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Known for their curly fur and agreeable disposition, the Labradoodle is a cute, fun-loving and dedicated dog. It was originally bred to be a guide dog, so it always enjoys human company and always seeks to provide companionship. The Labradoodle is highly intelligent and sociable and makes a lively life companion or a family dog. Thanks to its minimal coat shedding, the Labradoodle is ideal for people with allergies.
Brief History
The Labradoodle was bred to offer day-to-day support by the Royal Guide Dogs Association of Australia. It is a cross of the Standard Poodle and the Labrador Retriever. Thanks to its calm and people-loving heritage, this dog is quite comfortable among people and other pets as well. Its origin is just as interesting as the dog itself. The very first Labradoodle was bred in 1989 for a visually-challenged woman who lived in Hawaii. Interestingly, her husband was allergic to fur, therefore her guide dog had to be hypoallergenic. The Labradoodle was born and retained the fun-loving nature of the Labrador and the intelligence of the Poodle —making it well-balanced and loving.
Physical Features
The Labradoodle can have a variety of physical features that largely depend on its genetic heritage and parentage. The Poodle and Labrador DNA in each Labradoodle’s body play a big role in determining the overall appearance of the dog. Commonly, this dog breed emerges in coat colors such as chocolate, blonde, apricot, black and charcoal.
Seeing as this dog breed is a result of breeding with a Standard size Poodle, it has a medium sized body. Its coat of fur can be soft and wavy or curly and taut. Their ears are droopy and widely considered to be one of the most attractive features of the dog.
Average Height:
21-24 inches
Average Weight:
50-65 pounds
Life Expectancy:
12-14 years
The Labradoodle is a cool, calm and sociable dog. This is due to its heritage. It is bred from two dogs that are well known for having a cool disposition. The Poodle is intelligent and the Labrador is a social, family-oriented dog. This dog breed is cat-friendly and interacts with felines and other dogs comfortably.
Special Needs
Seeing as it is a sociable dog, the Labradoodle can suffer from separation anxiety if left alone for long periods of time.
Possible Health Concerns
Labradoodles are generally healthy dogs, however they can suffer from certain health issues. Some of these issues are eye diseases such as cataracts and progressive Retinal Atrophy, Hip dysplasia and Addison’s disease.
Labradoodle puppy
The Labradoodle is a big dog that loves to play and have fun. This dog needs to get between 30 and 60 minutes of exercise every day. For best results, your Labradoodle should exercise by running around in a fenced yard or dog park. Here, they can thoroughly work out their lateral muscles and have a great time. This dog makes a great jogging partner as well. Labradoodles also enjoy swimming.
The Labradoodle is an active dog and therefore requires a diet that can support its vibrant lifestyle. You should always strive to implement a balanced diet for your Labradoodle as it can do exceptionally well with 1 to 2.5 cups of dry food served twice every day. This is best done in the morning and in the evening after their exercise sessions. By feeding your Labradoodle twice in a day, you are able to prevent cases of gastric tension.
The Labradoodle needs some grooming conducted so as to keep their coats in great condition. While it does not shed much, the Labradoodle still requires regular care for its coat. You should brush through its fur at least twice a day. This prevents matting and bunching up of the hair.
While grooming, you should remember to cut the hair inside the ear. Also, carefully shave the fur that is near the ear canal and under the ear too. Any hair around the eyes should be trimmed as well. This needs to be done so as to prevent the fur from obstructing your Labradoodle’s vision. Proceed to trim the hair around his pads. The nails should be trimmed as well. While bathing your Labradoodle, make sure to use a gentle shampoo. The baths should be infrequent to preserve the natural oils in their hair furthermore, your Labradoodle is best left to air-dry.
The Labradoodle is a loving, intelligent and addition to any family. The dog does not require much maintenance and is generally a strong, healthy dog. The Labradoodle lives for a long time.
Part of the hairless cat breeds, the Sphynx draws human attention everywhere it goes. That’s great news, because Sphynx cats love human company and make great pets for city apartments and additions to homes with children.
Brief History
The Sphynx cat is a product of selective breeding in Canada during the 1960’s and are known for their almost dog-like personalities as well as famous hairlessness.
