Explore our articles and resources for pet parents
Looking after a pet is a great responsibility, and along with the love and joy it brings, there’s also the upkeep of its welfare and wellbeing.
Cat Sounds: What Do They Mean?
Every cat owner knows that cats are good at vocalizing their needs. Some cats talk more than others, but you know your cat wants something when he starts meowing. He might want to go outside, or maybe he is hungry. But beyond the typical plaintive “meow,” cats have plenty to say. Your cat will offer up a whole selection of other sounds.
What are Savannah Cats?
There’s something unmistakably striking about the Savannah cat. Descended from African wild cats and crossed with domestic cats, these exotic hybrids are graceful, captivating and leave you wanting to know more.
Veterinarians Guide to Fleas and Ticks for Pet Owners
Everything You Need to Know About Fleas and Ticks
As any pet owner will tell you, our lovable balls of fluff are prone to bringing unwanted friends of their own home; namely fleas and ticks.
These common critters can find their way on to dogs, cats and even humans – sometimes with nasty consequences.
So, what can be done to treat these bloodsucking mites and how can you prevent them in the first place?
Fleas – what are they?
Fleas are small, wingless parasites that can feed on your pet’s blood. Cat fleas for instance are dark brown and 1-2mm long. They are often picked up outdoors, and there are over 2,000 different types in the word. Adept at jumping, they are easy to pass on to other animals, as well as owners. They can be picked up anywhere, from other pets, kennels and even from the great outdoors. They can be more common in warmer months, but exist all year round.
Ticks – what are they?
Ticks are tiny blood-suckers with a spider-like appearance. They have eight legs and can range from 1mm to 1cm in size. They are typically fond of woodland and grassy areas, where they latch on to your pet. They are known for transmitting bacterial diseases, the most common of which is Lyme Disease, borne from black-legged ticks. Much like fleas, they are more common in the warmer months, but present all-year round.
How can you prevent fleas and ticks?
The first measure is to protect your pets.
If you live in a house with a large unkempt yard, try and cut back the grass, which attracts these insects. Where possible, use flea spray to prevent any outbreaks, too. While indoors, pay attention to areas where ticks and fleas can thrive; on carpets and rugs – thorough vacuuming will help keep this at bay.
Secondly, make sure your pet’s bedding area is well cleaned. Anything that could attract unwanted visitors should be cleaned or thrown away. Where possible, deep clean toys in hot water regularly, to kill any lingering bugs.
Finally, there are many treatments on the market that you can use on your pets. Not just when they are infected, but as a preventative measure. From flea combs to sprays, along with regular brushing of their coats, to reduce pests from growing. If your pet has long hair, you may want to keep this short, particularly in the warmer weather, so it is less of a breeding ground for pests.
Flea and tick collars are worthwhile solutions to help repel fleas away using chemicals that are safe for your dogs and cats. These can be picked up in most vet clinics, drug stores and pet stores, and are inexpensive.
Signs of fleas and ticks
Scratching, writing and over grooming are common signs that your pet may be housing fleas or ticks. Sometimes these can be visible to the human eye, particularly during grooming, but not always. Therefore, if you suspect that your beloved cat or dog is infected, you may want to take them to your veterinarian as soon as possible.
If you experience a continual itching and bites in succession, or believe that you have been bitten by a tick (sometimes the tick is still visible in the skin), see a professional caregiver immediately.
Treating fleas and ticks
The good news is that these bugs are easy to treat, in many forms, from powders to medicated shampoos. In the first instance, visit your veterinarian. It’s also vital to ensure that you do not use the same treatment on your dog, as your cat, as in some cases these are known to be toxic to felines. Therefore, always seek professional guidance before treatment.
You will also need to consider treating your house, from upholstery to carpets, and bedding. Anti-flea and anti-tick treatments are commonly available.
Can Dogs Spread the Ebola Virus?
No one knows for sure. Out of an abundance of caution, authorities euthanized the pet dog of a Spanish Nursing assistant after she contracted the Ebola virus while caring for a patient in Spain.
The Savannah cat is an exotic cat. They are covered in spots and enjoy socializing with people as well as pets. They are also extremely curious and will want to follow you from room to room. Quite supportive in nature, the Savannah cat loves to provide companionship, which makes them ideal for therapy cats. Not only do Savannahs play well with children, they are always happy to make new friends.
