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The Labrador Retriever is one of the most popular dog breeds. Dogs in this breed are high-energy, intelligent, and social. This breed is a sporting dog, and originated in Newfoundland, first dubbed St. John’s Water dog.
Brief History
The first record of this breed was in Newfoundland in the 1700’s. They were brought to England in the early 1800’s. Some think they were bred from the Greater Newfoundland dog or the French St. Hubert’s dog.
This breed of dog was known for enjoying retrieving, originally with English fisherman in Newfoundland. The fisherman would use them to retrieve fish that had fallen off their hooks, or bring fishing lines in through the water. This made them good hunting dogs. The name Labrador was introduced in 1887 by the Earl of Malmesbury.
Physical Features
Labs come in three colors: black, yellow, or chocolate, with black being the most popular. They have large, stocky bodies. Their coats are dense and short, and repel water and dirt.
Average Height:
22-24 inches
Average Weight:
55-79 lbs
Life Expectancy:
10-15 years
Labrador Retrievers are extremely social, and will want to play quite frequently. They’re fast learners and bond quickly when given attention. They have gentle dispositions, are easy to get along with, and are known to be loyal.
Labs are ideal family dogs, sporting dogs, and therapy dogs. They are obedient with proper training, and their favorite activities are swimming and retrieving (naturally).
Special Needs
Regular exercise is incredibly important for Labrador Retrievers in your family, not only because they are high energy dogs and love to play, but also because they are susceptible to weight gain if they’re sedentary. Labs also have a tendency to push themselves to the limit of their physical abilities, and can overheat in warm weather.
While they are good outdoor dogs, this breed prefers to live inside with their human companions.
Possible Health Concerns
A common health concern for Labrador Retrievers is obesity. Healthy dogs will have an hourglass shape. Other conditions they are susceptible to include:
Patellar Luxation. This happens when the dog’s patella is dislocated. Treatment involves surgery.
Canine Hip Dysplasia (CHD). When the ball and socket of the hip joint are malformed and grind against each other instead of moving smoothly. Treatment could be outpatient but it could also involve surgery.
Osteochondritis Dissecans (OCD). When cartillege in a joint is damaged. Treatment could involve surgery.
Labrador Retrievers are highly active, and you’ll need enough space in your home and yard for them to run around. They’ll go on runs or play fetch. You won’t want them to get bored, because they can become temperamental and even be destructive.
Labs need a lot of exercise, and especially love swimming, in any type of water. While young, you’ll need to watch them in the water, but over time they’ll gain confidence.
Each Labrador Retriever is different, and may need different nutritional needs. It’s best to consult with your veterinarian. Since this breed is prone to obesity, monitor their food consumption.
Due to their dense coats, Labs will need to be combed weekly if not daily. They also shed, so watch out for your carpets! Their coats are resistant to water and also dirt, so brushing is mostly for shedding maintenance and to keep them looking healthy. They’ll need regular nail trimming and ear cleaning as well.
Labrador Retrievers are high-energy, loyal, family dogs who love attention and being involved in family activities. Know that when you adopt, you’ll have to put the time in to train them, but your efforts will be rewarded!
The Dachshund originated during the sixteenth century and is believed to be related to the Basset Hound and a terrier breed. The word “Dachshund” is German and means “badger dog,” since they were bred to dig into badger dens to force the animals out. Their bodies are low and bred especially for underground work.
Brief History
Dachshunds of different sizes were bred to hunt different a wide spectrum of animals ranging from badgers to wild boar — especially when the pursuit took place in burrows. The breed’s loud bark allowed for his pet parent to locate him underground easily. Today the Dachshund is still used for hunting, as well as companionship.
Physical Features
This breed is compact with a long, muscular body. With a wedge-shaped head, super soft long drop ears, a deep chest and long tail, this breed can be either miniature or standard in size. They have very short legs with three types of coats: long and silky, short and smooth, or long and wiry. The color can either be red or cream, black, chocolate, blue, or fawn with tan. The Dachshund has a long back with elastic-like skin and is extremely well-balanced despite their short legs.
Average Height:
11-13 inches
Average Weight:
16-32 pounds (Standard Dachshund)
Under 11 pounds (Miniature Dachshund)
Life Expectancy:
12-16 years
These dogs are incredibly intelligent, active, playful, and love affection. They are outgoing, friendly, and fun to have around. This pup does well with apartment living and plenty of socialization.
