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bombay cat
The Bombay cat was first bred by a Louisville, Kentucky cat breeder, Nicky Horner. She wanted a short-haired, black-eyed, mini panther-like cat that could live at home. She was also inspired by the black leopard of India.
Brief History
The Bombay has no link to wild cats. In 1953, the Bombay was created through selective breeding. Horner bred a black American Shorthair cat to a Burmese female that was a Grand Champion show cat. After a few generations, the Bombay breed was formed. This black cat looked like no other domesticated cat and received CFA Championship status in 1976. This Bombay is now recognized by all cat breed associations. The International Cat Association recognized them in 1979.
Physical Features
The Bombay has a sturdy and compact body of medium height. Their coats are short, flat and black, displaying the Bombay’s muscular form. There is no paling along the black roots of the coat. Their eyes are either copper or green and their nose, soles and mouths are black.
Average Height:
8 to 10 inches
Average Weight:
8 to 12 pounds
Life Expectancy:
9 to 13 years
The Bombay is extremely friendly. This breed needs one-on-one time with its cat parents and does not do well alone all day. Curling up on their owners’ laps for hours is not uncommon. The Bombay needs plenty of love, fun cat toys, and mental stimulation. This breed is not very vocal.
bombay cat
Special Needs
Gingivitis: Regular dental care will reduce plaque development in your Bombay, which can lead to gingivitis and gum disease. With gingivitis, the gums will become inflamed because of plaque. Ligaments and bone are not yet affected. By including daily tooth brushing, dietary changes, using a plaque prevention gel, and oral rinses, you’ll be helping your cat. Consulting with your veterinarian for preventative cleanings every 3 months to save your Bombay’s teeth.
Sinus Problems: Viral infections are the most common causes of sinusitis in cats. Allergic sinusitis can occur seasonally or throughout the year. You cat may be exposed to indoor allergens like dusts and mold spores. Cats are prone to chronic nasal and sinus inflammation after severe acute viral infections. There may also be fungal nasal and sinus inflammation. Consult with your veterinarian.
Hip Dysplasia: This is rare in domestic cats, and is common in purebred cats. This occurs when the hip joint is loose, and leads to degenerative joint disease. (osteoarthritis) Symptoms include lameness that can be mild to severe. Cats generally need no surgery for hip dysplasia. Weight reduction can help reduce discomfort.
Possible Health Concerns
The Bombay is a healthy and moderately active cat breed that may be susceptible to the following health conditions:
The Turkish Van is quite a healthy cat — there aren’t many health issues that affect this breed. Despite this, the Turkish Van can suffer from a condition that is known as hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. This is an inherited genetic condition that require medical attention.
When choosing cat toys for your Bombay cat, opt for toys that allow the entire family to play together.
The Bombay cat needs daily exercise combined with plenty of mental stimulation through active play and interaction with people. This cat breed is well-behaved and does well with routine. Cat gyms, cat scratchers, and interactive cat toys within a cat friendly home environment work best for keeping this playful breed stimulated.
All cat breeds need high quality fat and protein in their diets. They also need amino acids, including taurine that cannot be found in either human food or dog food. There are also numerous specialty diets for your cat that are formulated specifically for certain medical problems like urinary tract disorder, obesity, or kidney disease.
All cats do well by being fed twice daily. During kittenhood, kittens will need to be fed every few hours. Growing kittens need more calories, nutrients, vitamins, protein, and calories. Your Bombay should be able to enjoy a peaceful meal in a quiet corner of the house. Some cat parents prefer to leave cat food out 24/7. Consult with your veterinarian for the best dietary advice for your Bombay.
bombay cat
The Bombay needs daily grooming to remove shedding fur. Because this breed has a short and sleek coat, minimal grooming care is required. Stainless steel combs help to remove dead hair. The Bombay is a cat breed that is always clean and shiny. Regular brushing will keep the Bombay’s coat sleek and shiny. Healthy nutrition also contributes to good coat health in cats. Consult with your veterinarian about safe and gentle ear cleaning techniques. Nail trimming is necessary every few weeks. Eyes should also be cleaned gently every morning with cotton wool or a soft wipe. Each eye should be cleaned with different wipes or cotton balls to avoid eye infection contamination in both eyes.
