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Sunday, October 12, 2014, marked the first day of National Veterinary Technician Week. Veterinary Technicians are dedicated animal hospital professionals, who provide the ultimate care for your four-legged friends, your pets. They perform a multitude of tasks around any animal hospital to enhance the health and welfare of your special family member.
bombay cat
The Bombay cat was first bred by a Louisville, Kentucky cat breeder, Nicky Horner. She wanted a short-haired, black-eyed, mini panther-like cat that could live at home. She was also inspired by the black leopard of India.
Brief History
The Bombay has no link to wild cats. In 1953, the Bombay was created through selective breeding. Horner bred a black American Shorthair cat to a Burmese female that was a Grand Champion show cat. After a few generations, the Bombay breed was formed. This black cat looked like no other domesticated cat and received CFA Championship status in 1976. This Bombay is now recognized by all cat breed associations. The International Cat Association recognized them in 1979.
Physical Features
The Bombay has a sturdy and compact body of medium height. Their coats are short, flat and black, displaying the Bombay’s muscular form. There is no paling along the black roots of the coat. Their eyes are either copper or green and their nose, soles and mouths are black.
Average Height:
8 to 10 inches
Average Weight:
8 to 12 pounds
Life Expectancy:
9 to 13 years
The Bombay is extremely friendly. This breed needs one-on-one time with its cat parents and does not do well alone all day. Curling up on their owners’ laps for hours is not uncommon. The Bombay needs plenty of love, fun cat toys, and mental stimulation. This breed is not very vocal.
bombay cat
Special Needs
Gingivitis: Regular dental care will reduce plaque development in your Bombay, which can lead to gingivitis and gum disease. With gingivitis, the gums will become inflamed because of plaque. Ligaments and bone are not yet affected. By including daily tooth brushing, dietary changes, using a plaque prevention gel, and oral rinses, you’ll be helping your cat. Consulting with your veterinarian for preventative cleanings every 3 months to save your Bombay’s teeth.
Sinus Problems: Viral infections are the most common causes of sinusitis in cats. Allergic sinusitis can occur seasonally or throughout the year. You cat may be exposed to indoor allergens like dusts and mold spores. Cats are prone to chronic nasal and sinus inflammation after severe acute viral infections. There may also be fungal nasal and sinus inflammation. Consult with your veterinarian.
Hip Dysplasia: This is rare in domestic cats, and is common in purebred cats. This occurs when the hip joint is loose, and leads to degenerative joint disease. (osteoarthritis) Symptoms include lameness that can be mild to severe. Cats generally need no surgery for hip dysplasia. Weight reduction can help reduce discomfort.
Possible Health Concerns
The Bombay is a healthy and moderately active cat breed that may be susceptible to the following health conditions:
The Turkish Van is quite a healthy cat — there aren’t many health issues that affect this breed. Despite this, the Turkish Van can suffer from a condition that is known as hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. This is an inherited genetic condition that require medical attention.
When choosing cat toys for your Bombay cat, opt for toys that allow the entire family to play together.
The Bombay cat needs daily exercise combined with plenty of mental stimulation through active play and interaction with people. This cat breed is well-behaved and does well with routine. Cat gyms, cat scratchers, and interactive cat toys within a cat friendly home environment work best for keeping this playful breed stimulated.
All cat breeds need high quality fat and protein in their diets. They also need amino acids, including taurine that cannot be found in either human food or dog food. There are also numerous specialty diets for your cat that are formulated specifically for certain medical problems like urinary tract disorder, obesity, or kidney disease.
All cats do well by being fed twice daily. During kittenhood, kittens will need to be fed every few hours. Growing kittens need more calories, nutrients, vitamins, protein, and calories. Your Bombay should be able to enjoy a peaceful meal in a quiet corner of the house. Some cat parents prefer to leave cat food out 24/7. Consult with your veterinarian for the best dietary advice for your Bombay.
bombay cat
The Bombay needs daily grooming to remove shedding fur. Because this breed has a short and sleek coat, minimal grooming care is required. Stainless steel combs help to remove dead hair. The Bombay is a cat breed that is always clean and shiny. Regular brushing will keep the Bombay’s coat sleek and shiny. Healthy nutrition also contributes to good coat health in cats. Consult with your veterinarian about safe and gentle ear cleaning techniques. Nail trimming is necessary every few weeks. Eyes should also be cleaned gently every morning with cotton wool or a soft wipe. Each eye should be cleaned with different wipes or cotton balls to avoid eye infection contamination in both eyes.
The Bombay is terrific companion and loving addition to any home. Remember that they thrive on attention!