Special Needs
This breed is prone to weight problems, so pet parents should always monitor closely. Unhealthy weight gain will quickly lead to strain on the back and legs. It’s hard to resist affectionate Dachshunds begging at the dinner table, but be sure to feed only healthy foods.
Possible Health Concerns
This is an active dog breed that may be susceptible to the following:
Bloat. This pup is deep-chested and thus more prone to this life threatening condition. Bloat is caused by the twisting of the stomach combined with the accumulation of gas with or without fluid. Stress is also a major factor in causing bloat. Never feed your pup a large meal followed by exercise. At the first signs of dry vomiting, restlessness and discomfort, contact your emergency veterinarian immediately.
Epilepsy. Epilepsy is an inherited disease that causes seizures.
Hyperthyroidism. This is a deficiency of the thyroid hormone and can cause weight gain, as well as constipation and cold sensitivity.
Intervertebral Disc Disease. 25% of Dachshunds will suffer from damage to the discs of their spines at some stage of their lives. This causes severe pain and can lead to spine damage and paralysis.
The Dachshund needs regular exercise every day to maintain strong back muscles and keep a healthy weight. They should never be allowed to run up and down steps or to jump off furniture. This breed enjoys being indoors with their pet parent.
Higher-quality dog food is recommended for Dachshunds. Don’t underestimate the importance of a well-balanced diet for this small and short breed. Consult with your veterinarian for the very best nutritional advice.
Dachshunds don’t shed much. They also don’t have much body odor. Grooming varies depending on their coat type. Longhaired Dachshunds may need daily grooming. Wirehaired Dachshunds will need to be plucked or stripped throughout the year. Eyebrow, beard and nail trimming is needed regularly, along with good dental hygiene.
The Dachshund is an easy breed to adopt. They are sensitive, affectionate and independent, but don’t like harshness or loud noises. That said, the Dachshund does need regular socialization and positive dog training during puppyhood.
The Dachshund is an easy breed to adopt. They are sensitive, affectionate and independent, but don’t like harshness or loud noises. That said, the Dachshund does need regular socialization and positive dog training during puppyhood.
What’s Really In Your Pet’s Food?
Feeding their pets with a high-quality diet is one of the top priorities of pet owners. As such, they don’t mind spending a good fortune on pet foods that claim to provide good nutrition to their beloved, close friends. Every cat or dog has unique nutrition needs because of variations in size, breed, age, physical activity and environment. That’s one reason why it’s important to discuss the best way to feed your dog or cat with your veterinarian. But, do these products really stand up to their claims? What to look for on the label before purchasing any pet food? What ingredients in these products are considered the most vital and least important for the pet nutrition? Well, in this article, we try to give answers to all these questions to help you make an informed decision on pet foods.
Are Human Shampoos Safe for Pets?
Do your dog’s feet smell like Fritos? Does your cat have litter clinging to his legs? These are signs your furry friend needs a bath.
The Yorkshire Terrier was originally bred in the UK during the late 1800’s for the main purpose of controlling the rat population in cotton mills and mines in Yorkshire and Lancashire, England. This breed was popular amongst the working class and especially the weavers themselves.
Brief History
This breed is said to be the creation of Scottish weavers who migrated to the English north country and brought their Scottish Terriers with them. The feisty pups eventually became a popular lapdog for English socialites during the latter part of the Victorian age. The Yorkshire Terrier was originally called a broken-haired Scotch Terrier, but was renamed the Yorkshire Terrier in 1870. This breed is a descendant of the Waterside Terrier, rough coated English Terrier, Old English Black-and-Tan Terrier, Paisley Terrier, and the Clydesdale Terrier. Many Yorkies had jobs in the coal mines as exterminators. The dogs first arrived in the US in the 1870’s and were recorded in the AKC in 1885.
Physical Features
Although small, this is far from a fragile breed. Feisty, determined and loyal, the Yorkshire Terrier is a well-balanced dog with square proportions and a superb head carriage. The Yorkie has a small and flat skull with a tapered muzzle. This pup carries its head high, which portrays a sense of adorable dignity and confidence — especially with the naturally erect V-shaped ears. With a long silky coat (parted down the back), the Yorkie gives the impression of vigor and of extreme self-importance, scaring even the largest of dog breeds. Today’s Yorkies are mostly clipped for easy maintenance and grooming. Yorkie pups are born black and tan and by age two develop their adult coloring of steel and blue.
