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Sounds of the Animals Around the World
There are close to 9 million species of animals on the planet. Many of these animals make distinct noises which can be interesting and fun to hear.
Can Dogs Spread the Ebola Virus?
No one knows for sure. Out of an abundance of caution, authorities euthanized the pet dog of a Spanish Nursing assistant after she contracted the Ebola virus while caring for a patient in Spain.
Which Cats are Hypoallergenic?
Most people think their allergic reactions to cats come from the animals’ fur. In reality, the source of the allergy originates in the saliva of the cat. When cats grooms themselves, allergens are transmitted throughout their coats and shed around the house.
The British Shorthair is an ancient cat breed that originated from the U.K. It is thought that this cat breed dates as far back as the first century AD. Historians believed that the Egyptians took domesticated Egyptians cats to the U.K, resulting in the interbreeding of these cats with the European wildcat population.
Brief History
The British Shorthair was the only pedigreed cat breed at cat shows during the Victorian era. During WW1 and WW2, the British Shorthair almost vanished, but thanks to cat breeders in the U.K, this breed was kept alive. By 1967, the British Shorthair was recognized by the American Cat Association. The Cat Fancier Association recognized this breed in 1980. Today, all cat associations recognize the British Shorthair. This cat breed is renowned for its strength and hunting ability. Many are under the assumption that this cat breed is blue in color. The British Shorthair comes in various colors of which blue –grey or “British Blue” is the most popular.
Physical Features
The British Shorthair is a large cat breed with a broad chest. Their legs are strong with large paws. The tail is blunt-tipped, and of medium- length. With a round head, and large round eyes, the British Shorthair has a short muzzle and round cheeks.
The British Shorthair matures slowly, and will reach peak physical development at three years of age. This is a dimorphic cat breed, in which males are larger than the females. The coat is plush and thick with no undercoat. There are noticeable “crisp” hairlines that are raised when the British Shorthair walks or runs. Coat colors can be found in solid colors, colorpoint, tabby, shaded, and bicolor patterns.
Average Height:
12-14 inches
Average Weight:
8-14 pounds
Life Expectancy:
14-20 years
The British Shorthair is an intelligent cat breed that adapts easily to new surroundings, and enjoys being around people, even children. The British Shorthair gets along well with other animals like rabbits, dogs, other cats, and even horses. This breed tends to be clumsy, yet is moderately active. This is a kind and sweet-natured cat breed that is devoted to family. The British Shorthair does well with being an indoor cat.
british shorthair cat
Special Needs
The British Shorthair does best as an indoor cat. This breed thrives on affection, and plenty of cat toys. This breed is proud, and enjoys positive clicker training. It is non-aggressive with other cats. Eye tearing may be a problem with this cat breed. Inactive cats tend to pick up weight, and are prone to more medical conditions, like liver disease. Daily grooming needs to be a priority with this breed.
Exercising cats is more difficult than with dogs, yet cat parents can do so by purchasing certain cats toys to promote exercise.
Possible Health Concerns
Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy: This is a heart muscle disorder where the heart walls of the left ventricle thicken. Symptoms may include difficulty breathing, weakness or paralysis of the hind limbs. Fluid may also accumulate in the lungs, and in the space between the lungs and chest wall.
Gingivitis: This is when the gums become inflamed due to bacterial plaque. Gum color in cats will change from a light pink to red or purple. The gum edge wills well. Symptoms include bleeding and bad breath. This can be reversed with proper teeth cleaning. However it can worsen and result in periodontitis.
Polycystic Kidney Disease. This occurs when there are numerous cysts within the functioning part of the kidney, resulting in enlarged kidneys. Consult with your veterinarian if your cat vomits frequently, has a decreased appetite, and increased thirst or urination.
Playtime for indoor cats is extremely important.
The British Shorthair cat breed needs daily exercise combined with plenty of mental stimulation through active play and interaction with people.
This cat breed is a moderately active cat breed that thrives on being with family members. Cat gyms, cat scratchers, and interactive cat toys within a cat friendly home environment work best for this breed.
The British Shorthair needs daily grooming for skin and coat health. Because this breed is a shorthair cat breed, taking care of this cat breed is super easy. This cat breed has a short and smooth coat. Ears should be checked weekly for cleanliness and sensitivity.
5 Reasons Your Pet Needs Insurance
You insure your home, your house, yourself and your family. But did you know that there’s another family member you need to look out for? Just like you find yourself suddenly sick and in need of a doctor, your pets will too. Don’t let the health of your furry friend to come down to what you can afford.
Training a dog can be both a highly rewarding and completely frustrating endeavor. Far too often, new dog owners stumble through training their pooch, then give up after a major setback.
