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The British Shorthair is an ancient cat breed that originated from the U.K. It is thought that this cat breed dates as far back as the first century AD. Historians believed that the Egyptians took domesticated Egyptians cats to the U.K, resulting in the interbreeding of these cats with the European wildcat population.
Brief History
The British Shorthair was the only pedigreed cat breed at cat shows during the Victorian era. During WW1 and WW2, the British Shorthair almost vanished, but thanks to cat breeders in the U.K, this breed was kept alive. By 1967, the British Shorthair was recognized by the American Cat Association. The Cat Fancier Association recognized this breed in 1980. Today, all cat associations recognize the British Shorthair. This cat breed is renowned for its strength and hunting ability. Many are under the assumption that this cat breed is blue in color. The British Shorthair comes in various colors of which blue –grey or “British Blue” is the most popular.
Physical Features
The British Shorthair is a large cat breed with a broad chest. Their legs are strong with large paws. The tail is blunt-tipped, and of medium- length. With a round head, and large round eyes, the British Shorthair has a short muzzle and round cheeks.
The British Shorthair matures slowly, and will reach peak physical development at three years of age. This is a dimorphic cat breed, in which males are larger than the females. The coat is plush and thick with no undercoat. There are noticeable “crisp” hairlines that are raised when the British Shorthair walks or runs. Coat colors can be found in solid colors, colorpoint, tabby, shaded, and bicolor patterns.
Average Height:
12-14 inches
Average Weight:
8-14 pounds
Life Expectancy:
14-20 years
The British Shorthair is an intelligent cat breed that adapts easily to new surroundings, and enjoys being around people, even children. The British Shorthair gets along well with other animals like rabbits, dogs, other cats, and even horses. This breed tends to be clumsy, yet is moderately active. This is a kind and sweet-natured cat breed that is devoted to family. The British Shorthair does well with being an indoor cat.
british shorthair cat
Special Needs
The British Shorthair does best as an indoor cat. This breed thrives on affection, and plenty of cat toys. This breed is proud, and enjoys positive clicker training. It is non-aggressive with other cats. Eye tearing may be a problem with this cat breed. Inactive cats tend to pick up weight, and are prone to more medical conditions, like liver disease. Daily grooming needs to be a priority with this breed.
Exercising cats is more difficult than with dogs, yet cat parents can do so by purchasing certain cats toys to promote exercise.
Possible Health Concerns
Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy: This is a heart muscle disorder where the heart walls of the left ventricle thicken. Symptoms may include difficulty breathing, weakness or paralysis of the hind limbs. Fluid may also accumulate in the lungs, and in the space between the lungs and chest wall.
Gingivitis: This is when the gums become inflamed due to bacterial plaque. Gum color in cats will change from a light pink to red or purple. The gum edge wills well. Symptoms include bleeding and bad breath. This can be reversed with proper teeth cleaning. However it can worsen and result in periodontitis.
Polycystic Kidney Disease. This occurs when there are numerous cysts within the functioning part of the kidney, resulting in enlarged kidneys. Consult with your veterinarian if your cat vomits frequently, has a decreased appetite, and increased thirst or urination.
Playtime for indoor cats is extremely important.
The British Shorthair cat breed needs daily exercise combined with plenty of mental stimulation through active play and interaction with people.
This cat breed is a moderately active cat breed that thrives on being with family members. Cat gyms, cat scratchers, and interactive cat toys within a cat friendly home environment work best for this breed.
The British Shorthair needs daily grooming for skin and coat health. Because this breed is a shorthair cat breed, taking care of this cat breed is super easy. This cat breed has a short and smooth coat. Ears should be checked weekly for cleanliness and sensitivity.
The Labrador Retriever is one of the most popular dog breeds. Dogs in this breed are high-energy, intelligent, and social. This breed is a sporting dog, and originated in Newfoundland, first dubbed St. John’s Water dog.
Brief History
The first record of this breed was in Newfoundland in the 1700’s. They were brought to England in the early 1800’s. Some think they were bred from the Greater Newfoundland dog or the French St. Hubert’s dog.
This breed of dog was known for enjoying retrieving, originally with English fisherman in Newfoundland. The fisherman would use them to retrieve fish that had fallen off their hooks, or bring fishing lines in through the water. This made them good hunting dogs. The name Labrador was introduced in 1887 by the Earl of Malmesbury.
