True to their name, the Japanese Bobtail is a playful breed with a short tail that resembles a pom-pom. According to ancient Japanese legend, the bob-tail is as a result of a cat that set her tail on fire while sleeping. The frightened
kitty reacted by running, and accidentally set the town on fire. The truth behind the cat’s short tail stems from natural genetics. Generally, Bobtails are people-oriented, full of energy and extremely endearing. They adjust well to dogs
and other animals.
Brief History
The Japanese Bobtail has existed in Japan for centuries. It is even depicted in ancient prints and paintings from Japan.
The Bobtail didn’t arrive in America until 1968 when Elizabeth Freret imported a number of kittens from Japan. This was recorded by the Cat Fanciers’ Association (CFA). This is the world’s largest registry of pedigreed cats. Around the
same time, another cat breeder named Lynn Beck, visited Japan and began importing Bobtails.
In 1976, the CFA accepted the breed for championship status. A few years down the line, the same organization gave recognition to a long-haired version of the Japanese Bobtail.
Physical Features
The Japanese Bobtail is a medium-sized cat with a muscular appearance. This is attributed by its slightly longer hind legs and medium-sized bodies. Their eyes are wide, large and alert while the eyeballs feature a shallow curvature that
doesn’t bulge beyond the cheek bone. The eye color ranges from gold, blue to green. Japanese Bobtails have a wide range of colors and patterns. Preference is usually given to bold, dramatic markings. The tail is visibly short and it may
be rigid or flexible. The hair on the tail is somewhat thicker and longer. Their bone structure is slender and dainty.
Average Height:
8-14 inches
Average Weight:
6-10 pounds
Life Expectancy:
15-18 years
Japanese Bobtails are sweet, active and intelligent cats. They enjoy games like fetch, and highly developed muscles also allow them to jump hurdles and heights. Bobtails are also people-oriented, which makes them ideal companions. They
tend to get along fairly well with most cat breeds and adjust well with dogs.
Japanese Bobtails are inquisitive in nature.
Possible Health Concerns
If well maintained, the Japanese Bobtail is healthy and strong. Despite this, they can suffer from a collection of adverse health conditions such as obesity. They can also suffer from periodontal disease. Japanese Bobtails are susceptible
to viral infections like rabies, rhinotracheitis, calicivirus and panleukopenia. These infections are preventable through vaccination. This breed may also suffer infestation by parasites like hookworms, roundworms, whipworms and
heartworms. It is important for the cat to undergo regular visits to the vet in order to avoid such health problems.
Since they are quite active, they will require regular exercise. This is also for the purpose of maintaining healthy weight and lifestyle. 30 minutes of a brisk jog or playtime twice a day is enough for this cat.
Taking care of the Japanese Bobtail is quite easy. This short-tailed feline will require frequent combing. For weekly removal of dead hair, it is best to use a flea comb. Their silky coat is water resistant which means that they rarely
need a bath. It is important to note that some Bobtails have rigid tails so you should make sure you handle their tails gently when grooming.
The Japanese Bobtail thrives in environments where it is surrounded by adventurous and lively people. They are quite playful and provide great company along with adorable looks. This beautiful exotic cat has a warm personality and can be
an excellent family cat.
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