Average Height:
7-9 inches
Average Weight:
3-7 pounds
Life Expectancy:
11-15 years
yorkshire terrier
The dainty Yorkie is a true terrier breed. Although small, this dog is tenacious, brave, loyal and fun to be around. Theu have lots of positive attitude and is always game to travel. This breed truly enjoys traveling by car, exploring local neighborhoods and getting plenty of attention. These are superb watchdogs, feisty diggers and need to be watched very carefully when out in backyards. Yorkies make for terrific best friends, but can become needy. They needs plenty of socialization and positive dog training classes starting at puppyhood.
Special Needs
The Yorkshire Terrier needs supervision around children and larger dog breeds. They also need moderate, yet regular exercise every day. This breed is extremely adaptable and does well with apartment living. Dental care and grooming are of vital importance. After all, they love being being pampered. The Yorkie needs a calm environment, and thrives on consistency with regularly scheduled feed times, walks and outings.
Possible Health Concerns
Dental Problems – They need proper dental care, including preventative methods like daily tooth brushing to prevent gum, periodontitis and endodontic disease.
Hypoglycemia –This breed may be prone to suffering from low blood sugar. It is common in Yorkies that are under 20 weeks of age, but can be corrected with a high-quality diet appropriate to the their life stage. Avoid stressful environments and excessive exercise to help prevent hypoglycemia.
Legg-Perthes Disease – This is the deterioration of the top of the femur that is often seen in smaller dog breeds. It is characterized by a lack of blood supply and destruction of the blood vessels of the bone. It is a hereditary condition in some terrier breeds. The sudden loss of blood supply to the femur leads to the collapse of the top of the femur bone. Veterinary treatment usually involves the surgical removal of the affected femoral head and neck and physical therapy so as to stimulate limb usage.
Luxating Patellas – This is a hereditary condition that is caused by the abnormal development of the kneecap (patella). X-rays will aid in seeing the severity of the displacement. Treatment usually involves surgery.
The Yorkshire Terrier needs moderate exercise with brief bouts of fast activity like running after a tennis ball. They should never be over-exercised. The breed benefits from a few daily walks at a moderate pace. They needs the socialization involved with going to the dog park, or out and about the neighborhood. If not exercised sufficiently, this breed can become overly cranky and nervous. Yorkies are smart and benefit from regular environmental stimulation.
As with every dog breed, a high-quality dog food appropriate for the dog’s life stage is always recommended. They can be picky eaters and tend to favor certain foods over others. This breed is particularly easy to prepare home-cooked meals for under veterinary supervision.
Their coats need to be maintained daily. Sometimes even twice a day if not clipped. Yorkies suffer from sensitive eyes, so the hair close to their brows needs to be tied up or trimmed. The Yorkshire Terrier should be bathed once a week and tends to enjoy a visit to the groomers. The ears also need to be checked often for signs of infection.
With a sweet and fun temperament, the Aussie makes a great dog breeds to adopt if you are active and have a large property. It’s not a good idea to adopt this dog breed if they will be cooped up indoors. The Aussie is too smart to do nothing all day and needs a job. Children often love this dog’s fun-loving temperament.
For all their talents, the Yorkie does not excel at being left home alone. With their feisty, affectionate personalities, they are more likely to try and escape out the front door or by the backyard if left alone for long periods of time — especially during the first few months after adoption. This breed adapts easily to new homes, but definitely needs a calm environment and plenty of attention.
How to Keep Different Types of Pet Spiders
Although not for everyone, many children and adults enjoy raising spiders, also known as arachnids, as pets. Pet tarantulas and wolf spider pets are interesting to observe and are the two most popular types of spiders kept as pets.
turkish van cat
The Turkish Van is a beautiful, friendly cat that thrives with other pets and family members. While they make amazing companions, Vans often prefer to snuggle next to their owners on the couch or share their bed rather than snooze on a lap. Prepare for endless antics and tons of fun.
Brief History
The Turkish Van has been around for centuries — legend has it that they swam to shore from Noah’s Ark — and can trace their origin back to cold and mountainous region of Lake Van in Turkey. The rugged environmental conditions played a key role in the breed’s evolution.