Physical Features
Labs come in three colors: black, yellow, or chocolate, with black being the most popular. They have large, stocky bodies. Their coats are dense and short, and repel water and dirt.
Average Height:
22-24 inches
Average Weight:
55-79 lbs
Life Expectancy:
10-15 years
Labrador Retrievers are extremely social, and will want to play quite frequently. They’re fast learners and bond quickly when given attention. They have gentle dispositions, are easy to get along with, and are known to be loyal.
Labs are ideal family dogs, sporting dogs, and therapy dogs. They are obedient with proper training, and their favorite activities are swimming and retrieving (naturally).
Special Needs
Regular exercise is incredibly important for Labrador Retrievers in your family, not only because they are high energy dogs and love to play, but also because they are susceptible to weight gain if they’re sedentary. Labs also have a tendency to push themselves to the limit of their physical abilities, and can overheat in warm weather.
While they are good outdoor dogs, this breed prefers to live inside with their human companions.
Possible Health Concerns
A common health concern for Labrador Retrievers is obesity. Healthy dogs will have an hourglass shape. Other conditions they are susceptible to include:
Patellar Luxation. This happens when the dog’s patella is dislocated. Treatment involves surgery.
Canine Hip Dysplasia (CHD). When the ball and socket of the hip joint are malformed and grind against each other instead of moving smoothly. Treatment could be outpatient but it could also involve surgery.
Osteochondritis Dissecans (OCD). When cartillege in a joint is damaged. Treatment could involve surgery.
Labrador Retrievers are highly active, and you’ll need enough space in your home and yard for them to run around. They’ll go on runs or play fetch. You won’t want them to get bored, because they can become temperamental and even be destructive.
Labs need a lot of exercise, and especially love swimming, in any type of water. While young, you’ll need to watch them in the water, but over time they’ll gain confidence.
Each Labrador Retriever is different, and may need different nutritional needs. It’s best to consult with your veterinarian. Since this breed is prone to obesity, monitor their food consumption.
Due to their dense coats, Labs will need to be combed weekly if not daily. They also shed, so watch out for your carpets! Their coats are resistant to water and also dirt, so brushing is mostly for shedding maintenance and to keep them looking healthy. They’ll need regular nail trimming and ear cleaning as well.
Labrador Retrievers are high-energy, loyal, family dogs who love attention and being involved in family activities. Know that when you adopt, you’ll have to put the time in to train them, but your efforts will be rewarded!
Bernese Mountain dog
When we talk of the Swiss, we can’t help but think of the finest things the world has to offer. Of Swiss origin, the Bernese Mountain dog is no different. Handsomely built, these dogs are noticed everywhere they go. Their beautiful, multi colored coats have graced many famous films and add to their proud demeanor.
Brief History
Bernese Mountain dogs, also known as Berner Sennehund is one of the many dog breeds that trace their origins to the mountainous regions of Bern, Switzerland. Sennehund literally means “the herdsman’s dog”, which explains much of what this dog was used for. They were used as companion dogs to herdsmen and shepherds often seen pulling milk carts to the market, driving cows to and from the mountain pastures and guarding their keepers’ homesteads. The biological roots of this breed can be traced back to the breeding of a large mastiff dog and a small cattle farm dog. By the end of the 19th century, this breed almost became extinct when their usefulness was actively replaced by roads and machines.
Thanks to a specialty breed club formed in Switzerland in 1907, the breed was saved, giving it a new life as show dogs. In 1937, the ACK recognized the breed. In the 1970’s, the CKC followed suit. Today’s Bernese breed is lovable and fun to be around, they crave human companionship and are instinctively gentle with little children as well as little animals.
Physical Features
Bernese Mountain Dogs have a generally sporty build, which explains why they were a choice dog to compete in shows. Bernese dogs love the cool weather, and their thick silky tricolored coats keep them warm during the rough winter months. Their coat colors are: rust, clear white and jet black. On its coat and face, you are bound to see distinctive markings which are the breed’s hallmark.
Average Height:
23-28 inches
Average Weight:
70-115 pounds
Life Expectancy:
7-10 years
Bernies are extremely friendly with people they know, but may be wary of strangers. Small animals, women and children are never a threat to them, however they are always wary when dealing with men.
