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True to their name, the Japanese Bobtail is a playful breed with a short tail that resembles a pom-pom. According to ancient Japanese legend, the bob-tail is as a result of a cat that set her tail on fire while sleeping. The frightened kitty reacted by running, and accidentally set the town on fire. The truth behind the cat’s short tail stems from natural genetics. Generally, Bobtails are people-oriented, full of energy and extremely endearing. They adjust well to dogs and other animals.
Brief History
The Japanese Bobtail has existed in Japan for centuries. It is even depicted in ancient prints and paintings from Japan.
The Bobtail didn’t arrive in America until 1968 when Elizabeth Freret imported a number of kittens from Japan. This was recorded by the Cat Fanciers’ Association (CFA). This is the world’s largest registry of pedigreed cats. Around the same time, another cat breeder named Lynn Beck, visited Japan and began importing Bobtails.
In 1976, the CFA accepted the breed for championship status. A few years down the line, the same organization gave recognition to a long-haired version of the Japanese Bobtail.
Physical Features
The Japanese Bobtail is a medium-sized cat with a muscular appearance. This is attributed by its slightly longer hind legs and medium-sized bodies. Their eyes are wide, large and alert while the eyeballs feature a shallow curvature that doesn’t bulge beyond the cheek bone. The eye color ranges from gold, blue to green. Japanese Bobtails have a wide range of colors and patterns. Preference is usually given to bold, dramatic markings. The tail is visibly short and it may be rigid or flexible. The hair on the tail is somewhat thicker and longer. Their bone structure is slender and dainty.
Average Height:
8-14 inches
Average Weight:
6-10 pounds
Life Expectancy:
15-18 years
Japanese Bobtails are sweet, active and intelligent cats. They enjoy games like fetch, and highly developed muscles also allow them to jump hurdles and heights. Bobtails are also people-oriented, which makes them ideal companions. They tend to get along fairly well with most cat breeds and adjust well with dogs.
Japanese Bobtails are inquisitive in nature.
Possible Health Concerns
If well maintained, the Japanese Bobtail is healthy and strong. Despite this, they can suffer from a collection of adverse health conditions such as obesity. They can also suffer from periodontal disease. Japanese Bobtails are susceptible to viral infections like rabies, rhinotracheitis, calicivirus and panleukopenia. These infections are preventable through vaccination. This breed may also suffer infestation by parasites like hookworms, roundworms, whipworms and heartworms. It is important for the cat to undergo regular visits to the vet in order to avoid such health problems.
Since they are quite active, they will require regular exercise. This is also for the purpose of maintaining healthy weight and lifestyle. 30 minutes of a brisk jog or playtime twice a day is enough for this cat.
Taking care of the Japanese Bobtail is quite easy. This short-tailed feline will require frequent combing. For weekly removal of dead hair, it is best to use a flea comb. Their silky coat is water resistant which means that they rarely need a bath. It is important to note that some Bobtails have rigid tails so you should make sure you handle their tails gently when grooming.
The Japanese Bobtail thrives in environments where it is surrounded by adventurous and lively people. They are quite playful and provide great company along with adorable looks. This beautiful exotic cat has a warm personality and can be an excellent family cat.
The Dalmatian, also known as the English Coach Dog, Carriage Dog, and the Firehouse Dog originated from the U.K. This breed is part of the UKC, Companion Dog Group, and the AKC. The origin of the name comes from the Eastern European coastal area of Dalmatian. This dog breed was thought to have been imported to the U.K during the 18th century.
Brief History
The Dalmatian was bred as a coach dog in the U.K. as a guard for passengers and property. The Dalmatian’s love of horses made it perfect for following horse-drawn fire engines. British nobleman also enjoyed having this breed around their stables.
Despite noble origins, today Dalmations are looked upon as a fire station mascot and help bring fire-awareness in education programs for children. The Dalmatian has been in the U.S from colonial times, known as the coach dog breed. By 1888, the Dalmatian was a registered dog breed in the AKC stud book. The Dalmatian is still very popular as a companion dog breed today.
Physical Features
The ever-friendly Dalmatian is a muscular and large dog breed with a slightly square shape. The Dalmatian’s pear-shaped head is almost flat with a slight groove down the center. Their noses are typically black, large and broad. Their medium-sized eyes are brown, blue or a combination of both colors. This breed has medium-sized drop ears with a deep chest and well-arched, compact feet. The Dalmatian has a long tapered tail that they carry with an elegant upward curve. Their coats are short, shiny, and tight. Oh, and don’t forget their famous coloring — white base with gorgeous black spots.
The Dalmatian has lots of endurance and moderate speed. It is an elegant, sporty and active dog that adores people as well as other dogs and animals. Their movements tend to be steady and graceful. With an even temperament, this outgoing dog breed is intelligent, outgoing and dignified.