Cocker Spaniel
Happy is one word to describe a cocker spaniel. This dog is active and will happily escort you to the park, play around in the yard, fetch a lost item or even go fishing. These dogs are trainable with a gentle charm that’s inviting to play. Their love for water is equal to wagging their tails which are their signature. The world loves this dog for its big ears, dreamy eyes and intriguing personality.
Brief History
There are two types of Cocker Spaniels: the English bred Cocker Spaniel and the American one but both descended from Europe, specifically England and Spain. The name Spaniel refers to a large Spaniel family dating back to antiquity. Spaniel itself means Spanish dog. In Spain, this dog was divided into two categories, toys and large hunting dogs. Hunting Spaniels were further divided into two categories, water and land Spaniels. The term Cocker refers to this dog’s excellence in hunting field woodcock.
American Spaniel fanciers began importing this breed in the late 1870s. In 1881, the American Spaniel club, the oldest breed club in America, was formed by James Watson and Clinton Wilmerding. This breed club comprised of many different types of Spaniel breeders. Later on, as the differences in the spaniel breed became refined, breeders split off into separate organizations. With time, Cocker Spaniels grew popular both with the public and with breeders. With this popularity came a much favored smaller type of this breed, which had a different conformation to the English Cocker.
In 1936 a specialty club known as English Cocker Spaniel Club of America was formed by English breeders. This club gained recognition at the American Kennel Club for their special type of English Cocker.
Physical Features
Cocker Spaniels belong to the sporting group and are perhaps the smallest members. They have a refined head, compact and sturdy body. They stand up well at the shoulder with muscular quarters that are moderately bent yet strong.
Average Height:
13.5-15.5 inches
Average Weight:
20-30 pounds
Life Expectancy:
10-14 years
If a Cocker Spaniel is well bred, it will exhibit a sweet endearing temperament. Its cuddly and affectionate nature makes it fun to be with and it will always participate in family activities willingly without a fuss. Spaniels are sensitive dogs both physically and mentally, they don’t respond well to harsh treatment because of their soft personality and if in pain they often resort to snapping or growling.
Special Needs
Cocker Spaniels don’t respond well to instructive commands, rather if you are training them, do it sensitively and with reassurance. They need to be socialized and trained at an early age to learn proper canine manners.
Possible Health Concerns
These are healthy dogs but like all other dog breeds, they remain susceptible to some diseases and conditions. These conditions and diseases are: Autoimmune hemolytic anemia, Hypothyroidism, allergies, Primary seborrhea, eye problems, ear infections, epilepsy, Patellar luxation and canine hip dysplasia.
Cocker Spaniel dog
Due to their high energy levels, Cocker Spaniels need a daily exercise routine preferably 1- 2 hours every day. They are not picky and any fun exercise is ideal for them.
Spaniels have big appetites and are also protective of their food. The best food to feed them is dry food, 1.5 to 2.5 cups every day, though this amount will vary with the dog’s age, build, size, metabolism and activity level. Best to consult with your veterinarian.
Cocker Spaniel dog breed
The Cocker Spaniel’s coat varies in length being short at the head and back. It grows longer on the ears, belly, chest and legs. The coat may be a solid color: light cream, white, black, red and brown, or parti-color which is two or more of these colors. Due to its varied length, it’s advisable to wash the coat using shampoo at least twice a week. Comb the coat daily and trim if necessary to maintain a certain desired length. Clean their ears and eyes daily and also brush their teeth twice or thrice a week.
The Saint Bernard belongs to the AKC Working Dog Group and the UKC Guardian Dog Group. This breed originated from Switzerland and was bred by Swiss monks during the seventeenth century.
Brief History
The Saint Bernard was bred by hospice monks in the Swiss Alps at the Hospice of Saint Bernard, a refuge for travelers, to help locate and rescue travelers that had been injured by avalanches or lost between Switzerland and Italy.
Though bred for search and rescue, this brave dog was also used for drafting, guarding, and turn-spit. They are believed to have rescued over 2,000 lives through their search and rescue efforts at the hospice. They are descended from the Roman Mastiff and arrived in the U.S during the nineteenth century.
Physical Features
The Saint Bernard is a large and powerful dog breed with a large head and square shaped body. Their highly-recognizable heads have a deep furrow over the skulls, which is about twice as long as it is short.
Their eyes are intelligent and kind, with lower eyelids that don’t close completely. Their medium-sized and triangle-shaped ears are dropped and high-set. This pup’s feet are large and their tails are charmingly long.
This breed has a double coat —a thick undercoat, with a straight short or long outer coat. Its coloring ranges from red to brown, or brindle, with white markings at the chest, feet, tip of the tail, noseband and neck. There can also be markings on the collar, between the eyes, muzzle, belly, legs, and end of tail. The Saint Bernard has a dark mask on the face and ears.Don’t forget their famous wrinkles.
