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The Persian Longhair is one of the oldest cat breeds. They originated in Persia, or Iran, as it is known today. During the seventeenth century, nobility enjoyed the Persian cat breed. Pietro Del Val imported the first Persian cat to Europe in 1626.
Brief History
The Persian Longhair is known for its round face and short muzzle. The “Iranian cat”, as it is called in the Middle East, and the “Shirazi cat” in Iran, were first brought into Italy from Iran around 1620. Breeding of the long haired Persian took place in Italy and France after this cat breed became popular throughout Europe. In 1870 the first Persian cat attended a cat show in London, U.K. The Persian then arrived in the U.S in the early 1900’s.
The earlier Persian breed had a much longer nose than today’s Persian, which has a flat-face. By 2015, the Persian was the second most popular cat breed in the United States. Today’s Persian cats are related to the Western European cats. The Persian differs from the Angora cat breed in that their tails and heads are larger with ears that are less pointy.
Physical Features
With a large round head, and large round eyes, the Persian has a short nose and full cheeks. Their legs are short and thick, with paws that are strong and round. Their tails full and are in proportion to the body. Their necks are powerful and thick. Persians have long and thick coats with long ruffs around their necks. Their front legs typically sport a frill of fur and their ears and toes have tufts of long hair. There are two types of Persians:
Peke-faced Persians (more flat-faced)
Doll-faced Persians (less flat-faced)
There are seven solid color divisions:
Chocolate (rare)
Lilac (rare)
White Persian cats will have blue or copper eyes or one of each. Silver and Golden Division Persian cats yield chinchilla, shaded silver and golden colors. The chinchilla colored cat is white with black tipping scattered all over the face, legs, tail, and body. Shaded Persians will have black on their backs, with it being distributed evenly down the body. Leg and face tipping on the Persian should match, and yields a darker color than chinchilla. Golden Persians will have chinchilla coloring or shading. Green or blue-green eyes are matched with silvers and Guldens Paw pads are black and are matched with a red nose.
Smoke and Shaded Division Persians yield shell and cameo colors with a red tipping and white undercoat. Shell and shaded tortoiseshell Persians yield black tipping with patches of red tipped hair. Shell and shaded blue Persians will have a blue tipping with patches of cream hair.
Tabby Persian Cats come in classic, mackerel and patched. The Classic tabby will have bull’s eye markings on either side of the body. The mackerel will have narrow penciling throughout the body. There are also bicolor, particolor, and Himalayan Divisions of the Persian cat breed.
Average Height:
10-15 inches
Average Weight:
7-12 pounds
Life Expectancy:
7-15 years
The Persian Cat breed is a sweet and kind cat breed that enjoys being pampered. Although super feisty if not exercised or mentally stimulated, the Persian fancies lots of cuddles and cute cat toys. The Persian can be aloof when needing time alone, but are also affectionate with immediate family. Persian cats do well in a quiet home without lots of disruptions. This wonderful cat breed tends to be placid in nature and friendly with strangers.
Persian cats have a compliant nature, and are easy to live with. These beautiful cats are docile, and adapt easily to new environments.
Special Needs
The Persian does best as an indoor cat. This cat breed thrives on affection, and plenty of cat toys. Pet parents should make sure to keep their Persian indoors during the hot summer months, as they can overheat easily. The Persian gets bored when alone for long periods of time. Eye tearing may be a problem with this cat breed. Inactive cats tend to pick up weight, and are prone to more medical conditions like liver disease.
Possible Health Concerns
The Persian is a healthy and moderately active cat breed that may be susceptible to the following health conditions:
Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy (HCM): This is a heart muscle disorder where the heart walls of the left ventricle thicken. This results in the walls becoming stiffer. This is a common primary heart disease in cats. It tends to noticed at around 3 months to 17 years of age. Most cats will be middle aged when this disorder occurs. This disorder tends to affect males more than females, and it is an inherited genetic defect. Symptoms may include difficulty breathing, weakness or paralysis of the hind limbs. Fluid may also accumulate in the lungs, and in the space between the lungs and chest wall. Veterinary treatment will aim at improving cardiac function, and reducing blood clots. There is a good longterm outlook for mildly affected cats. Consult with your veterinarian for advice.
Progressive Retinal Atrophy: This is a group of diseases that cause degeneration of the retina. This also includes inherited abnormalities of the light-sensitive retina layer. Cataracts are common toward the end of PRA. This results in it being difficult to detect underlying diseases of the retina. Consult with your veterinarian.