Average Height:
19-24 inches
Average Weight:
45-65 pounds
Life Expectancy:
11-13 years
The Dalmatian is an active and lively dog breed. They tend to be outgoing, friendly, and rarely shy. In fact, they’re known to constantly encourage new friendships wherever they can find them — whether with other animals or people. This dog breed is great with horses and does well on equestrian farms. The Dalmatian is also sensitive and does well with positive dog training. Socialization starting at puppyhood is also beneficial. This dog breed is very affectionate with family and good with children. The Dalmatian has a strong work drive and needs to partake in organized canine activities.
Special Needs
The Dalmatian requires plenty of exercise, socialization, and positive dog training. The importance of early positive housetraining cannot be emphasized enough. Dalmatian pups need to be taught to go outside or they will develop bad habits that will often be difficult to break. It’s also important to prioritize positive obedience training for puppies. This can start as early as 9 weeks of age and should be done in super short increments of time, like 5 minute sessions a few times a day.
Allow for healthy food treats as rewards when positive dog training. Organize dog training classes outside your home to allow for this dog to socialize and meet other dogs and people. The Dalmatian needs a fenced garden or backyard and does not do well with apartment living. This breed does best on farms or large properties with horses, other dogs and lots of companionship.
Possible Health Concerns
Deafness: Dalmatians may be born with normal hearing, yet may lose hearing a few weeks after birth. Deafness is hereditary in Dalmatians, and comes from an auto-recessive gene. This gene also affects eye color, and contributes the blue iris in Dalmatians. As many as 30% of Dalmatians suffer from deafness in one or both ears. Some dog parents may confuse deafness to obedience problems.
Kidney Stones: This is common in the Dalmatian, and can be dangerous if not treated immediately. Feeding a low protein diet with fish or chicken works well in helping to preventing kidney stones. Beef and organ meats should be eliminated from the Dalmatian’s diet. Clean and fresh water needs to be available 24/7.
Hip Dysplasia: Hip Dysplasia is an abnormal development of the hip joint in large dog breeds like the Dalmatian. It is generally characterized by a loose joint, and then degenerative joint disease.
Epilepsy: This has been occurring more frequently in Dalmatians, and can be hereditary or the result of an injury or exposure to toxins.
Dalmatian dog
The Dalmatian needs a consistent exercise schedule if living in an apartment or small home. Dalmatians living on farms and equestrian properties tend to get lots of exercise and travel. This dog breed has superb memory, and is a quick learner. Positive dog training sessions are a pleasure with this dog breed. Dalmatians enjoy going out for runs or long hikes. They’re always game to take part in family activities.
Agility is a great sport for Dalmatians. They can start training at a young age for agility, and tend to do well in this canine sport. Advanced obedience is also a great option.
When it comes to choosing a food, understanding your dog’s current health and nutritional needs is paramount. There is no “best diet” since all dogs have different dietary needs, so it’s always smart to consult with your veterinarian — especially if your dog has a medical condition.
Dalmatian dog breed
This breed is quite easy to groom. Daily brushing will keep your Dalmatian’s coat in superb condition. A horsehair mitt or rubber curry comb should do the trick.
This dog breed enjoys frequent baths and daily teeth brushing. Bathing should increase if dogs are playing around on farms and in horse manure. Twice yearly visits to the veterinarian for dental hygiene maintenance is a must. Ears need to be regularly wiped out and checked regularly because they flop down and retain moisture. Nails need to be trimmed every month. If your dog does not enjoy having their nails trimmed, try out a nail grinder, visit a professional groomer or your veterinarian.
Not only is the Dalmatian a gentle and playful dog to have around children and family, this dog breed has a happy and outgoing personality that makes everyone else happy. This dog breed does not do well alone and needs to be around people and other animals. Taking part in family activities like hiking, camping, and playing ball at the dog park are a must.
If it’s summer time, all Dalmatians need to use a canine sunblock because their white coats make them more prone to sunburn. Exercise should only take place during the early morning hours or late afternoon.
Abyssinian cats get their name from the term Abyssinia which was a former name for Ethiopia. A breed with fine bone and elaborate pose Abyssinian cats never fail to impress us. They have a tabby yet multi-colored coat that gives them an intricate look and elegant appearance.
Brief History
There are many stories that surround the Abyssinian cat’s origins however many cat fanciers believe that this breed’s first ancestors were from parts of Southeast Asia and the Indian Ocean coast. Traders within these regions were accredited for the cat’s migration into other continental parts such as Arabia and Africa. Some breeds said to be in the Abyss genetic background are Russian Blues, Burnese and Siamese. During the 19th century the breed became famous in Great Britain with belief that British soldiers deployed in various parts of Africa and Asia brought it back home by the end of their expeditions.