The Fourth of July Fireworks and Your Pet
Each year at this time many pet owners are faced with the Fourth of July fireworks and their pets. Although many dogs don’t seem to be bothered by the sounds and sights of fireworks, others become totally terrified during this annual celebration. These frightened dogs will show signs of apprehension and anxiety at the first sound of the explosions of fireworks as well as the flash that is associated with them. For those dogs that express mild distress during the traditional fireworks on this holiday, you may be able to control their fear satisfactorily by closing them in a basement or otherwise dark room. Close the blinds and play music on the radio or stereo and this might be enough to cover the noise and flash that makes them exhibit this distress. If you live close to the annual fireworks display in your town, this method might not be enough to cover the sounds and sights of this event and you may have to resort to stronger methods to relieve them of their fear.
Cat Sounds: What Do They Mean?
Every cat owner knows that cats are good at vocalizing their needs. Some cats talk more than others, but you know your cat wants something when he starts meowing. He might want to go outside, or maybe he is hungry. But beyond the typical plaintive “meow,” cats have plenty to say. Your cat will offer up a whole selection of other sounds.
Whether you’re moving to a different street, different state or different country – your pets will likely travel along with you. Aside from the hassles that come with moving, you’ll need to consider how you move your pet safely and as stress-free as possible. Here are a few handy things you need to know for when it comes time to move with your pets.
For our canine friends, paw licking can be a grooming habit. This is often seen when dogs have been out for a long walk in rugged conditions, or it might be part of their daily groom.
A Very Thankful November
This is the time of year when Americans pause to give thanks. We give thanks for living in the greatest country on Earth, and to the veterans who made it possible for us to remain free. We give thanks to our parents and other family members for coaching and mentoring us. Most importantly, we give thanks for the presence of our pets and the unconditional love and devotion they bring into our lives. A recent survey, conducted by the Human Animal Bond Research Institute, found that 97% of 1,000 family doctors and general practitioners believe there are health benefits to having or interacting with a pet. 75% reported seeing a patient’s overall health or a specific medical condition get moderately to significantly better after the patient brought a pet into his or her family. 87% saw a patient’s outlook or mood improve.
The American Shorthair is a domesticated cat breed that originated in Europe, and was brought over by early settlers. This cat breed was a ratter used to protect cargo on ships from mice. This is a pedigreed cat breed that is accepted by all North American cat registries.
Brief History
The American Shorthair sailed with sailors from Europe to North America. Many travelled on the Mayflower with the Pilgrims and interbred. They developed special traits to survive the U.S climate and lifestyle. By the beginning of the 20th century, a selective breeding program stipulated the American Shorthair breed standards. This breed was first named the Domestic Shorthair. This changed in 1966 when it was changed to the American Shorthair. This breed is a working cat breed, since it originally was used to kill mice on board ships.
Physical Features
The American Shorthair has a round face and short ears, a well-built body, a strong chest, powerful shoulders and hindquarters. The coat can be one of eighty colors and patterns ranging from brown tabby to a shady silvery coloring. Many American Shorthairs will have black or brown coloring. Eye color can be green, gold, hazel, blue, copper, or odd-eyed. By 2012 this cat breed was the seventh most popular cat breed in the U.S.
Average Height:
8-10 inches
Average Weight:
6-15 pounds
Life Expectancy:
15-20 years
The American Shorthair is relaxed and enjoys being pampered. This breed thrives with lots of cuddles and cute cat toys. This cat breed is laid back, low maintenance, and loves to hunt and sunbathe. Early socialization during kittenhood helps all cats get along with guests and other animals. This cat breed is very affectionate, and does well with indoor living.
This cat breed is easy to live with, as they are not overly vocal or quirky. Positive clicker training with rewards works best with the cat to prevent excessive scratching in the wrong places. This breed learns quickly, and is wonderful to live with. Providing your cat with scratching posts, clean litter boxes, stimulating and safe cat toys, help to ensure a well-balanced and happy cat.
american shorthair cat
Possible Health Concerns
Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy: This is a heart muscle disorder where the heart walls of the left ventricle thicken. This is a common primary heart disease in cats. It tends to get noticed at around 3 months to 17 years of age. Most cats will be middle aged when this disorder occurs. This disorder tends to affect males more than females, and it is an inherited genetic defect. Symptoms may include difficulty breathing, weakness or paralysis of the hind limbs. Fluid may also accumulate in the lungs, and in the space between the lungs and chest wall. Veterinary treatment will aim at improving cardiac function, and reducing blood clots. There is a good longterm outlook for mildly affected cats.
The American Shorthair needs daily brushing. This cat breed sheds moderately.
Healthy cats need minimal bathing with a gentle cat shampoo. Your cat will need dental care as well. Small and frequent effective hygiene habits will make a big difference in maintaining healthy skin, healthy teeth, and good overall health. Look for environmentally safe pet products that have natural ingredients.
The American Shorthair is a laid back cat breed that enjoys being indoors, and around family. This cat does well with either apartment living or home living.