stranger to a Beagle, it will hardly show any negative response or aggression towards you and with some strokes to its fur, this dog will bond with you immediately and share in some fun moments with you as it shows you around.
Special Needs
Being a sporting dog, a Beagle has to have vigorous exercise on a regular basis. His tendency to bay and howl can create issues for apartment living.
Possible Health Concerns
Being a sporting dog, a Beagle has to have vigorous exercise on a regular basis. His tendency to bay and howl can create issues for apartment living.
Heart disease
Back problems
Eye problems
Chondrodysplasia (abnormality in bones and cartilage)
Mast cell tumors
Apart from being gentle and friendly, a Beagle is a highly active and energetic dog. If not on a leash, he may run off and chase smaller animals such as rabbits. Allow your Beagle some space and time to play, and you should train him to adhere to a daily regular exercise routine with you such as walking or jogging.
The active lifestyle of the Beagle will call for a protein-rich diet: whole meats, fish, and poultry are an ideal choice. To maintain its coat and keep it shiny, you might have to add in some essential fatty acids found in fish oil, safflower, and sunflower. Vegetables such as pumpkin and spinach, and fruits such as apples, watermelon, and blueberries can also be included to provide your Beagle with a healthy dose of vitamins.
The Beagle has a short coat and sheds individual hairs all year long. He will benefit from an occasional brushing and nail trim.
The Yorkipoo is a fun-loving, energetic and loving small breed. They are are versatile dogs that can live in a large house or an apartment with equal satisfaction. They’re extremely easy-going and love lounge time just as much as a walk in the park. The Yorkipoo may be petite, but make no mistake, their little bodies pack a ton of energy and agility.
Brief History
The Yorkipoo is a cross between a Yorkshire Terrier and a Toy Poodle and were first bred in the United States. Yorkipoos were bred to be hypoallergenic and make great companion dogs to people of all ages. Due to their mixed breeding, the Yorkipoo is not recognized by the American Kennel Club but is recognized by the American Hybrid Canine Club and the Designer Dog Kennel Club.
Physical Features
The Yorkipoo combines all the favorable physical characteristics of the Yorkshire Terrier and the Toy Poodle. They are small in stature and have a long, smooth and silky coat — either curly or straight. The Yorkipoo has black or brown eyes with an intelligent glint and their noses are typically brown or black.
The Yorkipoo’s coat can be of a wide range of colors such as apricot, brown, white, gray, or a combination of a few. The Yorkipoo’s ears can be straight and upright or floppy. Overall, they’re handsome dogs with a ton of personality.
Average Height:
7 – 12 inches
Average Weight:
3 to 14 lb
Life Expectancy:
10 to 15 years
Yorkipoos are full of vitality and are always up to something interesting. Be prepared for their antics to make you laugh a lot! Yorkipoo are confident and comfortable while engaged in active play, but are also quite ready to relax on your lap. This little dog is quite intelligent and can make an ideal playmate for children. Their love and affection also come in handy for more senior owners.
The Yorkipoo is gentle and behaves well with strangers. Thanks to their cool disposition, the Yorkipoo can be socialized easily. Like many small dogs, the Yorkipoo has no idea of its small size and will play with much larger dogs. To avoid any accidents, Yorkipoos should be introduced to larger dogs under strict supervision until they can make friends.
Yorkipoos are extremely smart and always eager to please. This makes them easy to train. While teaching this dog, you should use positive reinforcement. They typically don’t respond well to harsh commands or threats. Instead, enthusiastic praise and treats after good performance will help the Yorkipoo learn quicker.This dog’s innate qualities give it great potential for obedience or therapy training.
Special Needs
Yorkipoos have a strong constituion and can stay healthy over a long period of time with proper care.
Possible Health Concerns
However, they are prone to conditions such as dry eye, retinal detachment, hypoglycemia and endocardiosis. Early diagnosis and treatment can ward off many of these diseases and help the Yorkipoo make a full recovery each time.
The Yorkipoo requires regular training to keep their high energy levels in check. A brisk, short walk once a day is enough to keep them healthy and strong. The Yorkiepoo also loves running around with a ball or toy.
The Yorkipoo is known for being a picky eater. To solve this problem, you can experiment mixing wet and dry food together to see what works best.
Yorkipoos have long, beautiful, hypoallergenic coats that require regular care. Owners must make sure to brush this pup regularly throughout the week to prevent matting and bathe them once a month. Consult your veterinarian for shampoo recommendations.
A Yorkipoo is a little dog with big energy and a big heart,. They make excellent companion dogs and love to bond with their humans.
Sounds of the Animals Around the World
There are close to 9 million species of animals on the planet. Many of these animals make distinct noises which can be interesting and fun to hear.