There are two types of the Sphynx breed: the American Sphynx and the European Sphynx. Both the European and American Sphynx groups are descended from two natural lines of mutation. The first line started in 1975 with the Pearson family’s dermis and epidermis barn cats and the second started in 1978 with two stray cats, Bambi and Punke, which were found in Toronto in Ontario, Canada.
Physical Features
The International Cat Association identifies the Sphynx as a unique cat breed with the following standards. They have a wedge-like head with high cheekbones. Their eyes are large and assume a lemon shape while their ears are also large with a soft down outside base and no inside hair. A Sphynx may or may not have whiskers and if present, these whiskers are either full or broken. Their necks are of medium length, well-muscled and powerful in build. Other unique features are: a barrel chest, torso of medium length, full and round abdomen, tapering tail with a whip like appearance and thick paw pads.
Average Height:
8-10 inches
Average Weight:
6-12 pounds
Life Expectancy:
12-16 years
Sphynx cats love attention and are generally very cheerful. They make great therapy pets being because of their loving disposition and constant smile. When not seeking or receiving attention, Sphynxes spend their time exploring their surroundings. While doing this, they are often very lively, energetic and curious.
sphynx cat
Special Needs
Sphynxes are highly social cats that can make a family out of anything. Because of this, they hate being locked away or put in enclosures that limit their freedom to move about. If you need to be away for long periods of time, consider adopting a friend for your Sphynx to play with.
Possible Health Concerns
The Bombay is a healthy and moderately active cat breed that may be susceptible to the following health conditions:
The Sphynx is a generally healthy cat breed, however they remain vulnerable to various diseases common to both mixed-breed and pedigreed cats. Sphynx owners should be on the lookout for: Urticaria pigmentosa and Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy.
Sphynxs are energetic and love to spend most of their time involved in an activity. They play well with children and fellow pets and also excel in brain teaser games such as puzzle toys. Because of this, an exercise routine schedule isn’t necessary. However you can spare some time to walk with your Sphynx and play a game or two.
Sphynxs should do well with high nutrition cat food both home prepared or commercially manufactured. They love fruit as treats, but make sure to only give those with lots of fiber and vitamins such as apples. Clean water should also be available for them to drink and remain hydrated.
Despite having a hairless body, the Sphynx’s coat and skin needs as much care as hairy cats. Wash your Sphynx on a weekly basis using a mild moisturizing shampoo or baby shampoo and keep the skin moisturized with scent free oil or lotion. Bathing the Sphynx from a tender age will teach it to accept baths and get more used to water. Brushing the Sphynx’s teeth helps prevent it from developing periodontal disease.
sphynx cat breed
The American Shorthair is a domesticated cat breed that originated in Europe, and was brought over by early settlers. This cat breed was a ratter used to protect cargo on ships from mice. This is a pedigreed cat breed that is accepted by all North American cat registries.
Brief History
The American Shorthair sailed with sailors from Europe to North America. Many travelled on the Mayflower with the Pilgrims and interbred. They developed special traits to survive the U.S climate and lifestyle. By the beginning of the 20th century, a selective breeding program stipulated the American Shorthair breed standards. This breed was first named the Domestic Shorthair. This changed in 1966 when it was changed to the American Shorthair. This breed is a working cat breed, since it originally was used to kill mice on board ships.
Physical Features
The American Shorthair has a round face and short ears, a well-built body, a strong chest, powerful shoulders and hindquarters. The coat can be one of eighty colors and patterns ranging from brown tabby to a shady silvery coloring. Many American Shorthairs will have black or brown coloring. Eye color can be green, gold, hazel, blue, copper, or odd-eyed. By 2012 this cat breed was the seventh most popular cat breed in the U.S.
Average Height:
8-10 inches
Average Weight:
6-15 pounds
Life Expectancy:
15-20 years
The American Shorthair is relaxed and enjoys being pampered. This breed thrives with lots of cuddles and cute cat toys. This cat breed is laid back, low maintenance, and loves to hunt and sunbathe. Early socialization during kittenhood helps all cats get along with guests and other animals. This cat breed is very affectionate, and does well with indoor living.