Special Needs
Bernese Mountain Dogs have a wide range of personality types, due to their mixed-breed heritage. It is best to get to know your particular dog over time with lots of attention, patience and love.
Possible Health Concerns
Despite their sturdy appearance, Bernese Mountain dogs are a breed with many health problems. Their active breeding has left them more susceptible to hereditary diseases, which keep their average life expectancies low. Hereditary cancers are a major concern while other diseases are: orthopedic diseases, elbow dysplasia, bloat or gastrointestinal syndrome, blood clotting disease, heart disease, hip and elbow dysplasia and eye diseases.
the Bernese Mountain dog breed
Bernese dogs are not an exercise-oriented breed, despite their stature. As a matter of fact, they’re known to detest long periods of activity. Due to the importance of exercise, you’ll need to devise a strategic plan that keeps them active. Having outdoor space where they can casually roam, or other pet friends to play with are good ways to encourage this to happen.
Bernese dogs require high quality dog food. It may be commercially prepared or home prepared under the supervision of your vet. Always provide your Bernese with clean water at all times.
the Bernese Mountain dog
Due to their thick coats, Bernese dogs don’t do well in the hot weather. Brushing should occur several times a week to prevent shedding and hair matting. Bathing may take place as needed.
However, cleaning the face, ears and any area with folds should occur daily. You may choose to groom your dog further by taking it to a vet for hair and nail trimming.
The Bernese Mountain Dog is a beautiful, loving breed that commands attention everywhere they go. If you’re looking for a gentle companion to a house with children, Bernies are the way to go!
Pet Adoption: Important Questions to Ask Before Adopting a Pet
Family pets can be procured from several sources including purchasing a pet from a pet store or a private breeder. One can also adopt a pet from an animal shelter, pet adoption center or rescue organization. Families who choose to add a pet are well advised to first seek out a perfect match from a local animal shelter or pet adoption center. Historically, animal shelters have been given a bad reputation in the discussion of where to find the perfect pet. Those myths are dated and have been largely dispelled at most municipal government animal shelters, foundation supported shelters and adoption centers. Many shelters today have full time veterinary services, so pets are examined and receive the necessary treatments as soon as they are admitted to the shelters and before the adoption process begins. There is usually a 3 to 4 day waiting period to check the health, disposition and adoptability of a specific animal before it is placed up for adoption. This is a standard procedure unless a pet is brought in by his or her owner to be put up for adoption. Typically, animals must be given vaccinations, be cleaned, groomed and spayed or neutered before they are allowed to be taken from the shelter for adoption. Additionally, most shelters require an identification microchip be inserted under the skin as a form of permanent identification. It’s possible to place a “hold” on a specific pet, while he or she undergoes the necessary preparations for adoption. Of course, payment for adoption fees must be settled before the animal is taken from the adoption center.
welsh terrier
The Welsh Terrier, also known as the Old English Terrier, comes from Wales. It is part of the AKC/UKC, Terrier Group. This breed came into existence during the 1700’s and was used in fox hunts and to catch badgers.
Brief History
The Welsh Terrier has fierce jaws and good digging skills. They were most commonly used to dig up badger lairs, but also as companion dogs. The Welsh Terrier first arrived in the U.S during the 19th century. Two older dog breeds — the Old English Black and the Tan Terrier, are believed to be related to the Welsh Terrier.
Physical Features
The Welsh Terrier is a compact and sturdy dog breed. They’re typically medium in size with a slightly rugged look. They also have a rectangular head with a square muzzle and a coarse, wiry coat. Don’t let the size fool you: though compact, their muzzles are quite strong. Welsh Terriers have a black square nose and a docked tail. They have V-shaped ears which are always folded forward. Typically, their legs, underbody and head are tan in color, with a jacket in black or grizzle.
Average Height:
18-21 inches
Average Weight:
20-28 pounds
Life Expectancy:
10-14 years
The Welsh Terrier is friendly and outgoing. They tend to be on the feisty side with unique quirks. That being said, the Welsh Terrier is notably easy to train and game for new activities. This dog breed is known for showing intelligence and self-restraint. The Welsh Terrier is a friendly and amiable dog breed that enjoys people — especially children — and other animals. Although the Welsh Terrier has a pronounced prey instinct, when positively trained and socialized, is one of the easiest dogs to live with. They are capable of deep companionship and are immensely loyal.