The Bombay is terrific companion and loving addition to any home. Remember that they thrive on attention!
The British Shorthair is an ancient cat breed that originated from the U.K. It is thought that this cat breed dates as far back as the first century AD. Historians believed that the Egyptians took domesticated Egyptians cats to the U.K, resulting in the interbreeding of these cats with the European wildcat population.
Brief History
The British Shorthair was the only pedigreed cat breed at cat shows during the Victorian era. During WW1 and WW2, the British Shorthair almost vanished, but thanks to cat breeders in the U.K, this breed was kept alive. By 1967, the British Shorthair was recognized by the American Cat Association. The Cat Fancier Association recognized this breed in 1980. Today, all cat associations recognize the British Shorthair. This cat breed is renowned for its strength and hunting ability. Many are under the assumption that this cat breed is blue in color. The British Shorthair comes in various colors of which blue –grey or “British Blue” is the most popular.
Physical Features
The British Shorthair is a large cat breed with a broad chest. Their legs are strong with large paws. The tail is blunt-tipped, and of medium- length. With a round head, and large round eyes, the British Shorthair has a short muzzle and round cheeks.
The British Shorthair matures slowly, and will reach peak physical development at three years of age. This is a dimorphic cat breed, in which males are larger than the females. The coat is plush and thick with no undercoat. There are noticeable “crisp” hairlines that are raised when the British Shorthair walks or runs. Coat colors can be found in solid colors, colorpoint, tabby, shaded, and bicolor patterns.
Average Height:
12-14 inches
Average Weight:
8-14 pounds
Life Expectancy:
14-20 years
The British Shorthair is an intelligent cat breed that adapts easily to new surroundings, and enjoys being around people, even children. The British Shorthair gets along well with other animals like rabbits, dogs, other cats, and even horses. This breed tends to be clumsy, yet is moderately active. This is a kind and sweet-natured cat breed that is devoted to family. The British Shorthair does well with being an indoor cat.
british shorthair cat
Special Needs
The British Shorthair does best as an indoor cat. This breed thrives on affection, and plenty of cat toys. This breed is proud, and enjoys positive clicker training. It is non-aggressive with other cats. Eye tearing may be a problem with this cat breed. Inactive cats tend to pick up weight, and are prone to more medical conditions, like liver disease. Daily grooming needs to be a priority with this breed.
Exercising cats is more difficult than with dogs, yet cat parents can do so by purchasing certain cats toys to promote exercise.
Possible Health Concerns
Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy: This is a heart muscle disorder where the heart walls of the left ventricle thicken. Symptoms may include difficulty breathing, weakness or paralysis of the hind limbs. Fluid may also accumulate in the lungs, and in the space between the lungs and chest wall.
Gingivitis: This is when the gums become inflamed due to bacterial plaque. Gum color in cats will change from a light pink to red or purple. The gum edge wills well. Symptoms include bleeding and bad breath. This can be reversed with proper teeth cleaning. However it can worsen and result in periodontitis.
Polycystic Kidney Disease. This occurs when there are numerous cysts within the functioning part of the kidney, resulting in enlarged kidneys. Consult with your veterinarian if your cat vomits frequently, has a decreased appetite, and increased thirst or urination.
Playtime for indoor cats is extremely important.
The British Shorthair cat breed needs daily exercise combined with plenty of mental stimulation through active play and interaction with people.
This cat breed is a moderately active cat breed that thrives on being with family members. Cat gyms, cat scratchers, and interactive cat toys within a cat friendly home environment work best for this breed.
The British Shorthair needs daily grooming for skin and coat health. Because this breed is a shorthair cat breed, taking care of this cat breed is super easy. This cat breed has a short and smooth coat. Ears should be checked weekly for cleanliness and sensitivity.
All About Horses
Loved by many, horses and humans have enjoyed a strong bond which dates back to ancient times. At first horses were hunted, but humans learned to tame and ride them. From there the horse helped transform how people got around and worked, being one of the primary forms of land transportation until the car came into popularity.