Basil Cell Carcinoma: These are malignant tumors that occur most often in elderly cats. The Persian cat breed is very susceptible to this. They will first show up as ulcers on the head, legs, or neck, and are not raised from the skin. Instead they will spread and form new ulcers. Surgery is the best treatment for removal. These tumors will spread to other areas of the skin, but not to organs.
Hip Dysplasia: This is rare in domestic cats, and is common in purebred cats. This occurs when the hip joint is loose, and leads to degenerative joint disease. (osteoarthritis) Symptoms include lameness that can be mild to severe. Cats generally need no surgery for hip dysplasia. Weight reduction can help reduce discomfort.
Heat Sensitivity: Cats will sweat through their foot pads. The Persian needs to be kept indoors during the hot summer months. This cat breed needs lots of fresh water to drink, cool places to lie in, and a cool home during extreme summers. Flat –faced cats and Persians have breathing problems, and don’t pant as well as other cat breeds. Symptoms of heat exhaustion include a fast heart rate, sunken eyes, and excessive panting. If your Persian is a senior cat or is obese, it will be necessary to watch closely for heat exhaustion.
Cherry Eye (Eyelid Protrusion): This is a disorder of the third eyelid, resulting in swollen redness of the eye. It is more common in Persian cats. Consult with your veterinarian for advice.
Entropion: This is the inversion of the lower lid. It is more common among purebred cat breeds like the Persian cat.
Polycystic Kidney Disease. This occurs when the polycystic kidney has numerous cysts within the functioning part of the kidney resulting in enlarged kidneys. Consult with your veterinarian if your Persian vomits frequently, has a decreased appetite, and increased thirst or urination.
Ringworm: This is an infection of the skin, hair, or claws, and is caused by a fungus called dermatophyte. This occurs in 98% of cats. It spreads easily from cats to people. Symptoms include circular, bald patches that scale and have broken hairs in a ring-like fashion. Consult with your veterinarian for advice.
Skin Disorders: The Persian may be prone to skin disorders. Persian cats are prone to idiopathic seborrhea. This is an inherited skin disorder resulting in the overproduction of an oily substance. This clumps in the cat’s fur, and causes it to smell bad. Symptoms include red and irritated skin with excessive scratching. Consult your veterinarian for advice.
The Persian cat breed needs daily exercise combined with plenty of mental stimulation through active play and interaction with people. Finding a variety of mentally stimulating cat toys will allow for your Persian to lead a well-balanced life, with the right amount of exercise and cognitive stimulation. Cat harnesses also allow for daily walks.
All cats do well by being fed twice daily. During kittenhood, kittens will need to be fed every few hours. Growing kittens need more calories, nutrients, vitamins, protein, and calories. Your Persian cat should be able to enjoy a peaceful meal in a quiet corner of the house. Some cat parents prefer to leave cat food out 24/7. When looking for a high-quality cat food, here’s what to look out for:
No low-quality fillers
No artificial additives
Low grade ingredients or toxic ingredients
All cat food has to be meat-based because all cats are carnivores.
No garlic
Plant-based ingredients should be listed after the protein-based ingredients
Consult with your veterinarian for the best dietary advice for your Persian cat.
The Persian cat needs daily grooming to prevent hair from matting and removing shedding fur to avoid hairballs. Because this breed has a long and wonderfully soft coat, extra grooming care is required. Stainless steel combs help to remove dead hair. Care must be taken when grooming leg hair and body hair to avoid missing spots that could tangle or mat easily. All cat breeds will groom themselves several times throughout the day. Daily grooming is necessary because it limits the amount of hair that your cat will consume.
Daily cleaning with pet wipes beneath the tail is necessary. Ears should be checked weekly for cleanliness and sensitivity. If there is a buildup of wax and dirt, organisms can lead to an ear infection. Consult with your veterinarian about safe and gentle ear cleaning techniques. Nail trimming is necessary every few weeks. Eyes should also be cleaned gently every morning with cotton wool or a soft wipe. Each eye should be cleaned with different wipes or cotton balls to avoid eye infection contamination in both eyes.
Healthy Persians need minimal bathing with a gentle cat shampoo. Your cat will need dental care as well. By feeding dry food, and having professional dental cleanings with your veterinarian throughout your cat’s lifetime, your cat will have less of a chance of developing gingivitis or gum disease.