This cat breed is easy to live with, as they are not overly vocal or quirky. Positive clicker training with rewards works best with the cat to prevent excessive scratching in the wrong places. This breed learns quickly, and is wonderful to live with. Providing your cat with scratching posts, clean litter boxes, stimulating and safe cat toys, help to ensure a well-balanced and happy cat.
american shorthair cat
Possible Health Concerns
Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy: This is a heart muscle disorder where the heart walls of the left ventricle thicken. This is a common primary heart disease in cats. It tends to get noticed at around 3 months to 17 years of age. Most cats will be middle aged when this disorder occurs. This disorder tends to affect males more than females, and it is an inherited genetic defect. Symptoms may include difficulty breathing, weakness or paralysis of the hind limbs. Fluid may also accumulate in the lungs, and in the space between the lungs and chest wall. Veterinary treatment will aim at improving cardiac function, and reducing blood clots. There is a good longterm outlook for mildly affected cats.
The American Shorthair needs daily brushing. This cat breed sheds moderately.
Healthy cats need minimal bathing with a gentle cat shampoo. Your cat will need dental care as well. Small and frequent effective hygiene habits will make a big difference in maintaining healthy skin, healthy teeth, and good overall health. Look for environmentally safe pet products that have natural ingredients.
The American Shorthair is a laid back cat breed that enjoys being indoors, and around family. This cat does well with either apartment living or home living.
Which Cats are Hypoallergenic?
Most people think their allergic reactions to cats come from the animals’ fur. In reality, the source of the allergy originates in the saliva of the cat. When cats grooms themselves, allergens are transmitted throughout their coats and shed around the house.
Lagotto Romagnolo
The Lagotto Romagnolo is a rare dog breed that originated during the Renaissance period in Italy and were bred to retrieve waterfowl. “Lago” translated, means lake in Italian. This dog breed was also used to sniff out truffles. Most water retrieving dog breeds are thought to have originated from this dog breed.
Brief History
The Lagotto dog breed goes back many centuries. The Lagotto Ramagnolo worked as waterfowl retrievers and were, for many years, used to sniff out truffles in the Italian countryside. This breed is thought to be the best in truffle sniffing. It is part of the Sporting Group, and was made part of the FSS program in 2001. This dog breed was recognized by the UKC in 2006.
Physical Features
The Lagotto Romagnolo is a small-to-medium-sized dog breed. It is powerfully built, and has a rustic, country feel. This dog breed has a distinctive, dense, curly coat with lots of woolly hair. Their eyes are large and round and can be eye hazel to dark brown. Their ears are medium-sized and triangular in shape. They are also known for having a wiry mustache. Their tails are woolly and their coats have tight, ring-shaped curls with a soft undercoat beneath. Curls are everywhere except on their heads, where they have abundant eyebrows, whiskers, and a beard. Color should be an off-white solid color, white with brown and orange patches, brown roan, different shades of brown, with or without white, orange with or without white.
Average Height:
16-19 inches
Average Weight:
24-35 pounds
Life Expectancy:
15-17 years
The Lagotto Romagnolo is an affectionate, and easy-to-train dog breed. It is undemanding, and keen, yet very attached to its dog parent. This dog breed is an excellent guard dog, but is not aggressive. They are famous for having wonderful sniffing abilities. The Lagotto are also known for their gentleness, and for being a great companion. They are good with children, and other animals. This is an indoor dog that needs companionship, and lots of TLC. It is very loyal, and energetic. This dog breed enjoys swimming.
Special Needs
The Lagotto Romagnolo needs an active family that enjoys long hikes, swimming, and plenty of outdoor fun. This dog breed is gentle, and positive dog training needs to be geared with that in mind. Socialization should begin during the first four weeks of puppyhood, and continue throughout a dog’s life. This breed needs plenty of mental stimulation, and does well with organized canine sporting activities like agility, trails, dock diving, and obedience.
These dogs do well with detection of medical conditions, and work well as therapy dogs. These are indoor dogs that benefit from lots of TLC. They need plenty of outdoor activity. That said, the Lagotto enjoys hanging out with the family on the couch at home.
Possible Health Concerns
Bloat. This breed is deep- chested, and thus more prone to bloat. Bloat is a life threatening emergency. It is caused by the twisting of the stomach, together with the accumulation of gas, with or without fluid. It is best to never elevate this dog’s water and food bowls. Stress is also a major factor in causing bloat. Never feed your dog a large meal, followed by exercise. At the first signs of dry vomiting, restlessness and discomfort, contact your emergency veterinarian.