Physical Features
The Abyssinian is quite slender but with fine bone and an average body size. They have almond shaped eyes that glare with expression while their ears are large and tend to be pointed with alertness. A kitten Abyssinian is born with a dark coat that lightens with age and as they proceed into adulthood their coats become soft, silky to the touch and ideally fine but close lying and dense.
Average Height:
8-10 inches
Average Weight:
8-12 pounds
Life Expectancy:
9-15 years
Abyssinians are generally friendly in nature showing affection for kids and other pets. They are also playful, dislike being lonely or in boring environments and can make good therapy pets thanks to this appeal. As for the family an Abyssinian’s affection is averagely placed meaning that they neither love nor hate to belong to a particular grouping. Everything they do is done willingly and with enthusiasm making them one cat breed that knows how to live every second of their life to the fullest. Any activity, be it play, climbing, jumping or running is done with energy and passion.
Abyssinian cat
Special Needs
They are not the lazing around type of cats, and with a high level of intelligence they can act according to your mood. If it’s time for play, you’ll definitely have a playmate. If you want to easily get along with your Abyssinian it’s a good idea to ensure that the type of relationship that exists between you is complementary rather than opposing.
Possible Health Concerns
Just like all other pedigreed and mixed-breed cats, Abyssinians are vulnerable to certain diseases that may be hereditary or those caused through certain mutation flaws. The most fatal genetic condition is Pyruvate kinase deficiency. Pyruvate Kinase is an enzyme present in all red blood cell bearing animals. This enzyme is necessary for energy metabolism within the red blood cells. The Pyruvate Kinase deficiency is caused by a recessive gene and it is a known hereditary condition in various cat breeds. This deficiency may show in kittens as young as 6 months or even older cats of 12 years and more. Breeders are advised to have their stock screened for this condition since has no known treatment. Other diseases and health conditions are: Hyperesthesia syndrome, Patellar luxation, Progressive retinal atrophy and Renal amyloidosis.
Exercise to the Abyssinian should be equal to play. Keep in mind that they are very energetic and enthusiastic cats who’d rather be involved in a fun muscle exciting activity rather than a boring one that inspires little or no muscle movement. The country side or a yard with plenty of trees for them to climb is essential. Regular climbing keeps their joints active and to get down, they’d rather jump as heights do not scare them.
Abyssinians have a short coat that doesn’t shed a lot. This coat is easy to maintain and weekly grooming should be enough to remove any dead hairs and keep it shiny and healthy. Trim the nails every fortnight and brush the teeth regularly to prevent it from contracting periodontal disease.
These cats make excellent pets as they are very independent and well-mannered thus needing less supervisory attention from their owners.
It’s an exciting time welcoming a new puppy into your household. They provide so much fun and love, and are like a new child in your family. This time can also be daunting to the new puppy owner, especially if they have never owned a dog before. In this article, we will give you a whirlwind tour through everything you need to know to take care of a new puppy.
The Norwich Terrier comes from the U.K, and is part of the UKC/AKC Terrier group. This is a breed that was originally trained to kill rats. This dog breed was used in packs to travel in foxhunts. Even so, they are more sociable than a regular terrier.
Brief History
The Norwich Terrier and the Norfolk Terrier were known as the same breed until 1964. After that, the main difference would be the Norwich Terrier’s prick ears. The Norwich Terrier was bred during the 1870’s and 1880’s. Undergrads at Cambridge University came to enjoy this dog breed. This dog breed became dorm-room ratters for Cambridge and nearby stables. This breed then was named Trumpington Terriers. One of these dogs was bred numerously at a stableyard, and sired Terrier pups. The breed then became the Jones Terriers in the U.S. The UKC and AKC recognized the Norwich Terrier in the 1930’s. Both Norwich and Norfolk Terrier are closely related.
Physical Features
The Norwich Terrier is spunky and alert. This dog breed is the smallest working terrier. With dark eyes that are oval-shaped, their skulls are broad and slightly rounded. The body is moderately short, and the tail is of medium length, and docked. The hindquarters are strong and muscular.
The Norwich Terrier has a wiry coat that lies close to their bodies, and has an undercoat. The coat on their necks and shoulders forms a mane. The coat can be shades of black and tan or grizzle, red, or wheaten. Their temperaments are happy, fearless, and alert.