For our canine friends, paw licking can be a grooming habit. This is often seen when dogs have been out for a long walk in rugged conditions, or it might be part of their daily groom.
The Bichon Frise, also known as the Tenerife Bichon, originated from France. It belongs to the UKC; Non Sporting Group, and has been around since the 14th century. It is thought that the Bichon first arrived in Tenerife with Italian traders who traded their dogs for goods.
Brief History
The Bichon Frise was bred in the Mediterranean region during the Middle Ages. It was named the Tenerife Bichon, and was a favorite among the French nobility during the 1500’s. By the 1800s, the Bichon was a popular companion dog in France, and was also used for circus performances.
The Bichon arrived in the U.S in the mid-twentieth century. During the 20th century, the Bichon faced difficult times during both wars, and became less popular. The Bichon became popular again when the breed was recognized in 1933 under the “Society Central Canine as the “Bichon with the curly hair.” In 1964, the Bichon Frise Club was formed in the U.S. The AKC accepted the Bichon in 1971 under the miscellaneous class, and in 1973 as a Non-Sporting Group.
Physical Features
The Bichon Frise is a small and sturdy dog. The Bichon has a rounded skull, with a short muzzle, and a strong lower jaw. With curious rounded dark brown or black eyes, the Bichon has high-set drop ears that are set forward on its head. This breed carries a medium-length plumed tail that curls over its back.
Bichons have double-coats with a very soft undercoat, and a medium-length outercoat. They have lots of hair on the head, beard, mustache, ears and tail. The coloring of this dog breed is white, but the Bichon can also be found with a buff, cream, or apricot color around ears and body.
Average Height:
9.5-11.5 inches
Average Weight:
10-14 pounds
Life Expectancy:
12-15 years
The Bichon is gentle and affectionate. This breed is always cheerful and playful, and makes for a great companion dog. The Bichon has a positive attitude, but may be difficult to housebreak. Positive dog training and early socialization is recommended. Bichons are good with children, and need to be around family. They enjoy daily trips in the car, and love sitting on your lap when out and about. They are also very easy to manage in restaurants, or when out shopping.
Special Needs
The Bichon is prone to weight problems, and should be kept at the correct weight. Avoid feeding bits from the dinner table. It’s hard to resist the affectionate Bichon begging at the dinner table, but be sure to feed only healthy foods. Bichons need regular grooming, socialization and housetraining.
Possible Health Concerns
The Bichon is an active and healthy dog breed that may be susceptible to the following:
Autoimmune Disease refers to the abnormal functioning of the immune system. The Bichon may be predisposed to this. Consult with your veterinarian for more advice.
Bladder Problems. Some Bichons may be predisposed to urinary stones (uroliths). The best way to try and prevent this is to always supply lots of fresh water. The most common uroliths found in the Bichon Frise is the magnesium ammonium phosphate (struvite) and calcium oxalate uroliths. Medical, dietary, and surgical options are three options that your vet will discuss with you.
Eye Diseases that are common in Bichons include Cataracts, Sudden Acquired Retinal Degeneration Syndrome, SARDS, Progressive Retinal Atrophy or PRA, Glaucoma, and Keratitis Sicca. Consult with your veterinarian for ophthalmic care.
Luxating Patellas. This is a hereditary condition that is caused by the abnormal development of the kneecap(patella). X-rays will aid in seeing the severity of the displacement. Treatment usually involves surgical options.
Dental Problems. The Bichon Frise needs proper dental care, including preventative methods like daily tooth brushing, which will help prevent gum disease, periodontitis and endodontic disease.
The Bichon Frise needs daily exercise every day to stay fit, and to not pick up weight. This breed enjoys being indoors with their pet parent, and is such an easy keeper. Additionally, this breed is moderately active meaning that daily walks suffice, though dog park visits are always welcome. Bichon’s love quality time with their pet parent, so be sure to take them on your adventures when possible!
Pet parents should never underestimate the importance of a well-balanced diet for this small and short breed. The Bichon picks up weight very easily, and can get to be obese rather fast. Feed a complete and balanced food for the appropriate life stage of your Bichon. Always consult with your veterinarian if your dog develops food allergies, and needs a change of diet.
The Bichon has a wonderful coat that needs to be maintained daily. Bichons suffer from sensitive eyes, and the hair close to the eyes will need to be trimmed regularly. The Bichon should be bathed once a week, and tends to enjoy a visit to the groomers. Most Bichon pet parents find it easier to take their Bichons to a professional groomer every 4 weeks. This is a hypoallergenic dog breed, and suits pet parents that suffer from allergies.