The Welsh Terrier does best with lots of exercise and a fenced and secure garden or backyard. This is a very sensitive dog breed that needs tons of positive reinforcement and does well with lots of attention and affection. Care must be given to ensure that all fencing in backyards and gardens is secure, as they do have a tendency to dig. The Welsh Terrier does well with lots of off-leash running. They enjoy playing Frisbee and ball.
Special Needs
The Welsh Terrier needs an active home. This breed does well with plenty of regular exercise, positive dog training and socialization. The Welsh Terrier breed needs to be socialized from puppyhood and should never be isolated.This breed bonds closely with all family members, including children.
The Welsh Terrier needs to interact with people so as not to become bored and mischievous. Positive training needs to tailor to the specific temperament of this breed. Because of their high-energy, Welsh Terriers typically do best with an experienced dog parent that can be firm, yet kind. Interactive dog toys are a plus for the Welsh Terrier. If excessive barking is a problem, food dispensing dog toys help with boredom.
All family members need to be on the same page with positive dog training methods. Although it may be difficult to not spoil this pup, it’s for the best. The Welsh Terrier should live indoors, but may have housetraining issues if not trained positively beginning at puppyhood.
Possible Health Concerns
Legg-Perthes Disease. This is the deterioration of the top of the femur. It is characterized by a lack of blood supply and destruction of the blood vessels of the bone. It is a hereditary condition in some terrier breeds.
Dental Problems. The Welsh Terrier needs proper dental care, including preventative methods like daily tooth brushing, which will help prevent gum disease, periodontitis and endodontic disease.
Skin Allergies: This dog may be prone to Atopic Dermatitis. This is caused by an abnormal immune system response. There are many allergies which can affect the skin, and are caused by fleas, dog food and other allergens like pollen in the air. Consult with your veterinarian if your dog suffers from intense itching.
Hip Dysplasia is the abnormal development of the hip joint. It is generally characterized by a loose joint, and then degenerative joint disease.
Epilepsy is an inherited disease that causes seizures.
Primary Lens Luxation (PLL) This is an inherited disease that affects the eye. It is associated with the disintegration of the zonule fibers that hold the lens in place.
welsh terrier dog
The Welsh Terrier is an energetic dog breed that does well with plenty of regular exercise and canine sporting activities like agility, obedience, and dock diving. Herding and Frisbee are also stress-free ways that your dog can have fun. That said, some of the best activities you can have with your dog are unorganized like going out for a jog or a long walk. Plan hikes and vigorous exercise for cool mornings.
Clipping should be done every 8-12 weeks. The Welsh Terrier’s coat should be kept longer or unclipped in colder weather. Opting for a professional dog groomer helps with maintaining coat health.
Routine daily grooming will keep the Welsh Terrier’s coat in good condition. This is one of the easiest breeds to groom. A short bristled brush or mitt should be used to maintain a shiny and healthy coat. Twice yearly visits to the veterinarian for dental hygiene maintenance is a must. Ears need to be regularly wiped out, and nails trimmed regularly.
This breed is famously feisty, happy and energetic. They also make for good travel companions because they are so adaptable. They also love adventure. As with all terriers, it’s best to supervise when out and about to make sure that they don’t stray and that all fences are secure. Terriers are well known for digging underneath fences and escaping.
welsh terrier dog breed
How to Keep Different Types of Pet Spiders
Although not for everyone, many children and adults enjoy raising spiders, also known as arachnids, as pets. Pet tarantulas and wolf spider pets are interesting to observe and are the two most popular types of spiders kept as pets.
All cat owners know cats are independent creatures and do not require a lot of your time. Cats love to sleep and hide in safe places; however, they also want and need attention. They need scratching posts, climbing towers, feeding, grooming and other loving care. Because of their independent nature and desire to be separated from human activity part of the time, many cat owners believe they do not have to interact with their cats on a daily basis. In reality, cats need daily attention from their human family to be at their best.
The Bichon Frise, also known as the Tenerife Bichon, originated from France. It belongs to the UKC; Non Sporting Group, and has been around since the 14th century. It is thought that the Bichon first arrived in Tenerife with Italian traders who traded their dogs for goods.
Brief History
The Bichon Frise was bred in the Mediterranean region during the Middle Ages. It was named the Tenerife Bichon, and was a favorite among the French nobility during the 1500’s. By the 1800s, the Bichon was a popular companion dog in France, and was also used for circus performances.
