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For our canine friends, paw licking can be a grooming habit. This is often seen when dogs have been out for a long walk in rugged conditions, or it might be part of their daily groom.
5 Diseases You Can Get From Your Cat
With their cute furry paws and adoring faces, it’s no surprise that cats are the most popular type of pet in the country, after fish. From their subtle purrs, to the discreet face licks, cats certainly like to share their affection for their owners proudly. But there are some things that are best not shared; including certain parasites, infections and disease.
Sunday, October 12, 2014, marked the first day of National Veterinary Technician Week. Veterinary Technicians are dedicated animal hospital professionals, who provide the ultimate care for your four-legged friends, your pets. They perform a multitude of tasks around any animal hospital to enhance the health and welfare of your special family member.
Abyssinian cats get their name from the term Abyssinia which was a former name for Ethiopia. A breed with fine bone and elaborate pose Abyssinian cats never fail to impress us. They have a tabby yet multi-colored coat that gives them an intricate look and elegant appearance.
Brief History
There are many stories that surround the Abyssinian cat’s origins however many cat fanciers believe that this breed’s first ancestors were from parts of Southeast Asia and the Indian Ocean coast. Traders within these regions were accredited for the cat’s migration into other continental parts such as Arabia and Africa. Some breeds said to be in the Abyss genetic background are Russian Blues, Burnese and Siamese. During the 19th century the breed became famous in Great Britain with belief that British soldiers deployed in various parts of Africa and Asia brought it back home by the end of their expeditions.
Physical Features
The Abyssinian is quite slender but with fine bone and an average body size. They have almond shaped eyes that glare with expression while their ears are large and tend to be pointed with alertness. A kitten Abyssinian is born with a dark coat that lightens with age and as they proceed into adulthood their coats become soft, silky to the touch and ideally fine but close lying and dense.
Average Height:
8-10 inches
Average Weight:
8-12 pounds
Life Expectancy:
9-15 years
Abyssinians are generally friendly in nature showing affection for kids and other pets. They are also playful, dislike being lonely or in boring environments and can make good therapy pets thanks to this appeal. As for the family an Abyssinian’s affection is averagely placed meaning that they neither love nor hate to belong to a particular grouping. Everything they do is done willingly and with enthusiasm making them one cat breed that knows how to live every second of their life to the fullest. Any activity, be it play, climbing, jumping or running is done with energy and passion.
oriental shorthair cat
Special Needs
The Oriental Shorthair does not like to be left alone. This cat also needs to be entertained regularly. This means that they need to have some form of entertainment whenever they are awake and around the house. The cat requires interaction as part of daily maintenance.
The Oriental Shorthair is an active cat, and will play fetch, learn tricks and enjoy time with kids. They will get along with other cats and dogs as well.
Possible Health Concerns
If maintained well, the Oriental Shorthair is generally a healthy cat. It is important to note that they may inherit some genetic diseases and conditions that are characteristic of their parent breeds. Conditions that affect the Siamese cat or the Abyssinian can be inherited by the Oriental Shorthair. These include Amyloidosis, crossed eyes or congenital heart defects. This cat may also develop gastrointestinal diseases, lymphoma, nystagmus or Hyperesthesia syndrome. Early diagnosis and treatment can go a long way in helping the Oriental Shorthair to recover from these conditions.
The Oriental Shorthair cat is an active pet. This means that they need regular exercise. The breed loves to jump from heights. Perches and cat trees come in handy for this type of exercise. They also appreciate toys. If successfully trained, the Oriental Shorthair can be taken for walks around the block on a leash.
The Oriental Shorthair’s fine fur coat requires combing every few weeks. This can be done using a soft bristle coat or a soft stainless steel brush that removes all dead hair. After brushing the cat’s coat, polish with a soft cloth so as to ensure that it shines. The cat’s teeth also need to be brushed once a week. This is so as to prevent periodontal disease.
Her eyes also need hygienic care. This can be facilitated with a soft, damp cloth to get rid of any discharge. The ears should also be cleaned regularly.
The Oriental Shorthair is a beautiful cat that was bred from exotic parentage. They are lively, loving and dedicated to their families. Always ready to play and provide friendship, the Oriental Shorthair is an ideal family cat.