Hip Dysplasia: This is a hereditary developmental disease. HD affects the Lagotto dog breed. HD occurs when the hip joint fails to develop properly. In the Lagotto with HD, the head of the thigh bone does not fall into the hip socket. The imperfect fit results in the joint becoming loose and unstable, and results in osteoarthritis.
Juvenile Epilepsy: This is a recessively inherited disease. In this dog breed, the symptoms occur from 5-9 weeks of age. The dog has seizures of the entire body with loss of consciousness. The seizures go away by 8-13 weeks of age.
The Lagotto Romagnolo dog breed
The Lagotto Romagnolo is an energetic dog breed that does well with plenty of regular exercise and canine sporting activities. Keep your Lagotto mentally stimulated when out exercising. Sports like obedience training, field trials, dock diving, tracking, and agility are good options for this dog breed. Swimming at the dog beach and pool at home are also fun activities for the family.
Dogs should be fed the highest-quality food that’s appropriate for their age, activity level and medical conditions. Consult with your veterinarian if you need advice about which food to feed your dog.
The Lagotto Romagnolo
The Lagotto Romagnolo has a waterproof coat that is curly. They have a double coat of hair, and shed rarely. Trimming needs to be done regularly on this dog breed. This dog breed is one of the best for allergy sufferers because they rarely shed.
Regular bathing is recommended with natural shampoos and conditioners to promote good skin and coat health. Daily tooth brushing is recommended to prevent gum disease. Twice yearly visits to the veterinarian for dental hygiene maintenance is required. Ears need to be regularly wiped out, and nails trimmed regularly to prevent pain when walking and running.
The Lagotto Romagnolo needs an active family that enjoys long hikes, swimming, and plenty of outdoor fun. This dog breed is gentle, and positive dog training needs to be geared with that in mind. This dog breed needs plenty of socialization, and positive dog training starting during puppyhood.
All About Guinea Pigs
If you like your pets warm and fluffy, cuddly and cute, tiny and tempered, then read on!
boston terrier dog breed
The gentle and friendly Havanese with their soft coats and bright eyes are a favorite of apartment-dwellers. But this lively and intelligent “Dog of Cuba,” who is gaining popularity, was once nearly extinct.
Brief History
The Havanese is from a bloodline called the Barbet, now known as the Bichon family, descended from the Mediterranean area as far back as 600 B.C. Relative breeds include the poodle, the water spaniel, and the Portuguese Water Dog.
There is some dispute between dog historians about the origin of the Havanese. Some theorize that they descended from the Italian Bolognese and the South American Poodle. Others think their origin lies within the Maltese and that they were transported to the West Indies.
Cubans agree that the Havanese were brought by sailors as gifts intended to charm señoras in the early 1800s. The puppies were goodwill ambassadors, encouraging trade between the sea captains and wealthy Cuban families. The Havanese became a fixture in the homes of well-to-do citizens.
The Cuban Revolution of 1959 endangered this dog, as the population was forced to flee the country. They left pets behind in the care of friends and servants. A couple of families managed to smuggle their dogs out of the country. These were the first Havanese to arrive in the United States.
In 1974, the Goodales of Colorado began searching for a dog to enhance their breeding career. They wanted an intelligent companion dog, and in their search, they discovered an article about the Havanese in a Spanish magazine. They tracked down the Cuban families who had spirited the dogs out of the country and acquired six dogs from them. They expanded their search and located six more Havanese from a Cuban devotee in Costa Rica. Through their efforts with four bloodlines, they kept the breed from becoming extinct.
Five years later, the Goodales helped to found the Havanese Club of America. The United Kennel Club recognized the Havanese in 1991, and five years later, the breed was recognized by the American Kennel Club.
Physical Features
According to the AKC breed website, the Havanese has, “a curled-over tail and a gorgeous silky coat, which comes in a variety of colors.” The Havanese has a sturdy body that is longer than it is tall.
Average Height:
8.5-11.5 inches
Average Weight:
7-13 pounds
Life Expectancy:
14-16 years
The Havanese is a fun animal and has a reputation for being a canine clown. They are intelligent and sturdy enough to compete in dog sports such as obedience and agility.