Preparing Your Pets for Winter
Winter storm Cato is heading up the east coast, and is expected to bring the first snow fall of the season to many cities. These conditions give us pause to consider the preparation for and well-being of our pets during these times of extreme weather. Like people, cats and dogs are susceptible to frostbite and hypothermia. They should be kept inside. Long-haired and thick-coated dogs are more tolerant of cold weather, but no pet should be left outside for long periods of time in below freezing weather.
Horse Resources
Horses are amazing animals that delight people of all ages, races, and demographics. Since the first time horses became domesticated around 3,000 BC, these animals have carried out and continue to perform a myriad of functions including serving as stable hands, racing companions as well as carriages for royalty and other dignitaries. If you want to deepen your knowledge about this magnificent species, to owning one, learning to ride and competing in horse riding competitions, do well to visit these online resources:
One of the world’s most popular dogs, the Poodle enjoys the limelight. Experts describe the Poodle as clever, elegant, and proud. Tucked behind the impressive hairdos, fancy ribbons, and regal attitude is an affectionate friend and winner among dogs.
Brief History
The Poodle has a rich history that dates back to the first century. No one is certain of its origin. Its earliest ancestors were curly-coated dogs from central Asia. The curly-coated type extended into Hungary, France, and Russia, and was known as the Barbet. In France, the Poodle is believed to be a crossbreed of the Barbet and a Hungarian water dog. It is referred to as the “chien canard” or “caniche”, for its duck hunting prowess. But the dog is so versatile that it found work as a guide dog, military dog, and a circus performer. So adored was the poodle that it became enshrined as the national breed of France.
But the German strain is the type that most influenced the dog we see today. In Germany, it is known as “Pudelhund”. The name is a combination phrase, “Pudel” meaning, “to splash about”, and “hunt”, or “hound”.
European history has seen Poodle depictions in painting and drawings dating back to the 15th century. In Spain, this breed became extremely popular during the 18th century through artists such as Francisco Goya.
The Poodle comes in 3 sizes: Toy, Miniature and Standard. The Standard poodle holds the claim to being the original version, with the other two varieties bred down for the ease of household companionship. In the late 19th century, fanciers began exhibiting the poodle in the show ring. Its iconic haircut was thought to have started as a hunting clip, with hair left longer to protect its joints from the cold. But the accentuated height and fluff were probably further exaggerated for the circus performers.
Physical Features
The Poodle is square, standing as tall as his body is long. He has a long nose, a full muzzle, dark eyes, and long, pendulous ears. The tail is usually cropped. A true sporting dog, his body is muscular and athletic. His coat is his glory; it comes in many colors including bi-color. The hair is thick and notoriously curly, although groomers will blow it straight and hand-scissor it for the legendary haircut.
The registry recognizes three sizes.
Average Height:
Toy: Under 10 inches
Miniature: 10-15 inches
Standard: Over 15 inches
Average Weight:
Toy: 5-7 pounds
Miniature: 10-20 pounds
Standard: 45-70 pounds
Life Expectancy:
10-15 years
The Poodle is among the smartest of all dogs. This breed is a brilliant student and adept at nearly any kind of task. His personality is one of fun and happy energy, filled with humor and bounce.
Special Needs
Being a curly-coated dog, the Poodle will need regular grooming. The dog can be prone to ear infections unless the hair is pulled from the inner ear.
Possible Health Concerns
Poodles can be fragile, especially the toy variety. Some of the ailments that plague the breed are:
Heart disease
Cushing’s disease
Addison’s disease
Gastric dilation-volvulus/bloat
Hip dysplasia
Eye disorders
Sebaceous adenitis
Depending on the size of the dog, exercise needs will vary. But all poodles need a fair amount of aerobic workout on a regular basis.
Poodles thrive on a balanced diet of proteins, carbohydrates, and fat. Carbohydrates provide them with the energy needed to stay active while proteins and fat support their lean muscle health, build and repair their immune system as well as the central nervous system. Proteins should make up a huge part of their diet since they make their coats and skins glow.