The Bichon arrived in the U.S in the mid-twentieth century. During the 20th century, the Bichon faced difficult times during both wars, and became less popular. The Bichon became popular again when the breed was recognized in 1933 under the “Society Central Canine as the “Bichon with the curly hair.” In 1964, the Bichon Frise Club was formed in the U.S. The AKC accepted the Bichon in 1971 under the miscellaneous class, and in 1973 as a Non-Sporting Group.
Physical Features
The Bichon Frise is a small and sturdy dog. The Bichon has a rounded skull, with a short muzzle, and a strong lower jaw. With curious rounded dark brown or black eyes, the Bichon has high-set drop ears that are set forward on its head. This breed carries a medium-length plumed tail that curls over its back.
Bichons have double-coats with a very soft undercoat, and a medium-length outercoat. They have lots of hair on the head, beard, mustache, ears and tail. The coloring of this dog breed is white, but the Bichon can also be found with a buff, cream, or apricot color around ears and body.
Average Height:
9.5-11.5 inches
Average Weight:
10-14 pounds
Life Expectancy:
12-15 years
The Bichon is gentle and affectionate. This breed is always cheerful and playful, and makes for a great companion dog. The Bichon has a positive attitude, but may be difficult to housebreak. Positive dog training and early socialization is recommended. Bichons are good with children, and need to be around family. They enjoy daily trips in the car, and love sitting on your lap when out and about. They are also very easy to manage in restaurants, or when out shopping.
Special Needs
The Bichon is prone to weight problems, and should be kept at the correct weight. Avoid feeding bits from the dinner table. It’s hard to resist the affectionate Bichon begging at the dinner table, but be sure to feed only healthy foods. Bichons need regular grooming, socialization and housetraining.
Possible Health Concerns
The Bichon is an active and healthy dog breed that may be susceptible to the following:
Autoimmune Disease refers to the abnormal functioning of the immune system. The Bichon may be predisposed to this. Consult with your veterinarian for more advice.
Bladder Problems. Some Bichons may be predisposed to urinary stones (uroliths). The best way to try and prevent this is to always supply lots of fresh water. The most common uroliths found in the Bichon Frise is the magnesium ammonium phosphate (struvite) and calcium oxalate uroliths. Medical, dietary, and surgical options are three options that your vet will discuss with you.
Eye Diseases that are common in Bichons include Cataracts, Sudden Acquired Retinal Degeneration Syndrome, SARDS, Progressive Retinal Atrophy or PRA, Glaucoma, and Keratitis Sicca. Consult with your veterinarian for ophthalmic care.
Luxating Patellas. This is a hereditary condition that is caused by the abnormal development of the kneecap(patella). X-rays will aid in seeing the severity of the displacement. Treatment usually involves surgical options.
Dental Problems. The Bichon Frise needs proper dental care, including preventative methods like daily tooth brushing, which will help prevent gum disease, periodontitis and endodontic disease.
The Bichon Frise needs daily exercise every day to stay fit, and to not pick up weight. This breed enjoys being indoors with their pet parent, and is such an easy keeper. Additionally, this breed is moderately active meaning that daily walks suffice, though dog park visits are always welcome. Bichon’s love quality time with their pet parent, so be sure to take them on your adventures when possible!
Pet parents should never underestimate the importance of a well-balanced diet for this small and short breed. The Bichon picks up weight very easily, and can get to be obese rather fast. Feed a complete and balanced food for the appropriate life stage of your Bichon. Always consult with your veterinarian if your dog develops food allergies, and needs a change of diet.
The Bichon has a wonderful coat that needs to be maintained daily. Bichons suffer from sensitive eyes, and the hair close to the eyes will need to be trimmed regularly. The Bichon should be bathed once a week, and tends to enjoy a visit to the groomers. Most Bichon pet parents find it easier to take their Bichons to a professional groomer every 4 weeks. This is a hypoallergenic dog breed, and suits pet parents that suffer from allergies.
Ears also need to be checked often for signs of infection. As usual, teeth need to be brushed daily, and a twice yearly dental cleaning at the vet is recommended to prevent dental disease.
Bichons are a popular dog breed to adopt. These pups enjoy apartment living, and are easy to keep. With its gentle demeanor and playful nature, the Bichon does not bark a lot and gets along with everyone they encounter.