Special Needs
The Havanese is active and needs a sufficient amount of exercise daily. Their coats need regular brushing, although some owners like to let the hair grow in plaits.
Possible Health Concerns
Havanese can be prone to the following:
Hip dysplasia
Elbow dysplasia
Legg-Perthes disease
Mitral valve insufficiency
Patellar luxation
Heart murmur
Portosystemic shunt
the havanese
The Havanese is a toy dog, but these animals require more exercise than some of the couch potato breeds. This lively, fun companion will keep you busy throwing a ball or even playing chase with a wad of paper. They enjoy climbing, and you may often find them on the back of your couch.
Because Havanese are keen-witted, they can quickly con their owners into feeding them only tasty table food. It takes a savvy owner to keep a Havanese on a strict diet of balanced kibble with some added meat or fish or steamed veggies.
The Havanese is a high-spirited and sweet companion. Knowing one will make you grateful that the breed is still around.
Bernese Mountain dog
When we talk of the Swiss, we can’t help but think of the finest things the world has to offer. Of Swiss origin, the Bernese Mountain dog is no different. Handsomely built, these dogs are noticed everywhere they go. Their beautiful, multi colored coats have graced many famous films and add to their proud demeanor.
Brief History
Bernese Mountain dogs, also known as Berner Sennehund is one of the many dog breeds that trace their origins to the mountainous regions of Bern, Switzerland. Sennehund literally means “the herdsman’s dog”, which explains much of what this dog was used for. They were used as companion dogs to herdsmen and shepherds often seen pulling milk carts to the market, driving cows to and from the mountain pastures and guarding their keepers’ homesteads. The biological roots of this breed can be traced back to the breeding of a large mastiff dog and a small cattle farm dog. By the end of the 19th century, this breed almost became extinct when their usefulness was actively replaced by roads and machines.
Thanks to a specialty breed club formed in Switzerland in 1907, the breed was saved, giving it a new life as show dogs. In 1937, the ACK recognized the breed. In the 1970’s, the CKC followed suit. Today’s Bernese breed is lovable and fun to be around, they crave human companionship and are instinctively gentle with little children as well as little animals.
Physical Features
Bernese Mountain Dogs have a generally sporty build, which explains why they were a choice dog to compete in shows. Bernese dogs love the cool weather, and their thick silky tricolored coats keep them warm during the rough winter months. Their coat colors are: rust, clear white and jet black. On its coat and face, you are bound to see distinctive markings which are the breed’s hallmark.
Average Height:
23-28 inches
Average Weight:
70-115 pounds
Life Expectancy:
7-10 years
Bernies are extremely friendly with people they know, but may be wary of strangers. Small animals, women and children are never a threat to them, however they are always wary when dealing with men.
Special Needs
Bernese Mountain Dogs have a wide range of personality types, due to their mixed-breed heritage. It is best to get to know your particular dog over time with lots of attention, patience and love.
Possible Health Concerns
Despite their sturdy appearance, Bernese Mountain dogs are a breed with many health problems. Their active breeding has left them more susceptible to hereditary diseases, which keep their average life expectancies low. Hereditary cancers are a major concern while other diseases are: orthopedic diseases, elbow dysplasia, bloat or gastrointestinal syndrome, blood clotting disease, heart disease, hip and elbow dysplasia and eye diseases.
the Bernese Mountain dog breed
Bernese dogs are not an exercise-oriented breed, despite their stature. As a matter of fact, they’re known to detest long periods of activity. Due to the importance of exercise, you’ll need to devise a strategic plan that keeps them active. Having outdoor space where they can casually roam, or other pet friends to play with are good ways to encourage this to happen.
Bernese dogs require high quality dog food. It may be commercially prepared or home prepared under the supervision of your vet. Always provide your Bernese with clean water at all times.
the Bernese Mountain dog
Due to their thick coats, Bernese dogs don’t do well in the hot weather. Brushing should occur several times a week to prevent shedding and hair matting. Bathing may take place as needed.
However, cleaning the face, ears and any area with folds should occur daily. You may choose to groom your dog further by taking it to a vet for hair and nail trimming.
The Bernese Mountain Dog is a beautiful, loving breed that commands attention everywhere they go. If you’re looking for a gentle companion to a house with children, Bernies are the way to go!