The Poodle’s grooming needs are best addressed by a professional, although some owners like to let their dog grow out curly and woolly. To that end, be sure to have a veterinarian inspect the ears, cut the toenails, and drain the anal glands regularly.
Here are some more poodle resources:
Poodle Lovers Post: History of the Poodle
AKC.org: Dog Breeds: Poodle
All About Llamas
Ahh, the lovable Llama. This mammal weighs in at around 250 lbs and reaches a height of 47 inches.
Originating from Tibet, Tibetan Terriers are a medium-sized dog breed in the working group. They are so called “terriers” but have no relation to the terrier group of hounds. However, due to their remarkable resemblance to terriers, European travelers included the breed in their name. In Tibet, this dog is called Tsang Apso (shaggy or bearded) dog or Dokhi Apso meaning outdoor dog.
Brief History
Tibetan terriers have lived for thousands of years in the area that we now know as Tibet. Various DNA tests revealed that these dogs may have descended from various ancient breeds. In centuries past, Tibetans bred these dogs as good luck charms, companions, mascots, and herding dogs. Often known as holy dogs in Tibet, they were sometimes considered a rarity and were never sold, but raised by monks to be given as gifts. Living in Tibet which was a geographically isolated region, Tibetan terriers managed to stay as a purebred dog for more than 2000 years. In 1922, an English doctor brought the first Tibetan terrier to Europe. This was a white and gold female puppy. She later acquired a male Tibetan and with this couple as foundation stock, began breeding them in her then established kennel.
The first litter born to these dogs was in 1924, these puppies assumed the name Lhasa terriers. It was in 1930 when the Kennel Club of India changed the name Lhasa Terriers to Tibetan Terriers. In 1956, Dr. Henry and Mrs. Alice Murphy brought the first Tibetans to the US and in1973 the AKC recognized this breed placing it under the non-sporting group.
tibetan terrier
Physical Features
Tibetan Terriers are medium-sized with a powerful build and profuse coat. Their hairs are long and tend to cover their face, eyes, and sometimes mouth. The Tibetan’s body is square in proportion with large round feet that lie flat on the ground. Their tails are well feathered with an upward curl that allows it to fall forward over the back.
Average Height:
14-17 inches
Average Weight:
18-30 pounds
Life Expectancy:
15-16 years
Tibetans are known for their loyal and affectionate charm which makes them good family pets. They are also intelligent, capable dogs with a strong helper drive. Tibetan terriers are sensitive and gentle to both adults and children.
Special Needs
With strangers or strange environments, Tibetans tend to be reserved. Owners need to exercise patience while introducing them to people and places they don’t know. Early socialization is required for them to grow into obedient and well-mannered pets. Due to their clever, steadfast and determined natures, some Tibetans tend to be stubborn. They also make excellent guard dogs.
Possible Health Concerns
Tibetans are a hardy and healthy breed, however, they tend to succumb to western canine diseases due to environmental changes and other bearing aspects such as the lifestyle they were used to in their country of origin. Early neutering and spaying may expose this breed to joint issues. In fact, many breeders suggest that owners wait until these dogs reach maturity. Occasionally, older Tibetans may suffer from vestibular disease. Although fatal, they may recover from it if dealt with during its early stages. Canine cancers also remain of concern to aging Tibetans.
tibetan terrier puppy
The Tibetan terrier is an outdoor dog and enjoy daily walks with their family. Plan to fit in at least 30 minutes of exercise time a day to make sure your Tibetan stays at a healthy weight and is mentally stimulated.
A Tibetan’s double coat is adaptable in everyday life. The undercoat is woolen and acts as a natural insulator and water resistor. Coat textures may vary from soft to hard and they may or may not be susceptible to matting. Grooming the Tibetans ample coat should be a regular activity, perhaps trimming it to a manageable length or just hand stripping any dead or loose hair. As they tend to chew their food, owners should ensure that they clean their dog’s teeth once a week to keep them healthy and clean.
Tibetan Terriers have a versatile, friendly and intelligent nature. They make loving and loyal family companions.
tibetan terrier breed