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For our canine friends, paw licking can be a grooming habit. This is often seen when dogs have been out for a long walk in rugged conditions, or it might be part of their daily groom.
The Arabian Mau was developed from an ancient desert cat that occurred naturally in the Arabian Peninsula. Although it is now commonplace as a house pet in its region of origin, the Arabian Mau cat has only gained recognition by a single breed organization, the German World Cat Federation.
Brief History
Descended from the African wild cat that lived in Middle Eastern deserts in regions throughout Oman, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and the United Arab Emirates, the Arabian Mau is one of the oldest cat breeds. Its lineage goes back a thousand years, combining genes with the Egyptian Mau and providing companionship and service to man perhaps as far back as the days of the pyramids.
Although this cat is acclimated to desert life, wild cats of the harsh and sandy elements had challenging daily searches for food. It was natural for them to frequent villages for easy pickings. From there, like cats domesticated in other parts of the world and worked their way from the alley to the hearth.
After centuries of life as a house cat, the Arabian desert cat was noticed by the director of the Middle East Cat Society, Petra Muller. She gave the cat its name, the Arabian Mau, and began arranging a breeding program. She presented the breed at the Annual General Meeting in 2008, where it was recognized as a pedigreed feline. The following year, it was admitted into cat shows and given formal breed recognition.
Physical Features
The Arabian Mau is a medium-sized cat with long legs and a tapered tail. They are most famous for their ears, which are noticeably large. Their single coats of hair are smooth and glossy and appears in three shades: tabby, bicolor and white.
Average Height:
12-14 inches
Average Weight:
8-12 pounds
Life Expectancy:
12-15 years
The Arabian Mau is an athlete with a high prey drive. You will not have to worry about mice thriving in your house. Although, because this cat is loyal and devoted, you may find one on your pillow as a gift.
Arabian mau
Special Needs
The Arabian Mau plays vigorously and needs quality interaction with its people. It would be best served with thirty minutes of active play a day.
Possible Health Concerns
The Bombay is a healthy and moderately active cat breed that may be susceptible to the following health conditions:
Thanks to its long history as an evolving desert cat, the Arabian Mau has no known health issues. But like all cats, it will need a good diet and exercise program to maintain its vitality and prolong its life.
Being an active desert cat, the Arabian Mau will need plenty of exercise. Giving this cat a buddy is one good way to accomplish this.
Like with any indoor cat, the owner should be sure not to overfeed. However, many cats are self-regulating, and highly-active breeds may have the metabolism to burn off whatever they take in. An Arabian Mau is one cat that is not prone to obesity.
The Arabian Mau benefits from a grooming session with a soft brush every couple of days to whisk away any loose hair and distribute the natural oils throughout the coat. As grooming goes, this cat is fairly low-maintenance.
The Arabian Mau is a good choice for people who are looking for a lively, family-friendly sturdy cat with few health issues.
The Italian Greyhound, also known as the Piccolo Levriero Italiano, originated from Italy. This dog breed is believed to have existed more than 2,000 years ago in southern Europe during the Middle Ages and became popular during the 16th century. Unsurprisingly considering their elegant stature, they were bred for companionship to nobility.
Brief History
The Italian Greyhound was popular as a companion dog and a favorite amongst royalty. Catherine the Great of Russia is known to have particularly enjoyed them. Originally this breed may have been bred to hunt small prey. Italian Greyhounds can be seen in many renaissance paintings and were registered with the AKC in 1886. Following both world wars, the Italian Greyhound nearly became extinct. This was avoided by American breeders taking a liking to the regal pup, thus introducing them to the U.S. population at large.
italian greyhound dog
Physical Features
The Italian Greyhound is a small, slender and refined dog breed. It is aesthetically similar to the larger greyhound, but on a smaller scale. With a narrow head, small, folded ears and deep chest, the Italian Greyhound has a long, tapered nose which may be brown or black.
Their necks tend to be long, slender and arched. Their tails are long and tapering. Italian Greyhounds are known for their smooth, glossy and short coats. The most common coat colors are fawn, red, seal, blue, and white.
Average Height:
13-15 inches
Average Weight:
7-15 pounds
Life Expectancy:
12-15 years
The Italian Greyhound is a playful and affectionate breed. This dog gets attached to family, but is often disinterested with strangers. Italian Greyhounds can sometimes be sensitive and do not do well with loud noises or harsh reprimands. This dog tends to be easily trainable, and enjoys socializing with other dogs.
Special Needs
The Italian Greyhound needs plenty of attention and thrives on going everywhere with their dog parent. Fenced gardens or backyards are necessary, since this breed does tend to escape. It’s important to note that Italian Greyhounds get cold very easily, and needs to be protected from extreme temperatures, both hot and cold.
