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Training a dog can be both a highly rewarding and completely frustrating endeavor. Far too often, new dog owners stumble through training their pooch, then give up after a major setback.
Which Cats are Hypoallergenic?
Most people think their allergic reactions to cats come from the animals’ fur. In reality, the source of the allergy originates in the saliva of the cat. When cats grooms themselves, allergens are transmitted throughout their coats and shed around the house.
Chartreux cat
The Chartreux is a rare cat breed from France with a thick blue coat. It’s a domestic cat breed that was first discussed in a poem in 1558. There were plenty of free-roaming cats like the Chartreux that roamed the streets of Paris and were ratters in shops and homes. After WW1, cat fanciers took interest in this cat breed, and a breed standard for the Chartreux was formed. By 1928 and 1931, this cat breed was showing in Europe.
Brief History
The Chartreux almost disappeared after WWII, but cat breeders banded together to save it from extinction. In 1971, the first Chartreux arrived in the U.S. Helen and John Gamon from California, imported the first Chartreux into the U.S. The Cat Fanciers Association (CFA) promoted this breed to showing. By 2007, there were less than two dozen Chartreux cat breeders in North America.
Physical Features
With a strong and powerful body, the Chartreux has a short, thick waterproof blueish-grey coat. Their eyes are orange and their heads are round with full, adorable cheeks. Because of this, they always look like they are smiling. Their ears are medium-sized and their legs are relatively short with medium-sized paws.
Average Height:
9-11 inches
Average Weight:
9-12 pounds
Life Expectancy:
12-15 years
Some Chartreux cats are actually mute, but don’t let that fool you. They’re extremely intelligent and inquisitive. They’re known for opening door latches, drawers and even navigating a confusing screen door. The Chartreux does well with family, strangers, other pets, and children. Chartreux kittens are active and playful. Senior cats tend to enjoy watching, and are much less active. This cat breed is perfect for either apartment or farm living. They are quiet cats that enjoy interactive play. The Chartreux enjoys playing with anything that is lying around, and is playful when there is someone to play with. This wonderful cat breed is very easy to live with. The Chartreux needs plenty of love, fun cat toys, and mental stimulation.
Special Needs
Chartreux cats are rarely vocal, so extra attention is needed to make sure they are getting all the care they need.
Possible Health Concerns
Hip Dysplasia: This is rare in domestic cats, common in purebred cats. This occurs when the hip joint is loose, and leads to degenerative joint disease.
Ringworm: This is an infection of the skin, hair, or claws, and is caused by a fungus called dermatophyte. This occurs in 98% of cats. It spreads easily from cats to people.
Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy: This is a heart muscle disorder where the heart walls of the left ventricle thicken. This results in the walls becoming stiffer. This is a common heart disease in cats. It tends to get noticed at around 3 months to 17 years of age. Most cats will be middle aged when this disorder occurs. This disorder tends to affect males more than females, and it is an inherited genetic defect.
Gingivitis: This is when the gums become inflamed due to bacterial plaque. At this stage the ligaments and bone are not infected. Gum color in cats will change from a light pink to red or purple. The gum edge wills well. Symptoms include bleeding and bad breath. This can be reversed with proper teeth cleaning.
This cat breed needs daily exercise combined with plenty of mental stimulation through active play and interaction with people. Finding a variety of mentally stimulating cat toys will allow for your cat to lead a well-balanced life, with the right amount of exercise and mental stimulation.
All cat breeds will groom themselves several times throughout the day. Daily grooming is necessary because it limits the amount of hair that your cat will consume. This helps limit the development of hairballs.
Daily cleaning with pet wipes beneath the tail is necessary. Ears should be checked weekly for cleanliness and sensitivity. If there is a buildup of wax and dirt, organisms can lead to an ear infection. Consult with your veterinarian about safe and gentle ear cleaning techniques. Nail trimming is necessary every few weeks. Eyes should also be cleaned gently every morning with cotton wool or a soft wipe. Each eye should be cleaned with different wipes or cotton balls to avoid eye infection contamination in both eyes. Cats should also have their teeth brushed a few times a week with a special feline toothpaste and brush.
The Chartreux is an active, yet relaxed cat breed that needs lots of playtime. This is not a cat breed that enjoys being alone all day. The Chartreux enjoys being around other cat friendly animals, and gentle humans.
Chartreux cat breed
5 Reasons Your Pet Needs Insurance
You insure your home, your house, yourself and your family. But did you know that there’s another family member you need to look out for? Just like you find yourself suddenly sick and in need of a doctor, your pets will too. Don’t let the health of your furry friend to come down to what you can afford.
The Whippet originated from the U.K and is part of the UKC, Sighthound Group and the AKC Hound Group. This breed first came about more than 100 years ago and was bred in the late 19th century. Initially used for racing, these dogs are great in track running over short distances and can reach high speeds in seconds. They were named the “poor man’s racehorse,” because they were used for gambling in the U.K. by the working class.
Brief History
This lightning-fast sprinter dog breed is a smaller version of the Greyhound. During Victorian times, miners enjoyed dog racing and rabbit hunting, but found Greyhounds to be expensive in their upkeep. To solve this, they bred a smaller version, resulting in the Whippet.
This is the fastest breed of its size and can run up to 35 miles per hour. It is believed that this breed descended from a cross of various terriers, Greyhounds, Italian Greyhounds and possibly Pharaoh Hounds. The name is thought to have been derived from “Whappet,” an old word that means small dog that makes a lot of noise. This breed was recognized by the AKC in 1888 and by the English Kennel Club in 1891. They enjoys hunting, racing, agility, sighting, and lure coursing.