The long haired version of this breed looks exactly like the shorthaired breed, apart from the coat, which is typically of medium length and slightly wavy.
Average Height:
25.5 -30 inches
Average Weight:
120-180 pounds
Life Expectancy:
7-10 years
This is an affectionate, fun-loving dog that is just as friendly with strangers as with family. It’s for that exact reason, however, that they shouldn’t be counted on to be a guard dog. This breed enjoys being around children and other families. They’re big gentle giants that thrive on playing in the snow with family members and friends. During puppyhood they are super clumsy due to their large size. As they grow into adulthood, these dogs settle down and tend to nap a lot. This breed does best in snowy, cold weather.
The Saint Bernard needs to be socialized early, and to begin positive-reward training classes during puppyhood. This super large breed is best suited for farm life or suburban homes where they will have the space they need. Unfortunately, this rules out apartment life. As the Saint Bernard ages, they can become a little lazy. It’s important to maintain their exercise schedules to keep healthy and fit.
Special Needs
This breed does best with plenty of protection from the heat and needs to be kept indoors during summer. Exercise, including walks should take place early mornings and late afternoons, so as to protect this breed from heat stroke. Winter makes every Saint Bernard happy – the colder the better!
Saint Bernards that live in warmer climates will greatly benefit from getting clipped. This breed needs to be supervised carefully over the summers to make sure that they do not get overheated. Since this is a very large dog breed, they tend to become more difficult to train as they gets larger. All the more reason to start during puppyhood.
Possible Health Concerns
This is a healthy dog breed that may be susceptible to the following health conditions:
Dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM). Genetic predisposition to DCM is seen in large breeds like the Saint Bernard. DCM is a disease affecting the heart muscle where the heart stops pumping properly.
Bloat. This breed is deep-chested, and thus more prone to bloat. Bloat is a life threatening emergency. It is caused by the twisting of the stomach, together with the accumulation of gas, with or without fluid. It is best to never elevate your dog’s water and food bowls. Stress is also a major factor in causing bloat. Never feed a Saint Bernard a large meal followed by exercise. At the first signs of dry vomiting, restlessness and discomfort, contact your emergency veterinarian. Never wait for a few hours.
Hip Dysplasia. This is a hereditary developmental disease. HD affects Saint Bernards, and occurs when the hip joint fails to develop properly. The head of the thigh bone does not fall into the hip socket. The imperfect fit results in the joint becoming loose and unstable, and results in osteoarthritis.
Laryngeal Paralysis. This is where the cartilage and the vocal folds of the larynx do not open fully, making breathing difficult. This is an acquired medical condition, and not an inherited one.
Skin Allergies like pyoderma are common in this dog breed. This is a bacterial skin infection caused by an infection in the folds and wrinkles of their skin due to grooming difficulties.
Epilepsy is an inherited disease that causes seizures. This breed will generally require treatment with anticonvulsants from their veterinarian.
Saint Bernards need regular exercise every day to stay fit and maintain a healthy weight. They also need daily exercise to build muscle strength. Although these are strong and powerful dogs, they do not require excessive exercise. That said, this breed does enjoy hiking, sledding and long peaceful walks. (Tip: They enjoy pulling children in carts and sleds!) They love being out in the snow and cold weather and are at their best with family and children around them.
Feeding your Saint Bernard a well-balanced diet with high-quality food is necessary to promote good health and longevity. The diet you choose needs to be appropriate to your dog’s age, activity level and medical conditions. That said, these dogs don’t need excessive amounts of food just because they’re large. Weight needs to be actively monitored, as they gain easily. Never feed right before or right after exercising.
Saint Bernards have either long or short hair. Both types need careful daily grooming to avoid the buildup of dirt and grime. Use a slicker brush or metal comb for tangles. Shedding occurs twice yearly. During this time, it will be necessary to groom vigilantly and to remove loose hair so as to prevent shedding around the home.
This breed enjoys being bathed. Use natural and organic dog grooming products to keep their coats healthy. Ears will need to be wiped regularly and inspected for infections. Teeth also need to be brushed every day and cleaned twice a year at the veterinarian. Trim nails as needed.
Saint Bernards are sensitive, affectionate and loving. They’ll need to have a large garden or home to live in and absolutely cannot live in an apartment. This dog breed will need to be indoors during the hot summer months. Every effort must be made to keep this breed from overheating.
The Saint Bernard makes for a great adoption in the right home environment. Puppy training should start early because they are hard to handle as they matures due to size. Puppies are energetic and will need lots of socialization. While incredibly gentle and kind, this breed still needs regular exercise and mental stimulation. They don’t do well alone at home all day and need companionship.