Possible Health Concerns
The Italian Greyhound is a generally healthy dog breed that may be susceptible to the following health problems:
Autoimmune Skin Disorders: Pemphigus foliaceus is an uncommon autoimmune disease that affects the skin. The cause of the skin disorder results from the immune system producing antibodies against the “glue” that keeps skin together. Symptoms include topical ulcers and lesions.
Hypothyroidism: This occurs when there are decreased levels of thyroid hormones. Symptoms include hair loss, a dull coat, flaky skin with weight gain and muscle loss.
Legg-Calve- Perthes Disease: This is the deterioration of the top of the femur (femoral head), and is seen in the Italian Greyhound. It is characterized by a lack of blood supply, and the destruction of blood vessels of the bone. Some symptoms may include hindlimb lameness, loss of muscle in the thighs, and pain when moving the hip joint.
Patellar Luxation: This may be acquired or congenital, and affects the Italian Greyhound. It may occur at the same time as other limb abnormalities. It is caused by the abnormal development of the kneecap(patella).X-rays will aid in seeing the severity of the displacement.
Progressive Retinal Atrophy (PRA) is another common hereditary eye disease in the Italian Greyhound. This is an expensive health issue, and early detection is critical to the well-being and vision of your dog. PRA can lead to blindness.
The Italian Greyhound needs regular exercise every day to stay fit. This dog breed does well living in an apartment with having short walks. It also does great with more active canine sports like agility, rally, obedience and tracking. The Italian Greyhound enjoys traveling by car, and hanging out in pet friendly restaurants and cafes. Canine surfing, Frisbee, biking and hiking are all fun activities that the entire family can partake in with your Italian Greyhound.
A focus on dental care with this breed is of the uttermost importance. Dental cleanings at your veterinarian should be scheduled twice yearly. Daily toothbrushing with a canine paste and canine toothbrush is necessary to prevent gum disease.
This dog breed requires minimal grooming. If your Italian Greyhound enjoys hanging out and rolling in the mud, bath times should be as needed. Nails need regular trimming and ears should be cleaned weekly.
The Italian Greyhound makes a great addition to any family and a particularly great apartment-dweller. Since they tend to be more on the sensitive side, this breed may be shy when first adopted. It’s best to allow for a relaxed transition into a new home where pet parents give their new pup all the love, attention and space they need to adjust.
italian greyhound
Abyssinian cats get their name from the term Abyssinia which was a former name for Ethiopia. A breed with fine bone and elaborate pose Abyssinian cats never fail to impress us. They have a tabby yet multi-colored coat that gives them an intricate look and elegant appearance.
Brief History
There are many stories that surround the Abyssinian cat’s origins however many cat fanciers believe that this breed’s first ancestors were from parts of Southeast Asia and the Indian Ocean coast. Traders within these regions were accredited for the cat’s migration into other continental parts such as Arabia and Africa. Some breeds said to be in the Abyss genetic background are Russian Blues, Burnese and Siamese. During the 19th century the breed became famous in Great Britain with belief that British soldiers deployed in various parts of Africa and Asia brought it back home by the end of their expeditions.
Physical Features
The Abyssinian is quite slender but with fine bone and an average body size. They have almond shaped eyes that glare with expression while their ears are large and tend to be pointed with alertness. A kitten Abyssinian is born with a dark coat that lightens with age and as they proceed into adulthood their coats become soft, silky to the touch and ideally fine but close lying and dense.
Average Height:
8-10 inches
Average Weight:
8-12 pounds
Life Expectancy:
9-15 years
Abyssinians are generally friendly in nature showing affection for kids and other pets. They are also playful, dislike being lonely or in boring environments and can make good therapy pets thanks to this appeal. As for the family an Abyssinian’s affection is averagely placed meaning that they neither love nor hate to belong to a particular grouping. Everything they do is done willingly and with enthusiasm making them one cat breed that knows how to live every second of their life to the fullest. Any activity, be it play, climbing, jumping or running is done with energy and passion.
Abyssinian cat
Special Needs
They are not the lazing around type of cats, and with a high level of intelligence they can act according to your mood. If it’s time for play, you’ll definitely have a playmate. If you want to easily get along with your Abyssinian it’s a good idea to ensure that the type of relationship that exists between you is complementary rather than opposing.
Possible Health Concerns
Just like all other pedigreed and mixed-breed cats, Abyssinians are vulnerable to certain diseases that may be hereditary or those caused through certain mutation flaws. The most fatal genetic condition is Pyruvate kinase deficiency. Pyruvate Kinase is an enzyme present in all red blood cell bearing animals. This enzyme is necessary for energy metabolism within the red blood cells. The Pyruvate Kinase deficiency is caused by a recessive gene and it is a known hereditary condition in various cat breeds. This deficiency may show in kittens as young as 6 months or even older cats of 12 years and more. Breeders are advised to have their stock screened for this condition since has no known treatment. Other diseases and health conditions are: Hyperesthesia syndrome, Patellar luxation, Progressive retinal atrophy and Renal amyloidosis.