Physical Features
The Whippet is a medium-sized dog that is elegant and muscular. Their length is typically equal to, or slightly longer than, their height. With a long, narrow head and a powerful, long muzzle, the Whippet has a black nose and small ears. This breed also has a long neck, with a long tapered tail. Their coats are smooth, short, and in a wide range of colors. This breed has a keen and alert expression with a smooth, muscular and strength. Their hindquarters are long and powerful.
Average Height:
18-22 inches
Average Weight:
20-28 pounds
Life Expectancy:
12-15 years
This is a friendly and amiable dog breed that enjoys people and other animals. This breed does well with children. Although the Whippet has a pronounced prey instinct, when positively trained, they can be one of the easiest breeds to live with. This pup is capable of great speeds when running and is totally focused when doing so. They do best with lots of exercise with a fenced and secure garden or backyard. This is a very sensitive dog breed that needs tons of positive reinforcement and does well with lots of attention and affection.
Special Needs
This athletic dog breed does well with plenty of off-leash exercise. Early socialization with other dogs, people and animals is recommended. Puppy training classes help overcome any shyness issues. That said, the Whippet is sensitive, active and playful. This breed does well with an active family and enjoys most canine sporting activities. In fact, this bred excels at many of them. They also enjoy lounging on beds and couches.
Positive dog training for this breed needs to be consistent, yet one needs to take sensitivity and intelligence into consideration, and not break their playful spirit with unnecessary reprimands.
Attentive and experienced pet parents are recommended. These dogs do well with either country or city living, as long as they gets the right amount of exercise. This breed’s skin is very thin, and needs to be protected from cold or from vegetation that may cause skin lacerations. Weight needs to be maintained in this breed. They need to live indoors with their thin body frame. Be sure to have a plush dog bed nearby.
Possible Health Concerns
This is a healthy and active dog breed that may be susceptible to the following:
Cardiac Diseases: Mitral Valve Disease (MVD) is common in Whippets. Soft systolic hear murmurs are common in dogs that perform in athletic training. Consult with your veterinarian for advice.
Cancer: Older dogs may be predisposed to osteosarcoma, lymphosarcoma, mastocytoma, melanoma, histiosarcoma, and hemangiosarcoma. Canine cancer is on the rise. Consult with your veterinarian regarding any changes in your elderly dog. Feed a healthy natural high-quality diet.
Hypothyroidism is a deficiency of the thyroid hormone, and can cause weight gain in this breed, as well as constipation, and cold sensitivity.
This dog breed needs regular exercise and plenty of off-leash runs.
Don’t allow for young Whippets to play with larger dogs. All pups enjoy playing so much that they forget how big other dogs really are. Make sure to protect your puppy from injury when they’re playing with other dogs. This breed also needs protecting from skin lacerations if outside, or with other dogs.
Whippets are usually calm at home, but have explosive energy when at the dog park. This breed needs to have long supervised runs. Be forewarned: puppies can climb and jump over garden fences easily. Lure coursing and agility are favorite canine sports for this breed. They are athletic, fast and have tremendous energy. That said, a well-trained and well-exercised Whippet makes for a well-balanced dog that is a pleasure to have at home. They don’t do well in the cold and must be protected from low temperatures in winter months.
This breed does well on a high-quality dog food. If you’re opting for home-prepared dog food, consult with your veterinarian first. The Whippet has a tendency to metabolize food quickly and lose weight, so make sure you’re attentive to their appetite. At the same time, make sure to watch their weight.
Look for high-quality ingredients such as whole meats, fruits, vegetables, and grains, and take heed of different macronutrients like proteins, fats, and carbs.
The Whippet has almost no odor and is a clean breed. This dog breed needs minimal grooming maintenance, and is easy to groom. Weekly bathing, together with everyday grooming help keep skin free of dirt and healthy. Nails need to be trimmed as needed. This breed needs to be brushed every day, and also needs to have daily dental brushing, and ear cleanings.
The Whippet is a popular breed because of its size and friendly personality. That said, be sure to have your home well prepared. Secure fencing is a must! With their alert and intelligent personalities, Whippets escape easily, so new pet parents must be sure that all back gates are locked and the backyard is super safe.
This breed is sensitive, caring and needs lots of TLC. They are also easy to travel with and to take along on trips. They may be shy with strangers, but are gentle all round. Once Whippets have decided to chase something, there’s no stopping them. Off-leash runs need to take place somewhere safe like the dog park.
Sunday, October 12, 2014, marked the first day of National Veterinary Technician Week. Veterinary Technicians are dedicated animal hospital professionals, who provide the ultimate care for your four-legged friends, your pets. They perform a multitude of tasks around any animal hospital to enhance the health and welfare of your special family member.
All cat owners know cats are independent creatures and do not require a lot of your time. Cats love to sleep and hide in safe places; however, they also want and need attention. They need scratching posts, climbing towers, feeding, grooming and other loving care. Because of their independent nature and desire to be separated from human activity part of the time, many cat owners believe they do not have to interact with their cats on a daily basis. In reality, cats need daily attention from their human family to be at their best.
Sounds of the Animals Around the World
There are close to 9 million species of animals on the planet. Many of these animals make distinct noises which can be interesting and fun to hear.