Brief History
The first Savannah cat was born in the 1980s as the result of crossbreeding between an African Serval and a domestic cat. The successful crossbreed was performed by Patrick Kelly and Joyce Sroufe. The African Serval was further outcrossed with cat breeds such as Bengals, Oriental Shorthairs and Egyptian Maus. This led to a widespread establishment and acceptance of the breed. Savannah cats began getting registered by the International Cat Association (ICA) in 2001. The breed attained Championship status or full recognition in 2012.
Physical Features
The most noticeable characteristic of the Savannah cat is their beautiful, spotted coat. Their fur has a light brown shade and is covered in black spots. As a result, they have a distinctive cheetah-like appearance. Their ears are deep, large and face forward in a sonar-like way. Their eyes are big and golden. The Savannah cat has a pink nose and long white whiskers. An outstanding feature of the Savannah cat is their long legs. Thanks to this characteristic, this breed has held the Guinness Book of World Record for tallest domestic cat since 2006. They have long tails and an intelligent expression.
Average Height:
8-15 inches
Average Weight:
12-25 pounds
Life Expectancy:
12-20 years
The Savannah is devoted to their owner or family. As a result, many people regard the Savannah cat as being a feline version of a dog. They enjoys social interaction. If left alone for long periods of time, Savannahs will pout and begin to experience separation anxiety. Their attitude is kitten-like throughout their lives. Savannahs also enjoys being involved in family or group activities. This makes the Savannah an ideal family cat.
savannah cat
Special Needs
The Savannah has quite a lot of energy and needs a structured way of exercising. The Savannah is also an intelligent breed that can understand and obey simple commands. Also, they can learn how to use a scratching pole and which sections of the house to avoid. Housetraining the Savannah can be performed in a short period of time. This is possible as long as you use positive reinforcement throughout the process.
The Savannah still has hunting and territorial instincts. So they will be protective or even aggressive around other pets. This means that they should be introduced to other animals gradually until they can be friends.
Possible Health Concerns
The Savannah is a healthy and strong cat that can suffer from some genetic diseases and adverse conditions. The Savannah can be infertile due to genetic predisposition. They may also have low levels of fertility resulting in 1 to 3 kittens per litter. The Savannah may also be very selective in picking out mates. This is because they prefer to procreate with cats that they’ve grown up with from kittenhood.
The Savannah cat has a high level of energy. They will prance around your house and enjoys chasing birds for leisure. To control these energy levels, some exercise is required. This can be achieved by engaging the cat in sessions that involve walks, jogs or brisk runs. This can be done 2 times a day for 30 minutes each. Intense play sessions can also be great exercise for this cat. They require both physical and mental stimulation. This is because the Savannah is an intelligent cat. Puzzle games and toys are most welcome for this cat.
The Savannah cat requires a balanced diet. Their large size prompts generous portions per serving, but they are not picky eaters. The Savannah will gladly chow down on wet food or dry kibble. Their nutritional needs require that they consume more carbohydrates than any other food group. This is so that they can sustain their high energy levels. Savannah cats grow quickly. This warrants ample protein as well. They can be fed twice a day in the morning and the evening. Cool, clean water needs to be provided throughout the day.
Savannah cats’ fur is short and thick. To keep it healthy and smooth, they need regular brushing at least once a day.
Their teeth and ears also need cleaning three times every week. They may produce some discharge on the inner tips of their eyes which needs to be cleaned off as soon as it emerges. Their ears are large and open which makes them collect dirt and debris quite easily. They can be cleaned at least two times every week using a special solution made of 50% cider vinegar and 50% water.
The Savannah is an interesting, beautiful cat. They are dedicated and their loyalty makes them an excellent therapy cat.
savannah cat breed
How to Keep Different Types of Pet Spiders
Although not for everyone, many children and adults enjoy raising spiders, also known as arachnids, as pets. Pet tarantulas and wolf spider pets are interesting to observe and are the two most popular types of spiders kept as pets.
5 Reasons Your Pet Needs Insurance
You insure your home, your house, yourself and your family. But did you know that there’s another family member you need to look out for? Just like you find yourself suddenly sick and in need of a doctor, your pets will too. Don’t let the health of your furry friend to come down to what you can afford.