Exercise to the Abyssinian should be equal to play. Keep in mind that they are very energetic and enthusiastic cats who’d rather be involved in a fun muscle exciting activity rather than a boring one that inspires little or no muscle movement. The country side or a yard with plenty of trees for them to climb is essential. Regular climbing keeps their joints active and to get down, they’d rather jump as heights do not scare them.
Abyssinians have a short coat that doesn’t shed a lot. This coat is easy to maintain and weekly grooming should be enough to remove any dead hairs and keep it shiny and healthy. Trim the nails every fortnight and brush the teeth regularly to prevent it from contracting periodontal disease.
These cats make excellent pets as they are very independent and well-mannered thus needing less supervisory attention from their owners.
Ehrlichiosis: What to Look For
Ehrlichiosis is a tick-borne bacterial infection that affects canines like dogs, wolves and other species around the world. Also known as Canine Typhus, Tracker Dog Disease, and Tropical Canine Pancytopenia, this disease leads to a wide range of flu-like symptoms, which makes the disease difficult to diagnose.
Having both a dog and a cat at home isn’t unusual. They are two creatures that can live in harmony together. Pet owners do the same for both as far as caring for them goes. They provide them with food, shelter, and water. Cats and dogs still share a few obvious differences… and not just their size. Here are five ways having dogs is different from having cats.
Veterinarians Guide to Fleas and Ticks for Pet Owners
Everything You Need to Know About Fleas and Ticks
As any pet owner will tell you, our lovable balls of fluff are prone to bringing unwanted friends of their own home; namely fleas and ticks.
These common critters can find their way on to dogs, cats and even humans – sometimes with nasty consequences.
So, what can be done to treat these bloodsucking mites and how can you prevent them in the first place?
Fleas – what are they?
Fleas are small, wingless parasites that can feed on your pet’s blood. Cat fleas for instance are dark brown and 1-2mm long. They are often picked up outdoors, and there are over 2,000 different types in the word. Adept at jumping, they are easy to pass on to other animals, as well as owners. They can be picked up anywhere, from other pets, kennels and even from the great outdoors. They can be more common in warmer months, but exist all year round.
Ticks – what are they?
Ticks are tiny blood-suckers with a spider-like appearance. They have eight legs and can range from 1mm to 1cm in size. They are typically fond of woodland and grassy areas, where they latch on to your pet. They are known for transmitting bacterial diseases, the most common of which is Lyme Disease, borne from black-legged ticks. Much like fleas, they are more common in the warmer months, but present all-year round.
How can you prevent fleas and ticks?
The first measure is to protect your pets.
If you live in a house with a large unkempt yard, try and cut back the grass, which attracts these insects. Where possible, use flea spray to prevent any outbreaks, too. While indoors, pay attention to areas where ticks and fleas can thrive; on carpets and rugs – thorough vacuuming will help keep this at bay.
Secondly, make sure your pet’s bedding area is well cleaned. Anything that could attract unwanted visitors should be cleaned or thrown away. Where possible, deep clean toys in hot water regularly, to kill any lingering bugs.
Finally, there are many treatments on the market that you can use on your pets. Not just when they are infected, but as a preventative measure. From flea combs to sprays, along with regular brushing of their coats, to reduce pests from growing. If your pet has long hair, you may want to keep this short, particularly in the warmer weather, so it is less of a breeding ground for pests.
Flea and tick collars are worthwhile solutions to help repel fleas away using chemicals that are safe for your dogs and cats. These can be picked up in most vet clinics, drug stores and pet stores, and are inexpensive.
Signs of fleas and ticks
Scratching, writing and over grooming are common signs that your pet may be housing fleas or ticks. Sometimes these can be visible to the human eye, particularly during grooming, but not always. Therefore, if you suspect that your beloved cat or dog is infected, you may want to take them to your veterinarian as soon as possible.
If you experience a continual itching and bites in succession, or believe that you have been bitten by a tick (sometimes the tick is still visible in the skin), see a professional caregiver immediately.
Treating fleas and ticks
The good news is that these bugs are easy to treat, in many forms, from powders to medicated shampoos. In the first instance, visit your veterinarian. It’s also vital to ensure that you do not use the same treatment on your dog, as your cat, as in some cases these are known to be toxic to felines. Therefore, always seek professional guidance before treatment.
You will also need to consider treating your house, from upholstery to carpets, and bedding. Anti-flea and anti-tick treatments are commonly available.
5 Reasons Your Pet Needs Insurance
You insure your home, your house, yourself and your family. But did you know that there’s another family member you need to look out for? Just like you find yourself suddenly sick and in need of a doctor, your pets will too. Don’t let the health of your furry friend to come down to what you can afford.