Explore our articles and resources for pet parents
Thinking About Adopting a Bird? 5 Things to Know
Interested in adding a bird to your home? Great! Birds are intelligent, social creatures, that don’t require much grooming or maintenance. However, most birds are anything but quiet, and they do require a lot more interaction than you may realize. It’s a good idea to do your research before adding a bird to your life.
Looking after a pet is a great responsibility, and along with the love and joy it brings, there’s also the upkeep of its welfare and wellbeing.
Ultimate Guide to Golden Retrievers
Golden retrievers are the perfect, joyful, and lovable companions. They fall into a category of dogs that make us ask, “What did we ever do to deserve dogs?”
How to Add a Dog to a Family That Already Has Pets
At some point, there’s a good chance you’ll think about adding a dog into your furry family. While a dog can be a welcomed part of the family, some of your pets may not adjust easily to the newcomer. Their first encounter can have unpredictable outcomes, and like with people, first impressions count for a lot. So if you’re thinking of adding a dog to your home, be sure to take the following advice into consideration.
Summertime Pet Care: Safe Tick Removal
Ah, yes...for some people and pets in many parts of the United States the summer of 2014 was a most welcome change after a record winter of snow and artic cold. We couldn’t wait to hit the bicycle and walking paths through the woods and the dog parks to help work off the extra pounds gained throughout the harsh winter. But wait, there may be some critters lurking on the hairy bodies of our beloved dogs and cats that have the potential to cause problems as we move into the latter months of warm weather. Caution: your pet may have been in contact with nasty external parasites that can not only cause irritation and discomfort, but bring disease to both you and your pet. Here is a brief overview of what could be a problem. Your veterinarian can determine if there is cause for alarm.
One of the world’s most popular dogs, the Poodle enjoys the limelight. Experts describe the Poodle as clever, elegant, and proud. Tucked behind the impressive hairdos, fancy ribbons, and regal attitude is an affectionate friend and winner among dogs.
Brief History
The Poodle has a rich history that dates back to the first century. No one is certain of its origin. Its earliest ancestors were curly-coated dogs from central Asia. The curly-coated type extended into Hungary, France, and Russia, and was known as the Barbet. In France, the Poodle is believed to be a crossbreed of the Barbet and a Hungarian water dog. It is referred to as the “chien canard” or “caniche”, for its duck hunting prowess. But the dog is so versatile that it found work as a guide dog, military dog, and a circus performer. So adored was the poodle that it became enshrined as the national breed of France.
But the German strain is the type that most influenced the dog we see today. In Germany, it is known as “Pudelhund”. The name is a combination phrase, “Pudel” meaning, “to splash about”, and “hunt”, or “hound”.
European history has seen Poodle depictions in painting and drawings dating back to the 15th century. In Spain, this breed became extremely popular during the 18th century through artists such as Francisco Goya.
The Poodle comes in 3 sizes: Toy, Miniature and Standard. The Standard poodle holds the claim to being the original version, with the other two varieties bred down for the ease of household companionship. In the late 19th century, fanciers began exhibiting the poodle in the show ring. Its iconic haircut was thought to have started as a hunting clip, with hair left longer to protect its joints from the cold. But the accentuated height and fluff were probably further exaggerated for the circus performers.
Physical Features
The Poodle is square, standing as tall as his body is long. He has a long nose, a full muzzle, dark eyes, and long, pendulous ears. The tail is usually cropped. A true sporting dog, his body is muscular and athletic. His coat is his glory; it comes in many colors including bi-color. The hair is thick and notoriously curly, although groomers will blow it straight and hand-scissor it for the legendary haircut.
The registry recognizes three sizes.
Average Height:
Toy: Under 10 inches
Miniature: 10-15 inches
Standard: Over 15 inches
Average Weight:
Toy: 5-7 pounds
Miniature: 10-20 pounds
Standard: 45-70 pounds
Life Expectancy:
10-15 years
The Poodle is among the smartest of all dogs. This breed is a brilliant student and adept at nearly any kind of task. His personality is one of fun and happy energy, filled with humor and bounce.
Special Needs
Being a curly-coated dog, the Poodle will need regular grooming. The dog can be prone to ear infections unless the hair is pulled from the inner ear.
Possible Health Concerns
Poodles can be fragile, especially the toy variety. Some of the ailments that plague the breed are:
Heart disease
Cushing’s disease
Addison’s disease
Gastric dilation-volvulus/bloat
Hip dysplasia
Eye disorders
Sebaceous adenitis
Depending on the size of the dog, exercise needs will vary. But all poodles need a fair amount of aerobic workout on a regular basis.
Poodles thrive on a balanced diet of proteins, carbohydrates, and fat. Carbohydrates provide them with the energy needed to stay active while proteins and fat support their lean muscle health, build and repair their immune system as well as the central nervous system. Proteins should make up a huge part of their diet since they make their coats and skins glow.
The Poodle’s grooming needs are best addressed by a professional, although some owners like to let their dog grow out curly and woolly. To that end, be sure to have a veterinarian inspect the ears, cut the toenails, and drain the anal glands regularly.
Here are some more poodle resources:
Poodle Lovers Post: History of the Poodle
AKC.org: Dog Breeds: Poodle
For our canine friends, paw licking can be a grooming habit. This is often seen when dogs have been out for a long walk in rugged conditions, or it might be part of their daily groom.