Ears also need to be checked often for signs of infection. As usual, teeth need to be brushed daily, and a twice yearly dental cleaning at the vet is recommended to prevent dental disease.
Bichons are a popular dog breed to adopt. These pups enjoy apartment living, and are easy to keep. With its gentle demeanor and playful nature, the Bichon does not bark a lot and gets along with everyone they encounter.
Can Dogs Spread the Ebola Virus?
No one knows for sure. Out of an abundance of caution, authorities euthanized the pet dog of a Spanish Nursing assistant after she contracted the Ebola virus while caring for a patient in Spain.
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Dogs – they are man’s best friend for good reason. But more than just companionship, our canine friends can provide import functional roles in day-to-day life.
Preparing Your Pets for Winter
Winter storm Cato is heading up the east coast, and is expected to bring the first snow fall of the season to many cities. These conditions give us pause to consider the preparation for and well-being of our pets during these times of extreme weather. Like people, cats and dogs are susceptible to frostbite and hypothermia. They should be kept inside. Long-haired and thick-coated dogs are more tolerant of cold weather, but no pet should be left outside for long periods of time in below freezing weather.
miniature schnauzer dog
The miniature schnauzer is a true terrier in every sense of the word: Plucky, big-hearted, and active. Woe to the person who appears to pose a threat to this pup’s loved ones: This courageous, bright-eyed little dog is loyal to the end.
Brief History
The Schnauzer is a very old German breed, having been depicted in paintings as far back as 1492. The German word for muzzle is, “schnauzer,” with all schnauzer varieties being bred to have bristly hair on the nose and mouth. The standard version of the breed originated in Germany, pulling vegetable carts from the farmers’ fields to markets in town. The dog was also put on guard duty.
The brilliance of the schnauzer lies in its versatility. They were used as an all-around stock dog — herding sheep, cattle, and pigs. They kept vermin at bay and were the quintessential farmer’s best friend. Even today, German Schnauzer Clubs will promote “ratting” trials, keeping the schnauzer as a pragmatic working breed. In America, schnauzers are a common choice for barn hunt and earthdog trials.
The miniature schnauzer descended from a cross between its standard-sized relative and an Affenpinscher. While even breed fanciers are not sure whether the cross was intentional, they treasure the results. The mini has enjoyed breed recognition since first being entered in shows around 1899. The first miniatures were bred in the United States in 1925 and officially gained AKC breed recognition the following year.
Physical Features
According to the AKC breed standard, the miniature schnauzer is “a robust, active dog of terrier type, resembling its larger cousin, the standard schnauzer, in general appearance, and of an alert, active disposition.”
The AKC allows only three coat colors: Salt and pepper, solid black, or black and silver.
Average Height:
12-14 inches
Average Weight:
11-20 pounds
Life Expectancy:
12-15 years
The miniature schnauzer is high-spirited, friendly, and eager to please. They are courageous like most terriers, but generally obedient.
Special Needs
Although they thrive apartment-sized environments, miniature schnauzers require a regular exercise schedule. Their genetics as a hunter make them want to dig holes and bark.
Possible Health Concerns
If adopting a miniature schnauzer from a breeder, look for a background with clearances from the Orthopedic Foundation for Animals (OFA) for hip dysplasia, elbow dysplasia, hypothyroidism, and von Willebrand’s disease. Breeding schnauzers should also be tested for thrombopathia and have an eye certification.
Schnauzers are active, athletic dogs. They can excel at dog sports such as agility and obedience. They tend to love activities like rally and barn hunt. If you are considering life with a schnauzer, prepare to keep moving!
Like many other small dogs, overfeeding can be a problem. A schnauzer’s diet should be monitored closely, including quality kibble, meat, and blanched vegetables. Monitor their weights to make sure they are maintaining the correct numbers for their size, and be sure they gets plenty of exercise.
If you are considering adding a miniature schnauzer to the family, be ready for new adventures. These playful, happy dogs are game for just about anything you want to do. They are not couch potatoes by any means! Be prepared for a good, long lifetime filled with fun.
The Holiday Season is upon us. People are busy this time of year shopping, cooking, entertaining guests, making travel plans and a myriad of other pressing activities. Many times our schedules drift to a panic state by all family members including the four-legged members of the household. There are some cautions that must be put in place to protect the family pets from illness and accidents during these hectic times.