Average Height:
9-10 inches
Average Weight:
11-13 pounds
Life Expectancy:
12-15 years
The Norwich Terrier is alert, fun loving, and affectionate. This is a good natured dog breed that enjoys children and other dogs. In order to spend time around other small animals it’s a good idea if they’re socialized first. This dog breed is fearless and highly trainable. Positive dog training and socialization needs to start during puppyhood. The name Terrier comes from the Latin word “terra” meaning earth. These dog breeds were first used to dig tunnels so that they could chase rats and other small prey. These are high- energy dogs that enjoy exercising and free play.
Special Needs
The Norwich Terrier needs to have a securely fenced backyard or garden. This dog breed is known for its escapades, and tends to dig beneath fencing to escape. Socialization with cats, children, people, and other dogs is necessary starting during the first four weeks of puppyhood, and continuing for the dog’s lifetime. Positive dog trainings should focus on maintaining the happy temperament that this breed displays. Harsh or loud reprimands tends to negate any positive bonding, and subjects a dog to unnecessary stress and possible trauma.
Possible Health Concerns
The Norwich Terrier is an active and healthy dog breed that may be susceptible to the following health conditions:
Hip Dysplasia: This is a hereditary condition that affects this dog breed. HD is an abnormal development of the hip joint in dogs. It’s generally characterized by a loose joint, then degenerative joint disease. Dogs should be fed a high-quality diet geared towards their life stage. Excessive growth, types of exercise, nutritional factors, and hereditary factors all come in to play with hip dysplasia. Consult with your veterinarian for expert advice.
Epilepsy: An inherited disease that causes seizures. Dogs will generally require treatment with anticonvulsants from their veterinarians.
Degenerative Myelopathy: This is a progressive neurodegenerative disease that may be found in the Norwich Terrier. It is caused by the SOD1-A gene. It happens during adulthood. Some symptoms may include limb weakness, muscle wasting, muscle tremors, and stumbling. Consult with your veterinarian.
Upper Airway Syndrome: This is a respiratory condition that presents as noisy breathing to critical distress. The condition is breed specific, can occur without warning, and may be fatal.
Dental Disease: This is common in smaller dog breeds. Brushing your dog’s teeth everyday, followed by twice yearly dental cleanings, will reduce the chance for periodontal disease.
Luxating Patellas. This is a hereditary condition that is caused by the abnormal development of the kneecap(patella). X-rays will aid in seeing the severity of the displacement. Treatment usually involves surgical options.
The Norwich Terrier needs moderate exercise with brief bouts of fast activity like running after a tennis ball. This breed should never be over-exercised. They benefit from a few daily walks at a moderate pace with lots of off-leash runs at the beach or dog park.
This breed needs plenty of socialization like going to the dog park, or out and about the neighborhood. If not exercised sufficiently, they can become overly cranky and anxious. They should not be allowed to jump off tables, run up flights of stairs, or overexert themselves. Swimming is a great exercise for this small dog breed that will promote bone and joint strength.
A high-quality dog food for the appropriate life stage is recommended. Dog parents should assess their dog’s activity level, age, breed, and any medical conditions that he or she may be prone to.
Look for dog food formulas that contain ingredients like duck, eggs, chicken, lamb and Wisconsin cheese, fruits and vegetables. Another factor that comes into play is that the dog food formula does not contribute to plaque buildup. It should not contain sugars, salt, or added preservatives.
The Norwich Terrier has a double coat. The outer coat is harsh, and almost 100% waterproof. The undercoat is soft and insulating. Clipping is practical, yet may remove the colored tips from the coat. The coat texture will be much softer when clipped.
Daily grooming is necessary with bathing as needed, since this breed loves playing around in the bushes and in mud. The Norfolk Terrier is active, and does well with regular grooming. Regular ear cleaning and daily tooth brushing is needed to prevent tartar buildup. Nails need to be trimmed as needed. As with all dog breeds, it’s necessary to bring your dog in for a twice yearly dental cleaning.
This bright and quirky dog breed is delightfully playful, and always ready for adventure. They enjoy hikes, swims, boat rides, or just hanging out next to you.
What Are Whippets?
A Whippet is a dog breed that is part of the sighthound family, although they often are mistaken for greyhounds. They are slender and have a light gait. These dogs are playful and friendly, and they have grown in popularity over the last several years. Whippets can range from about 25 to 40 pounds and have a wide variety of colors and patterns. Unlike dogs such as German Shepherds, their markings are not significant to the breed, so their looks will vary. Generally they will be friendly to visitors, but are not very fond of cats that come onto their territory unless the cat is already a member of the family.
Looking after a pet is a great responsibility, and along with the love and joy it brings, there’s also the upkeep of its welfare and wellbeing.
Known to few, loved by many, the Iditarod is a world-famous Trail Sled Dog Race that dates back to 1973. With a long and somewhat controversial history, it has also coined the nickname ‘The Last Great Race on Earth®’.