Vans are known for their distinctive forehead spots and coloring at the base of their tails.
Their distinctive coloring and bubbly personality inspired Turkey’s invaders to take the cat along with them to their home countries as souvenirs. However, it wasn’t until 1970 that the first Turkish Van cats were brought to the United States of America and the Cat Fanciers Association registered them as an official breed in 1985. Today, the Turkish Van is considered a national Turkish treasure. It’s breeding and preservation is supervised by the Ankara Zoo and the Turkish College of Agriculture.
Physical Features
The Turkish Van is distinctive thanks to their famous, beautiful coat. Their fur is mostly white, extending from the nose to hindquarters just before the base of the tail. From here, their coloring turns into circles that are dark orange, red or auburn. Their ears and sides of the head are also colored in these shades with an orange, brown or auburn spot placed right between the shoulder blades. It emerges distinctly and is often referred to as “God’s thumbprint.”
Their coats have long, soft hairs that are often compared to cashmere. These cats love to swim and their coats are fully water resistant. The Turkish Van has golden, blue, grey, silver or brown eyes with a pink nose and muscular body. Their paws can either be pink or brown. These unique attributes make the Turkish Van a prime show cat.
Average Height:
7 to 13 inches
Average Weight:
8 to 19 pounds
Life Expectancy:
12 to 17 years
The Turkish Van is a very independent adaptive and intelligent cat. They’re extremely social and do well with other pets and family members. However, while they thrive with company, Vans do not like being held or restricted in any way. They’re also known for being very inquisitive — be prepared to be followed from room to room! Vans are also very vocal cats and will often engage their owners in conversation just to feel a part of the goings on. Also be prepared for LOTS of climbing. Vans love scouting the highest point in any room and setting up there for a while. You’ll also never have to wonder how your Van’s feeling — their noses will tell you! When your Van’s happy, their nose will turn pink. When it turns red, they’re feeling stressed or upset. When it turns crimson, be prepared, they’re angry and will attack.
turkish van cat
Special Needs
The Turkish Van is not very good at traveling as they are prone to peeing, pooping or vomiting due to car sickness. The Turkish Van loves playing with water. This can lead to them going to places where they shouldn’t. Make sure you’re supervising anytime open water is available.
The Turkish Van also does not like being held and particularly dislikes being restrained.
Possible Health Concerns
The Turkish Van is quite a healthy cat — there aren’t many health issues that affect this breed. Despite this, the Turkish Van can suffer from a condition that is known as hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. This is an inherited genetic condition that require medical attention.
Exercise comes naturally to Turkish Vans because they are always on the move. Vans love playing games, solving puzzles and performing tricks. They are also an avid climbers. This cat should be allowed to perform these activities as they play a big role in her daily exercise routine.
This cat is up early in the morning and retires late in the evening. This means that they’re quite active for most of the day. To fulfill their energy requirements, the Turkish Van requires a diet that is rich in carbohydrates. They deliver the energy which they need on a daily basis. Cool, clean water should always be provided to this cat, but beware, they may also use it as an opportunity for water play!
turkish van cat
The Turkish Van has a beautiful, soft coat with long hairs. As a result, they require ample grooming to stay neat and clean. Since they do not have an undercoat, hair matting isn’t usually an issue. The Turkish Van does not shed much except in Spring and Fall seasons when the old coat is falling out and a new one growing in. Their coat is water-resistant and therefore eliminates the necessity of baths.
Her teeth should be brushed two-to-three times a week to prevent the emergence of periodontal disease. Claws should also be trimmed every few weeks. The corners of your Van’s eyes may emit a discharge and should be wiped away as soon as it emerges. As you do so, ensure that you utilize a different corner of the clean cloth for each eye. This prevents the spread of disease or infection from one eye to the other. Ears should also be cleaned weekly.
The Turkish Van is both beautiful and fascinating breed. They’re independent and affectionate at the same time. This is a companion that will play with you all day and sneak into your bed at night.
All About Horses
Loved by many, horses and humans have enjoyed a strong bond which dates back to ancient times. At first horses were hunted, but humans learned to tame and ride them. From there the horse helped transform how people got around and worked, being one of the primary forms of land transportation until the car came into popularity.