The Norwegian Forest cat — nickname Wegie — originated from Norway. This magnificent cat breed is known as the Norsk Skogkatt, and was considered a stray cat breed for many years. It is almost lynx-like in appearance — similar to the Maine Coon. The Norwegian
Brief History
It is thought that the Norwegian Forest cat breed may be descendants of cats that the Vikings brought to Norway from the U.K and the long haired cats brought in by the Crusaders. These are forest cats that had to survive the harsh, cold winters of Norway on their own. In 1938, the Norwegian Forest Cat Club was formed. The breed was growing extinct after WWII, and the club’s aim was to prevent this from happening. In 1975, the Norsky Skogkattrino Association was formed, which estabished a breed standard for the Norwegian Forest cat. In 1993, the CFA board accepted the breed for complete championship status. The Norwegian Forest Cat was registered with the American Cat Fanciers Association in 1994.
Physical Features
The Norwegian Forest is an active breed, much larger than most cats. The head is triangular and long. They’re known for their ears, which are large and triangular with hair tufts. Their eyes are almond-shaped and a wide-range of colors. They typically have a strong stature with heavy bones — especially with their long legs and fluffy tail. Their coats are waterproof, thick and long with an wooly undercoat. Their voice tends to be very quiet, but very vocal around dogs.
Average Height:
9 to 11 inches
Average Weight:
9 to 16 pounds
Life Expectancy:
14 to 16 years
The Norwegian Forest cat is a playful, sweet and intelligent breed. They do very well with people, gentle dogs, other cats and animals. They greatly enjoy climbing and being both indoors and outdoors. The Norwegian Forest cat does require a lot of attention, and will follow you around the house just to be close.. The Norwegian Forest needs an environmentally stimulating home with plenty of cat climbers, scratching posts and feline toys. This breed does well going for long walks with his pet parent. Consult with your veterinarian as to the best cat leashes and harnesses for your Norwegian Forest cat breed.
The Norwegian Forest Cat
Special Needs
This breed matures late, and will be playful for many years.
Possible Health Concerns
The Norwegian Forest cat is a healthy and moderately active cat breed that may be susceptible to the following health conditions:
Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy (HCM): This is a heart muscle disorder where the heart walls of the left ventricle thicken. This results in the walls becoming stiffer. This is a common primary heart disease in cats. It tends to noticed at around 3 months to 17 years of age. Most cats will be middle aged when this disorder occurs. This disorder tends to affect males more than females, and it is an inherited genetic defect. Symptoms may include difficulty breathing, weakness or paralysis of the hind limbs. Fluid may also accumulate in the lungs, and in the space between the lungs and chest wall. Veterinary treatment will aim at improving cardiac function, and reducing blood clots. There is a good longterm outlook for mildly affected cats. Consult with your veterinarian for advice.
Hip Dysplasia: This is rare in domestic cats, and is common in purebred cats. This occurs when the hip joint is loose, and leads to degenerative joint disease. (osteoarthritis) Symptoms include lameness that can be mild to severe. Cats generally need no surgery for hip dysplasia. Weight reduction can help reduce discomfort.
Glycogen Storage Disease Type IV: The body converts glycogen to glucose for energy. Cats with this disease may weaken progressively, until they cannot get up. Kittens can die from this. This disease usually can be noticed by 4-5 months, and is deadly. Consult with your veterinarian for advice.
Polycystic Kidney Disease. This occurs when the polycystic kidney has numerous cysts within the functioning part of the kidney resulting in enlarged kidneys. Consult with your veterinarian if your cat vomits frequently, has a decreased appetite, and increased thirst or urination.
The Wegie needs daily exercise combined with plenty of active play and interaction with people. Finding a variety of mentally stimulating cat toys will allow for your cat to lead a well-balanced life with the right amount of exercise. Cat harnesses also allow for daily walks.
All cat breeds need high- quality fat and protein in their diets. They also need amino acids, including taurine. There are numerous specialty diets for your cat that are formulated specifically for certain medical problems like urinary tract disorder, obesity, or kidney disease.
When looking for a high-quality cat food, here’s what to look out for:
No low-quality fillers
No artificial additives
Low grade ingredients or toxic ingredients
No garlic
Plant-based ingredients should be listed after the protein-based ingredients
Consult with your veterinarian for the best dietary advice for your cat.
The Norwegian Forest Cat
Your Norwegian Forest cat may be susceptible to skin diseases originating from flea bites, mites, yeast and other bacterial infections. Opt for natural cat grooming products to help resolve these skin irritants.
This cat will also need daily grooming to remove shedding hair, and to prevent hair from matting. Because this breed has a long and thick double coat, extra care is required. Stainless steel combs help to remove dead hair. The Wegie sheds the most during the summer, so increased grooming may be necessary during those months.
Daily cleaning with pet wipes beneath the tail is necessary. Ears should be checked weekly for cleanliness and sensitivity. If there is a buildup of wax and dirt, organisms can lead to an ear infection. Consult with your veterinarian about safe and gentle ear cleaning techniques. Nail trimming is necessary every few weeks. Eyes should also be cleaned gently every morning with cotton wool or a soft wipe. Each eye should be cleaned with different wipes or cotton balls to avoid eye infection contamination in both eyes.
With their super sweet personality and upbeat attitude, the Wegie makes for a fun companion.