Vaccines are laboratory prepared substances acquired from killed or weakened forms of a causative agent of disease for the purpose of building the immunity of the body against infectious diseases. Puppies or kittens acquire passive immunity through lactation from the mother’s milk as well through the placenta. With time this immunity decreases and vaccinations are necessary to build the bodies immunity (active immunity). Most of the diseases vaccinated against are incurable, highly infectious and often lead to death.
The Yorkipoo is a fun-loving, energetic and loving small breed. They are are versatile dogs that can live in a large house or an apartment with equal satisfaction. They’re extremely easy-going and love lounge time just as much as a walk in the park. The Yorkipoo may be petite, but make no mistake, their little bodies pack a ton of energy and agility.
Brief History
The Yorkipoo is a cross between a Yorkshire Terrier and a Toy Poodle and were first bred in the United States. Yorkipoos were bred to be hypoallergenic and make great companion dogs to people of all ages. Due to their mixed breeding, the Yorkipoo is not recognized by the American Kennel Club but is recognized by the American Hybrid Canine Club and the Designer Dog Kennel Club.
Physical Features
The Yorkipoo combines all the favorable physical characteristics of the Yorkshire Terrier and the Toy Poodle. They are small in stature and have a long, smooth and silky coat — either curly or straight. The Yorkipoo has black or brown eyes with an intelligent glint and their noses are typically brown or black.
The Yorkipoo’s coat can be of a wide range of colors such as apricot, brown, white, gray, or a combination of a few. The Yorkipoo’s ears can be straight and upright or floppy. Overall, they’re handsome dogs with a ton of personality.
Average Height:
7 – 12 inches
Average Weight:
3 to 14 lb
Life Expectancy:
10 to 15 years
Yorkipoos are full of vitality and are always up to something interesting. Be prepared for their antics to make you laugh a lot! Yorkipoo are confident and comfortable while engaged in active play, but are also quite ready to relax on your lap. This little dog is quite intelligent and can make an ideal playmate for children. Their love and affection also come in handy for more senior owners.
The Yorkipoo is gentle and behaves well with strangers. Thanks to their cool disposition, the Yorkipoo can be socialized easily. Like many small dogs, the Yorkipoo has no idea of its small size and will play with much larger dogs. To avoid any accidents, Yorkipoos should be introduced to larger dogs under strict supervision until they can make friends.
Yorkipoos are extremely smart and always eager to please. This makes them easy to train. While teaching this dog, you should use positive reinforcement. They typically don’t respond well to harsh commands or threats. Instead, enthusiastic praise and treats after good performance will help the Yorkipoo learn quicker.This dog’s innate qualities give it great potential for obedience or therapy training.
Special Needs
Yorkipoos have a strong constituion and can stay healthy over a long period of time with proper care.
Possible Health Concerns
However, they are prone to conditions such as dry eye, retinal detachment, hypoglycemia and endocardiosis. Early diagnosis and treatment can ward off many of these diseases and help the Yorkipoo make a full recovery each time.
The Yorkipoo requires regular training to keep their high energy levels in check. A brisk, short walk once a day is enough to keep them healthy and strong. The Yorkiepoo also loves running around with a ball or toy.
The Yorkipoo is known for being a picky eater. To solve this problem, you can experiment mixing wet and dry food together to see what works best.
Yorkipoos have long, beautiful, hypoallergenic coats that require regular care. Owners must make sure to brush this pup regularly throughout the week to prevent matting and bathe them once a month. Consult your veterinarian for shampoo recommendations.
A Yorkipoo is a little dog with big energy and a big heart,. They make excellent companion dogs and love to bond with their humans.
Despite spending thousands of years on our hearth rug, cats are some of the most mysterious house pets. Cat behavior is often seemingly inexplicable, and their moods can be unpredictable. However, there are often scientific reasons for why cats do what they do. Here are a few answers to common questions:
11 Photos of Maine Coon Cats That Prove They’re the Fierce Rulers of the Cat World
Maine Coons are known as “gentle giants” or the “dogs of the cat world” because of their playful personalities and large size. They’re a favorite of the Veterinarians.com team and also our community. With their big statures and regal manner, it makes sense how well liked they are!